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Ridgecrest Elementary School

Internet Search

IndexesIndex every word on Web every site; may return many irrelevant hits if you search for common words. Use these if you are looking for specific words.
AltaVista | InfoSeek | Lycos | Webcrawler (The original "crawler", not as comprehensive any more, and slow)
Subject directoriesThese categorize Web sites into subject areas, so the content of sites has been screened. You can search the categories for key words. Use these if you are looking for a specific subject. Good for browsing a category.
Excite | Inktomi | Yahoo
Reviews of sitesThese review and categorize Web sites
Yahoo Internet Life (a spin-off of Yahoo; also a magazine)
Search site list Search a categorized list of 200 search sites
Newsgroups Search newsgroups, also called Usenet or network news
People Four11: Search for people, hopefully with E-mail addresses
LookUP! E-mail addresses
Switchboard is a white pages phone book for the U.S., with E-mail addresses of people who have registered them
US West phone book

 Home | School calendar | School profile | Pictures of school | Map to school | Staff | PTA | Internet search
 Accelerated Reader list | Classroom pages | Project resources | Student handbook | Life skills | Site map

Page content: Scott Byrd
Last revision: December 22, 1999