WinZip NowHere we have a selection of wallpapers, subjects of which Oliver is interested in, as you can see they vary a great deal, from Robbie Williams to Toy Story! You will find detailed instructions on how to download and install these wallpapers at the end of the page.

If you do not have a copy of WINZIP please select the tab to the right and download the free software (it says evaluation but you don't have to pay!) onto computer.

Wallpaper Details Preview
Choose correct size of your monitor and download the zip file by clicking on it.

Title: Robbie Williams (640/800)
Download Size: 640x480
Download Size: 800x600

Choose correct size of your monitor and download the zip file by clicking on it.

Title: Neo (640/800)
Download Size: 640x480
Download Size: 800x600

Choose correct size of your monitor and download the zip file by clicking on it.

Title: ToyStory (A/B)
Download Size: 640x480
Download Size: 800x600

Choose correct size of your monitor and download the zip file by clicking on it.

Title: Mickey (A/B)
Download Size: 640x480
Download Size: 800x600

Choose correct size of your monitor and download the zip file by clicking on it.

Title: Orca (A/B)
Download Size: 640x480
Download Size: 800x600

Choose correct size of your monitor and download the zip file by clicking on it.

Title: Titanic (A/B)
Download Size: 640x480
Download Size: 800x600

Instructions of how to download and install;

  1. You will need a copy of WINZIP to install the above files. Its free to download from their website.

  2. Browse though the preview pictures above. When you find a picture you like, select the link beneath it which applies to your desktop size.

  3. Click on the link you want to download with the right button of your mouse, choose SAVE AS and save it in a directory you will remember.

  4. Once download is complete, locate the file from the directory you saved it in (using Windows Explorer) and click on it.

  5. Hoping you have winzip already installed, Winzip will start up and you should extract the bmp file into your c:\windows directory.

  6. Now select, START, SETTINGS, CONTROL PANEL,  DISPLAY in the area where it shows a picture of your moniter there should be a box below the words Wallpaper. You will find the name of the bmp file here. Just highlight it and click on APPLY.

  7. If you have problems installing any of these wallpapers please contact

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