Brain Instruction Set
Fundamentals of semantic ontology
A human is able to describe the
whole universe by words representing his experiences, knowledge and feelings. Everything
we think about is a process of confrontation between reality on the input side and our
human drives, instincts and demands on the inner side. Anything we do, anything we did,
was influenced either directly by our original inborn programs or by their
"complexes" created by interaction with reality and life as it is. But at the
very beginning of the life-journey of the human entity, there was only a simple program,
primary determining what was "good" and what was "bad" and responding
only by instinctive reactions. This "Baby Program" contains every embryo in its
DNA structure. The whole genetic information in a human is about 600MB (capacity of 1 CD
ROM). A chimpanzee has only 10% less of that. Only these 60MB of instructions (comparable
to some minimum installation of MS Windows) differed Albert Einstein from some Cheetah
from a jungle - when they were born.
At the beginning of a life, the brain receives data only from primary resources - from the primary data analysis. However, in this point our mind starts to build-up its own internal universe by associating individual circumstances into complex experiences. But this process is strictly meaningful - it works only if an instinct or a secondary analysis recognize that THE situation is relevant to gain THE psychical potential - simply: only IMPORTANT situations or circumstances are firmly memorized. The decision, whether the situation is important for the subject or not, primary adjudicates our instincts exclusively. This is also a wider definition of the word "instinct" for my theory - any inborn secondary analyzer program gaining a reaction as a response on a particular combination of data.
Definitely - during whole life, every single reaction of a human entity is deduced only from the instincts - whether directly, or in a long line of a complex association - the instincts produce primary result of every human cognition. Therefore, it is possible to state primary data of the "Brain Instruction Set"(BIS) - able to be recognized by the instincts in mutual combinations of circumstances as relevant complexes, gaining an "Instinct Program" - the reaction - running.
It's remarkable to understand, that the instinct identifications are also relevant BIS values creating whole set. "Identification" as a process is only for simplification - I suppose, that in a human brain are instincts identified and associated directly from its reactions and demands, because it is most precise and useful for further processing. The instincts could produce also special inner environment changes which could be identified by special inner receptors.
Simple Example on a baby instinct:
Conditions (provided by primary data analyzers - relevant BIS value): | "Lack of glucose in blood - medium crisis" |
Identification (provided by instinct - relevant BIS value) | "Medium Hunger" |
Reaction (provided by instinct) | "Crying" |
Followed by an association:
Conditions (provided by all relevant BIS values: conditions, identification, reaction): | "When I'm hungry and crying a while" |
New complex conditions (mother feeds baby) | "A food comes" |
Useful context - experience | "How to get a food" |
These primary data of BIS are the basic elements of the human semantic ontology
. This set of sets of data is capable to create, as a hundreds of basic bricks of the LEGO, every human feeling, word, experience or idea. Therefore I consider to determine the basic data of BIS, as a first and absolutely unavoidable step in process of understanding human mind and simulation of instincts and their complex deductions. My scheme of BIS - Brain Instruction Set - identifying every human association is here:BRAIN INSTRUCTION SET |
output values of Vision + Hearing + Flair + Taste + Surface Receptors + Internal Receptors such as: "brown", "cracking", "bread aroma", "baked wheat flavor", "hot", "lack of glucose" ... |
output identifications such as: "joy", "hunger", "falling", "love", "lust" ... |
Yes, that could sounds like a bakery advertisement spot - a luscious and rich complex of VALUES comprehensible by a human. The advertisement professionals know how to make a perfect, deep and long lasting human experience. These are the only basic bricks of human associations - as the cognitive process develops human's knowledge, the "memory" connects these identifications together into complexes of associations compound from previous associations and again with BIS basic values. This is also the way how a man is able to build up more and more complex objects in its mind - such as people's identification and their relations, abstract thinking, ways how to get a love, as well as the reason to kill somebody. My opinion is, that also whole the "abstract" mathematics is also build up from a very concrete PDA output values and instinct output values, providing us the basic information about the outer world, such as "what is much and what is few", "rising", "falling", "add in vs. ablate". Did you know, that all the complex instructions in your computer are based only on a simple "plus" and "minus" functions in binary system of ones and nulls? Anyway, I do not claim, that a human thinking is a binary system - its architecture could be identified as Extensible Instruction Set Computing - let's call it "EXISC".
