Punkin Patch Family Child Care |
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My childcare programs at Punkin Patch are inspired by the "learning by doing" philosophy. I work together with parents to provide their children with life-readiness skills, creative learning opportunities and school preparation. |
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Because each infant has his or her own individual needs, I focus each schedule accordingly. I provide your child with the attention and activities that will help develop needed skills. I will:
Establish trust with your child
Provide safe toys and equipment
Encourage exploration and interaction
Provide individual attention and communication
My program for this active age (18 to 30 months) provides your toddler with a variety of physical and creative activities to help him or her learn and grow. I provide your toddler with activities that stimulate cognitive development and curiousity. This program imphasizes:
Basic social skills
Toilet-training support
Introduction of skills such as self-help and language development
Physical development and exercise
My program for preschoolers focuses on language develoment, problem-solving skills, social interaction and kindergarten readiness. This program emphasizes:
School readiness
Thinking and problem-solving skills
Communication and social skills
Self-help skills
Physical and emotional development
Appreciation for books and reading
Creative art and music
Physical activity and exercise
Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions about Punkin Patch or to schedule a visit.
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Last updated July 26, 1999 by
Terri PunkinsFCC@aol.com
Background set provided by MousePad Graphics
Music by Crescendo
Playing "If Your Happy and You Know It" courtesy of Laura's MIDI Heaven This page hosted by Geocities
Web design by Terri

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