[Click on the photos to view them larger]

Here is a picture taken in Menorca during March 2000.

The people in the picture from left to right are:- Jaime, me, Kai and John. John and Jaime are my cousins and we had such a great time on holiday together. John is the same age as me and loves the same things as me too. We loved playing Power Rangers together! Jaime will be four soon and is a bit older than Kai, she was great too and I loved swimming with her in our pool in front of the villa.

Back in June 1998, we had a party for my sister Kai's first birthday.

There were lots of people there and William and Edward came along too. Mum and Dad hired a bouncy castle and we had it the WHOLE weekend. In this picture you can see from left to right, me, William, my grandmother (I call her Ma Ma), Kai sitting on Ma Ma's lap and Edward. We played on the bouncy castle you can see in this picture whilst all the grown ups were boring and ate a Barbecue. Later on one of my friends, Rosie fell in the paddling pool, it was really funny, she was ok!

This is a picture of my Aunty, her name is Sue.
She is really good fun and loves to come and play with me and Kai. Mummy and Aunty always take me out for the day and this picture was taken when we went to a little farm in Hertfordshire. Can you guess who took the photo? Me! I even took a few pictures of a worm I saw near the water as well that day! Mum and Aunty were laughing alot because I did that, but I don't know why. Aunty still hasn't shown me the pictures of when I went to the zoo with her and I keep asking her to show me! When she does I'll put some up in my picture page!

Can you guess who this is? It's Kai!!

This is my favourite picture of Kai at the moment, isn't it funny! I love pirates ever since I went to Disneyland in Paris so Daddy has bought me lots of things to wear. Kai likes to play pirates with me all the time now.

Kai even knows how to use my very special pirate sword that says "Ahoy Matey!" and "Walk The Plank". When she sees this picture on the screen she really giggles cos she has just realised what photographs are! She is almost walking now and I can't wait because then we can hide lots of buried treasure...

This last picture was taken on my birthday in December (14th!). I had a party at Ma Ma's house and I got lots and lots of presents.

You can see Edward in this picture and he is helping me to blow out the candles on my Thomas cake! Thomas is another one of my favourite things if you didn't know. Edward and William love Thomas too. Whenever I go over to their house to play, we always ending playing Thomas, because they have EVERYTHING! Uncle Paul said he is going to make me a wooden railway set, Edward and William have one and I can't wait to get it.....I'm still waiting for it!

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