Composite Brain Data Analysis
What's consciousness? How thinking is done?

As I mentioned in previous chapter named BIS - "Brain Instruction Set" - there are two basic sources of data feeding up our consciousness from outer space:

Primary Data Analyzers (PDA) output values like Vision + Hearing + Flair + Taste + Surface Receptors + Internal Receptors
Instincts output identifications such as: "joy", "hunger", "falling", "love", "lust"

These data stream simultaneously gains recalls from memory, where complex associations are stored as links of BIS values. The links are recalled by single matching of prevailing BIS values with those in memory and freely influencing other recalls in a process we call "thinking", "dreaming" or "meditation", depending on the prevailing source of BIS : weather they are mostly originated from "fresh" sources of PDA analyzers or comes from inner world. Other special conditions, acquired by a practice, also influent the way we act in a series of "dreaming" states where PDA data are in minority. Meditation and hypnosis for example are special states of mind where PDA output is inactive or only "tunneling" silent stream of PDA data through deactivated instincts without interaction with them thereby directly interacting with activated memory association system even able to rebuild or delete some complex association. The best description of this process could be a "subconscious programming". This powerful tool has been used for centuries by religions to program their obedience and leaders by them selves in a variety of rituals and prayers.

Why a human "thinks" more than an animal?
I think all subconscious reactions - human or animal - are those programmed modules or instincts able to gain reaction instantly after perceiving trigging BIS values. A rational reaction - after thinking - on the other side, do not come from "first impression"- from BIS values from PDA analyzers - but was based on reaction on projected situation exposed by recalled BIS values in association process. This process, called thinking, is simultaneously creating virtual circumstances in virtual world called fantasy or creative imagination. And the width and range of this ability, extremely developed in a human brain, differs human from animal.

The intelligence is about creative imagination ability. A genius have got wider and sharper fantasy. It's possible to develop creative imagination - hundred and thousand times wider - for example by Jose Silva method. Everybody can become genius.

From upper assumption we can deduce these definitions:

Sub-consciousness - is a process providing instant reactions on prevailing BIS values on a basis of association already stored in memory.

Consciousness - provide reactions based on a virtual conditions simulation in an imagination gained by a complex association.


This is not the end, I'm only tired of waiting on publication after 16 months of composing this work - so let's do something effective and discuss...

