French tour operators
information You are after European tour operators? Good! Here is data about tour operators in France. Find some of the information included in our database of French travel wholesalers. On this page is general information about French wholesalers. Detailed information about tour operators with various specialties and their market also available when you click on the menu left. Find out how yo can sell your incoming travel services to them!
The large tour operators such as Nouvelles Frontieres, Fram, Jet Tours and Kuoni hold a good part of the market selling vacations worldwide. Smaller companies usually target a niche market : for example Golf autour du monde, Terres d'Aventure etc... You should decide first who you are after. About 75% of them are located in Paris area, which makes it easier for business meeting when you reach that point. Though, as tour operators located outside of Paris are not as heavily marketed by foreign suppliers, they often are more receptive to their proposal. Besides, quite a few tour operators located outside of Paris are soaring on the national market.
There is a lot in the travel trade news about building European groups. Merges are on their way and incoming agencies dealing with these mega groups will get a chance of getting reservations from many European countries. Nevertheless, as for now the huge majority of French tour operators sell to the French themselves and you should make sure you sell what is adjusted to their needs.
When they sell volumes on a specific destination, wholesalers sometimes deal directly with hotels, sightseeing and tranportation suppliers. Though, most of them make reservations with foreign receptive operators : they find it more cost-effective and they get rid of a lot of hassle. They meet their suppliers on trade shows or they are directly approached by them (mailings, telemarketing, ads...). They rarely hunt for an incoming agency on the web. They usually test new suppliers many times before they actually make reservation. Very often, they will only give feed back after the supplier came to them several times or will ask a few estimates not followed by reservations. They want to see if the company is reliable. Is it answering quickly? Are prices decent? Is the company consistent? Does it adjust to their specific clientele? The good news is that once they found a supplier they like, they stick to it. They usually accept net rates or ask for a 20-25% commission as they grant 10% commission to retail travel agencies.