The human brain EXISC system must be very simple, but effective. It's a single purpose processor where is no flexibility in its utilization. Your brain will never work with another "hardware components"- this firmware was developed by the evolution as an integrated system of input and output components creating a human body. The EXISC is expanding its architecture from an initial state I named "Baby program" directly by creating its new instructions based on special associations of basic BIS values (Primary Data Analysis and Instincts identifications) and secondary BIS values (association of the previous). This instruction set expansion is, what we actually call "retention" or "memorization"- associating new circumstances with the previous knowledge of a human entity. This process is directed and influenced by an Instinct analysis output. Let's say you should remember these five pieces of information:
1. "axcmasg h64sfg4 5fgcvfyfsd g546e"
2. "equalizer orange snail potato luck"
3. "Cry"
4. "Today it was a nice day."
5. "Your neighbor won 1 million dollars."
You remember only meaningful words - as closer to simpler and stronger emotion they are, they are simpler to gain retention.
Let's stop for a while here- it's about time to mention about one of the most progressive AI project in global human knowledge definition and analysis - "CYC Ontology Guide".
"The knowledge base is built upon a core of over 1,000,000 hand-entered assertions (or "rules") designed to capture a large portion of what we normally consider consensus knowledge about the world."
CYC ontology guide defines and analyzes global human knowledge in a logical tree structure with 3.000 expression on the top or basic level which should be able to describe and compose any other in the levels below. THE top level is their "basic instruction set", from which any human expression should be originated. THE top level is the key difference between our theories. The CYC top level selection is based upon linguistic terminology analysis and grouping providing forced segmentation of the human thinking into 43 categories. Do you think, that your brain or thinking or inner world could be based on these categories:
Top Level
Time and Dates
Types of Predicates
Spatial Relations
Changes Of State
Transfer Of Possession
Parts of Objects
Composition of Substances
Prepositional Attitudes
General Medicine
Linguistic Terms
Actually, I appreciate the giant analytical work of CYC, but they have a vast amount of still too complex expressions in the basis. In my scheme, these expressions could be comprehensively analyzed much deeper in a natural line of association of BIS instruction - up to the instincts components and their relation to circumstances or receptors PDA values.
Let's take a word from Biology category of CYC ontology - "Mammal":
By CYC explanation, "mammal" is the basic level expression which should be
one of basic expressions compounding any animal description. This could work only when a
human life was concerning only biology study. However - the human needs and possessions
have much more simpler basics based on natural living and original environment.
My analysis of the "mammal" word looks like this:
Mammal > Animal40+Sucks30+From20+Mother20+Milk15+Peace15+Love15+Youngling25
Animal > Group of [animal contours]20+[animal shapes]20+[animal
movements]5+[animal surfaces]40+[animal behaviors]5
Sucks > [Physical, sensual action of my own body]5+[Liquid]5+[Sucking sound]40
From > [Physical definition of a movement direction]40
Mother > [Mother]40
Milk > [Liquid]15+[White]40+[Food]+[Milk taste]10+[smooth surface]30
Peace > the world15+people30+[love]15
Love > women30+[peace]40
Puppy > [young animal]40+doggy20
Every individual reader could add his own extending expressions based on his individual feelings - but there will still oscillate some universal consensual representation of "mammal". The expression in [ ] parenthesis are definitively lowest and basic BIS values. The rest, representing complex expressions, could lead the analysis through a whole space of association of my life until it stops definitively on BDR values I was equipped in first days of my life. The number values express subjective strength of given association.
However, defining the BIS values already from first two levels of association could provide 90% compatible definition for every human complex experiences based on the same language, thus providing possibility to trace concrete and meaningful ideas in the brain if you'll be able to lock their BIS connections between PDA centers.