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Ridgecrest Elementary School


Parent/Student Handbook



Table of Contents


* Office Staff
* Student Hours
* Enrollment Cards
* Lunch Program
* Bus Information
* Safety First
* Picking Up and Dropping Off Students

* Bicycle Riders
* Early Dismissal Policy
* School Attendance
* Late Arrivals
* Non-Illness Related Absences
* Accidents and Illnesses
* Student Insurance
* Health and Medical

* Personal Property
* Dress and Appearance
* Volunteer Information
* School and Room Visitations
* Parent Bulletin
* Instructional Opportunities
* Behavior Standards

Office Staff

Lauren Orheim
Marsha Stewart
Trish Capocy
Connie Holbrook
Beth Bailey

Office Manager

Office Hours:
8:15 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

Student Hours

Grades P1-6
AM Kindergarten
PM Kindergarten

9:15 A.M. -3:15 P.M.
9:10 A.M. -11:45 A.M.
12:40 P.M. -3:15 P.M.


Students who walk or are driven to school not allowed on school grounds before 8:55 A.M. This is when adult playground supervision begins. Students should be picked up promptly at the 3:15 p.m. dismissal time.

Enrollment Cards

Enrollment cards need to be completed and signed by a parent or guardian each year. This card is our lifeline to you. As information changes, please contact the office so that we may make any necessary corrections to your card. We advise you to have at least two emergency contacts.

Staff News

Please welcome the new staff members to our school for the 2000-2001 school year:

Mr. Mike Gebhardt - Pre-first
Mrs. Demorie Herrick - Third grade
Mr. Jeremy Roy - Fourth grade
Mrs. Jill Hanson - Fifth grade
Mr. Justin Martin - Fifth grade
Mrs. Mary Benson - Special Education
Mrs. Challeigne Wiens - Vocal Music
Mrs. Rebecca Proemba - Speech Language Pathologist
Mrs. Beth Bailey - School Nurse

We would like to recognize the following staff members who retired at the end of the 1999-2000 school year:

Mr. Jim Fosnick, Mr. Edward Kazinsky, Mr. Jock McIlraith, Mrs. Nancy Severtson, Mrs. Helen Stender, and Mrs. Marilyn Strader.

Lunch Program

Hot Lunch Price: $1.75

Lunch credits may be purchased as your child goes through the lunch line. You are encouraged to buy at least one week's worth of lunch credits by check, if possible. Ridgecrest is a choice lunch school, which means that your child will have a choice of three different main entrees each day. Please note that the Puyallup School District may NOT loan lunch credits. If for some reason your child forgets a lunch, he/she will receive a granola bar and milk. Milk is 40 cents (an increase from last year) and is purchased with cash only.

Free and reduced lunch credits are available for qualifying families. Forms may be picked up in the school office. Applications for the free and reduced lunch program must be renewed on an annual basis. Feel free to call the Food Service office at 841-8773.

5 lunch credits = $8.25
10 lunch credits = $17.50
15 lunch credits = $26.25

Bus Information

In August, you should have received the "Back to School" publication, which had bus routes listed for the district. If you need a copy, we have some extras in the office. We need written permission from a child's parent if he/she does not ride the school bus home and someone else is to pick him/her up. When you receive your copy of "Student Rules and Regulations" on the first day of school, please go over all bus rules with your child. Parents are asked to make sure students understand the importance of bus safety on the bus and at bus stops.

Safety First


In accordance with the Washington State School Administration Code, the school route for safe walking is diagrammed here.

Due to the speed of traffic, crossing Military Road is not allowed. Students living north of Military Road are assigned to ride the bus for their safety. Students living in areas not shown on the map ride the bus.

Picking Up and Dropping Off Students

Whenever you need to pick up your child, please check him/her out through the office. Until we get to know who you are, we may even need to ask you to show photo identification. We will only release students to person(s) whom you have authorized us to release them to. We use enrollment card signatures to verify any notes you may have written.

While this may seem strict, we want to ensure your child's safety. Any changes in your child's enrollment card should be reported to the office immediately.

Our staff members are trained to stop all visitors whom they do not recognize. We do this to be alert to strangers in the building, and to be helpful to our guests. We hope you will see these procedures as sound security precautions.

