AI, Psychology and Brain Software
Reception principles
What kind of data send our senses to the brain? - Do we have a videorecorder behind eyes? - the input-data processing in natural receptors, observation of output formats and values
Before we can understand data formats and their processing, we should make a concise review, how the informations about physical outer world enters our mind.
Today's neurology is on the right way, but their knowledge still comes only from scaning the relatively large brain areas for increased blood flow or oxygen consumption with CRT and Magnetoresonancy. They know things like: "when we damage this area, patient don't recognise human faces". So from the beginning:
Konsensual knowledge says, that our five senses - vision,
hearing, flair, touch, taste - are the only one gate connecting physical universe with our inner space. Defintelly, we would be cut-off from outer world without them, but there are also another important receptors influecing our reactions and behavior, which represents relevant inputs. A human body knows, when it is an absence of oxygen or water in its blood, we feel hunger everyday, we know exactly, when it's time to go on a toilette too - all this information comes from internal receptors. Importance of internal receptors input in human personlaity creation and cognitive processes is strongly disvalued.
We can often observe certain misinterpretation of a human behavour in psychoanalysis, right
because an observer's slight - even omission - of this vital information impact, which
influents our cognitive process even when we sleep. Everybody knows, how annoying dreams
we dream when we suffer from fever or when we feed-up our stomach with a greasy food. And all this feelings are based on purely internal conditions of pur body...
So, if we want to specify the exact reasons of
human reactions and how they are initiated, we need to know correctly described
triggers - physical, environmental and psychological impulses - which launch the chain of
processes with a corresponding reaction on the end. But how different human senses interpret this information, so they are comprehensive for our "supercomputer", or better said "superchip" - the central nervous system? On a basis of following analytical work supported also by latest neurological research, we know that output data from primary cortical centers are interpreted by a specific "internal language of senses" - specific human Cerebral Instruction Set - CIS . This package of "basic bricks" represents all relevant data inputs
comprehensible for a human brain.
Therefore the subject of primary research in AI should be to define the elementary set of
the data formats and their possible values for every sensual input, next used in
cognitive process - in Secondary Brain-data Analysis of
a human entity. Only with this "brain dictionary" we'll be able to exactly describe human instincts and reactions. Without knowing CIS set, our interpretation of instincts will be vague and influenced by "unknown factors".
Simplified: Every individual information able to produce any intervention
or change in the brain processes is a relevant and separate data input of The Cerebral Instruction Set values.
Basic research of CIS should focus on a VISION - the most developed human sense, providing 80% of whole input
information about outer physical world. I hope everyone know basic anatomy of our human
vision receptors - the eyes: The reflection of outer world is continuously
projected on the retina covered by grid of light-sensitive cells. We can compare this grid
very well to video-camera CCD chip rectangle composed from a millions of pixels.
The principle is simple - each cell is able to measure its own value of color and
brightness responding to concrete point of the image projected on retina. This
"photographic" information flowing from about 120 millions of retina cells are
transmitted to specialized brain center by about one million ganglionic fibres. Again, we can compare human eyes output to a video-data stream of about 1000 x 1000 pixels. Every fibre sends its value several tens times per second.
This system hourly transfers billinons of individual values of color and brightness for following processing in the brain.
And here is the point, where a strategic difference between a camcorder and human comes: storing of individual pictures compound from milions of pixels could overload brain in an hour. Fortunately, we don't need to process whole picture, we just remember what's on them. And that's what primary analysators provide us - analysing tremendous amount of data and finding useful description. For example the brain doesn't need to work with whole picture of a "tree", but represents the object by CIS value of the "tree". Thus primary analystors provide us knwledge usable and comprehensible by our instincts, complex associations and also capable to be effectively stored in a memory. This process - let's call it "Primary
Data Analysis"- PDA - is described in next chapter.