Primary Data Analysis

autonomous process of interpreting information compatible with human brain data formats

brainAs I mentioned in the previous chapter - "Reception principles" - first, I will focus on the vision-sense in my study. The eyes - in every situation - provide us a continuous stream of "seeing" - comparable to a video data. It represents an image of the outer world, containing all possible shapes in different colors and brightnes, changing in time. Very important is the fact, that there are no concrete or separate  "frames"  transferred to a brain, as used in video-technologies. Every retina cell sends it's actual value through its nerve fibre continuously as well as it is analyzed by the Primary Data Analysis - PDA. Of course, this process has a concrete limits of change measurements capabilities. The frequency for the movement recognition in a direct view is about  30Hz, but computer monitors are developed with frequencies more than 100Hz because of physical influent of peripheral view recognition, however acting under conscious vision threshold, though making some noise in the route to PDA centers. The ability to gain BIS impulse is simply based on the adequate amount of  changes of  visible electromagnetic energy - the light - absorbed in a certain time period by all vision cell on retinas of both eyes. It's possible to measure it - easy.eye.gif (20053 bytes)

Let's get back to further processing of this basic data streams produced by a retina cells. My goal is to prepare the fundamentals for a human thinking simulation, therefore I will not try to explain a principles of the signal's transfer process, neither   physical or electrochemical properties of neuron fibers or their architecture. Anyway - I don't want to depreciate the importance of neural functions analysis and simulation, however, I would like to move the focus point from "hardware analysis" rather to understanding "software": you don't need to know microprocessor architecture of your computer, if you would like to understand how Internet communication works. The analysis of the human software functions is able by psychological observation and experiments as well as by logical analysis of a human reactions and their accounts in certain situations. So, first question is:

What do the brain "see" and what don't?

I'll introduce the model supporting my  theory, particularly in the process of rendering primary information from a raw "video data" stream in the process I named "The Primary Data Analysis"  - PDA:

1.) There are concrete, autonomous PDA analyzers for every source interpreting raw data received by any receptor in our body. We can compare this brain centers to a special 3D-f/x video modules in computers, which are specially used for "hardware acceleration" of computing graphics. The mostly used process of a hardware acceleration is the "virtual reality" synthesis in games and computer visualizations. In these systems, computer's own processor role is only to define the raw properties of an objects - like their shapes, positions, colors, pattern, opacity, shines - expressed only like the property definition. Then, by the  means of this basic information, 3D-f/x card renders real pictures of the world as we know it - colorful mountains with a cloudy sky above, houses, animals and even such environments that we never be able to see in the real world. By a reverse process we should be able to  analyze complex world and gain raw object properties, as they could be next processed in HAI simulation.

2.) Every analyzer has its definite and concrete output of data formats and their values - "Brain Instruction Set" - BIS - as shows diagram "Vision analysis" below (consider this only as a representative - not definitively complete list, where only serious laboratory experiments could state its most precise form):

ai.gif (73076 bytes)

The picture above interprets seven main PDA functions of vision sense analyzator. Each function uses specific analysis which can be understood as the inversion of mathematical functions used for a rendering in the computer graphic. How could be observed and determined these data formats and values of  the Brain Instruction Set - BIS? The principle is very simple: as it's explained in previous chapter - every individual information gaining changes in our reactions is a relevant and separate data input of The Brain Instruction Set values. So: experiments are based on the survey of the PDA analyzers output dependency on a changes of external conditions basic elements. Of course, this circumstances suggests typical psychological experiments with a test pictures and objects. However - the world around us is much more complicated then small 2D pictures of  cartoons or other simple drawings. Best experiment space should be produced and managed only by a virtual reality system, where could be sky, virtual trees, animals and the whole world processed and managed in only one original form - in 3 dimensions - without the necessity of a secondary process finishing 2D pictures to 3D in subjects mind. This problem is best shown on an usual 2D snaps of a forest - you can see nothing but green and brown blots - it's always needed to engage secondary analysis to complete the calculable 3D space. And many times this could be a damn-robust operation for the brain, many times with several outcomes. I suggest the 2D artists consider this brain-overload to be abolished and allow the looker-on to analyze instant and natural 3D experience instead of abusing their analyzers like a 3D rendering machine which fix what a two dimension arts lack. Have you ever heard of some artistic exposition named like "Himalayan mountains" where a critics highlighted the expressionistic figuration of gables spread bellow 60 miles large, deep-blue space of a 3D set-piece? Have you ever feel the fear from heights while looking on 2D pictures of such mountains?

So, if we want to abolish any secondary analysis to extract primary possibilities of our PDA analyzers, I suppose to examine only a single category of   PDA function by creating its primitive representation in virtual space followed by altering its values for every measurement.  Then, only a single, concentrated and short-time sights of tested space should be exposed to a subject to avoid the composite brain-data analysis which can produce secondary values.  After the exposition, the subject should  be able interpret his captured perception or feeling, as concrete as possible, only by a single expression or word.

Single experiment able to be done by anybody at home or simple lab:

Survey of PDA function 1.4: Shapes recognition
Goal: Show a imperfection of the classic shapes test.

Conclusions: The variety of the single shapes identification is originated from an absence of additional information - primary identifiers - which are needed to state their exact values. Mainly:

are needed to define the eyes, skin or a nose of the animal on the picture.
Anyhow, in 3-dimensional version of this experiment could be the acqired expressions considered with high accuracy as the example of universal PDA values. Very important is the fact, that PDA defines the same shape in a different rotation, situation or a size as an absolutely separate value. That means, PDA do not identifies values as: "big triangle, small triangle, triangle up side down", but something like: "the hill, edgy rock, the nose" with an aspects of other relative visual information. Just try the experiment again with the same cards 90 degrees rotated.

3.) BIS - Brain Instruction Set - bites of information are the first part of data types used for creating complexes of experience stored in a human memory

4.) These data types are used for further Composite Brain-data analysis performed by instincts and drives

5.) The basic architecture and performance of PDA analyzers depends on the inborn genetic disposition.
If genetic engineers could be able to understand the functionality of the human "brain hardware", we could be able to alter inborn facilities, dramatically raise brain power in wanted direction and disable old invalid programs and archetypes, useful in prehistoric times but dangerous for all mankind in simultaneity. Consider possible effects:

I understand, that these ideas sounds very, very courageous, but remember: these are only direct consequences of  resolving the complex problem: "How the human thinking is done?"

- read following chapters, it could be an interesting disclosure for you...


