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Issue1.0 August 1997

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Kicking things off here, let me tell you a little bit about Yowzer!. Cyber cruising about through countless "kid" oriented web sites, the creative forces here at Yowzer Headquarters (if you could call us that) were somewhat dismayed by how "unkid" like they were. Most sites aimed at older audiences seemed easier to understand and navigate. The educational pages were too cut and dry; the "fun" sites tended to be patronizing, forgetting that their audience was made up of young people who are smart enough to find their site and then speaking to them as if they were not. Here at Yowzer! we know that just because someone is seeking information they're not boring, and that someone looking to enjoy themselves isn't always unaware. With these things in mind, along with our fondness of HTML tooling and playful art design, Yowzer! was born.

"So, who are you guys anyway?"

Well, for starters, we're not all guys. The Yowzer! staff currently consists of only two people, Jaime and Brian. Both share an interest in the internet and are themselves two really tall kids. Brian has been working on and designing web sites and graphics for several years (he's frightened to actually say the number outloud) and fondly recalls mastering the BASIC print and go to commands on his family's Franklin Apple II compatible computer in grammar school. He is also currently a part-time student studying multimedia, video and film production. Jaime is new to the world of building web pages, but is no stranger to the world of design. She's a design student at Tyler, the art school off shoot of Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. The two of them can often be found arguing about fonts while watching "Rugrats" and listening to their favorite '50's rock 'n roll songs. You may also note neither are English majors. This may become painfully evident as you read on.

"Why are you doing this?"

The answer to this is simple: it's fun for us, and hopefully for you. Plus we're getting to be creative and learn things ourselves in the meantime. Good clean fun is hard enough to find in cyberville, or the real world these days.

"Is there anything special I should have to read Yowzer! ?"

If you're reading this, I guess not. There are, however a few things you can do to enhance your visit when you're here. The first has to do with your web browser. Yowzer! has been designed with Netscape 3.0 in mind, and contains some special codes and scripts that may not work properly with other browsers (including Netscape Communicator). It can be downloaded free for personal use, and is our current preferred web browser. Internet Explorer for Macintosh also works fairly well, although we've had some trouble with the PC version. Also, Yowzer! uses some special fonts you may not have on your computer, especially if it happens to be a Macintosh (our computer of choice). These can also be downloaded free of charge from this Microsoft site. It may be Microsoft, but you can't beat the the price. It's a fast download and it beats looking at the same type face all the time. Just place the expanded files in your system font folder and you're ready to go!

"Why GeoCities?"

Beyond the fact that it's free and we're not rich, GeoCities is a cool internet community to be part of. They house some of our personal favorite web pages, and the Enchanted Forest contains hundreds of other children's and family oriented sites, many created by young people themselves. It's also where you can find the GeoKidz Club, we may not be fond of spelling "kids" with a "z", but it's still a great site. It's fun, free, safe, and even, *gasp* educational. The real question should be, why haven't you become part of GeoCities yourself?

In a nutshell...

Yowzer! is our attempt to entertain, inspire, and perhaps teach a little as well. We've created, in our eyes, a neat set of characters, fun personal stories, and interesting articles. We're also always interested in hearing from you, and are here to share your sites, thoughts, and stories. So don't fear writing us, we love e-mail!

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©1997. No part of this web site may be reproduced in part or in whole for purposes other than review or search engine links without obtaining written permission from Mediocre Enterprises Ltd. or Yowzer! The On-line 'zine that explodes, P.O. Box 185 Northampton, PA 18067-9998.