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A few tips to break into the French travel market

!Forget : the French are like other Europeans

Fact : While you may feel there common treats between the traveling preferences of Germans, Dutch etc..., they usually don't feel that way. Your children may some day do business with Europeans, but you deal with Germans, Dutch... and French. Consequently, when you deal with the French, make sure you ask what they actually want to buy.

!Forget : the French get on my nerves

Fact : No kidding. We have seen more than one travel professional hyper about the French style. Don't even think it! It shows. The truth is that the French are usually over critical about their own country unless an outsider throws in the slightsest word about it. You will raise a defensive reaction which you will find arrogant when they will think the same about you. You don't want to do this if you want to get business from the French. Right? Our advice is to avoid any comparison and do your best to understand how a French mind works.

!Forget : getting business from the French is tough

Fact : Several million French tourists travel abroad each year and, obviously, some incoming companies do handle that business. The truth is that French wholesalers are very cautious when they select their suppliers. The French law makes them fully responsible for their clients and their business is at risk if the services they sold are not totally provided. This, even is their supplier is at fault. Consequently, wholesalers make sure they can rely on their supplier before they deal with it.
A list of corporate clients they are familiar with or membership or inspection by renowned organizations will convince them better than the traditional "10 years in business". In addition, they will ask a lot of information, test you in many different ways before they actually sign on.
The good news is that once they have decided to do business with you and are happy with it, they stick to it.

!Forget : French companies hardly ever return a call or fax or are slow to do so

Fact : Returning a call is a part of business etiquette in some countries. Realize it is not a part of the French etiquette. A lot of companies emphasize the necessity to cut costs down and telecommunications are more expensive than they are in some other countries. In addition, you should realize that a lot of French companies are understaffed, due to the high cost of salaries. As there is only so much a person can do, it is not uncommon that companies experience delays.
Consequently, a lot of French companies won't return a call unless it is expected to bring cash in a close future. If you are the one who wants to get business from them, you should be the one calling back.

!Forget : I can get business from all over the world thanks to my web site

Fact : a minority of French homes are hooked to the Internet. It is rising, but the French who have their travel arrangements done by a French travel agency are protected by the law we mentioned earlier but they are totally by themselves if they deal through the Internet. Youngsters may be more dary, other clients are usually cautious. Consequently, for now, if you want to get business from the French, you should rely on more traditional ways of marketing them.

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