Selling incentive trips
to the French You want to sell incentive trips to the French? You will find here information about your market in France, about French incentive trips planners and how to reach them
With French economics soaring, and new challenges to be met (the Euro, the EC, the 35 hour work week...), companies feel the need to stimulate their staff and clientele. Consequently, the outbound market for incentive trips is on the rise. From family-owned businesses to mega-companies, most consider offering tours as a valuable communication tool. Large companies additionally get involved in sport events to establish their fame. 15-20 billion francs a year are estimated being spent by French companies on incentive trips. They usually expect custom-designed tours, and among the most popular at this time are cruises, theme parks, specialty tours, special events, team-building. Popular destinations? Any, as long as the quote meets the budget and the program meets the company's goal.
Companies rely on their communication department to handle incentive trips. As a lot of them outsource their communication, incentive trips are often handled by communication agencies. To meet the legal requirements in France (only licensed travel agencies can handle tours), communication agencies agencies often create an in-house travel agency or outsource themselves to a partner travel agency. Consequently, the market of French incentive trips planners is very atomized. More than 300 incentive trips planners are numbered throughout the country. They rely on foreign receptive operators to put together the programs and quotes. Most of them are located in Paris area, which makes it easy to meet directors of operations once you reach that point. To do business with these incentive planners, your best bet is to approach them with a proposal. We'll be happy to provide you with the mailing list of incentive trips planners or to approach them for you. Ask us for more information. Many thanks to Aurelie Panissie for her contribution to this page. This Travelring site is
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