Please avoid parking in the bus zone when dropping off or picking up students. Before and after school, please drop off your child in the designated drop off area near the playground. When meeting your child after school in the building, please park in the main parking lot and meet your child in the main entrance foyer. For everyone's safety, all visitors entering the building must come through the main entrance. The end doors should not be entered when picking up your child.

Bicycle Riders

Students in grades 4-6 may ride a bicycle to school, and are required to wear an approved bicycle helmet. Bike locks are recommended. The school assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to bicycles. Due to heavy traffic, students are not allowed to cross Military Road or Shaw Road.

Under no circumstances may children in grades K-3 ride bicycles to or from school.

Early Dismissal Policy

Please remember to always give your child's teacher a written note if you will be picking your child up early. He/she will be dismissed through the office on those occasions. You will need to sign your child out when picking them up at any time. For families seeking to have their child dismissed early on a regular basis for private instruction, an application is required and is reviewed by the administration of the school and school district. You may pick up an application in the school office.

School Attendance

One of the factors affecting quality education is regular school attendance. We believe it is our responsibility to communicate with parents as soon as we know a student is absent. Please ensure the safety of your child by letting us know when your child is absent.

Please call the school office after 8:15 A.M. on the first day of your child's illness, and send a written excuse upon returning to school. To better server you, a voice mail system has been implemented before and after office hours.

Parents may also use the School Line (383-5327) to phone in absences and/or listen to recorded messages. If we do not hear from you, our school will contact you at home or work when your child is absent.

If your son or daughter has an appointment scheduled during the school day, send a note with your child so they can be excused from class.

In May of 1995, the State Legislature passed Senate Bill 5439, commonly known as the "Becca Bill". Under the provisions of this bill, schools are required to closely monitor attendance.

Late Arrivals

It is required that all students check into the office if they arrive late to school. A parent must sign in students, or a note from a parent explaining the tardiness may be sent with your child upon check-in. This will prevent the student from being counted as absent.

Non-Illness Related Absences

We understand that there are times when your child will be absent from school for more than one day due to a non-illness related issue (i.e. vacation, religious observance, special event, etc.) If this occurs, a Planned Absence Form must be completed and sent to the school office prior to the absence. Planned Absence Forms are available in any school office.

Accidents and Illnesses

If a child becomes ill or is injured at school, the staff will give emergency first aid. Parents will be called as needed. If parents are unavailable, we will ask for assistance from the emergency contacts you have listed on the enrollment card. It is extremely critical to always keep your child's enrollment card up to date.

Student Insurance

You can obtain insurance through EXCELSERV, a private insurance company. Information is included in the first day packet. If you choose to obtain student insurance, please complete the form and return to the school office.

Health and Medical

Medication should not be brought to school unless absolutely necessary. You and your doctor must complete a "Physician's Orders for Medication at School" form (available in any school office). If medication (including non-prescription drugs) is necessary, it must be checked-in to the office/health area. The medication must be in the original prescription bottle. Please refer to the medication information in the School District "Rules and Regulations". Any allergic conditions or special health concerns should be brought to our nurse's attention right away.

Personal Property

Make sure all personal belongings, especially clothing, are clearly labeled with first and last names. Students are not to bring electronic devices, skateboards, personal athletic equipment, or other toys to school. We will furnish playground equipment for students.

Dress and Appearance

Dress should not interfere with the learning process, nor should it create a potential safety hazard. Mid-thigh and longer length shorts are allowed, but must be hemmed. Halter, tank tops, half-shirts, and any clothing that advertises drugs or alcohol products are examples of inappropriate dress. We will enlist your assistance if we come across inappropriate clothing that disrupts the educational process.

Volunteer Information

Volunteers are always welcome at Ridgecrest Elementary. For the safety of all our students, if you plan to volunteers, please sign in on the Visitor Register in the school office.

All volunteers in the Puyallup School District will need to register and be cleared to participate in student activities, including field trips. Applications must be renewed annually.

School and Room Visitations

Your active involvement in the school and your child's education is valued and encouraged. Your child's teacher will appreciate your contacting him or her directly if you want to help at school. Please sign our Visitor Register in the office, and wear a volunteer badge. This security measure is designed to provide a safer environment for the children and staff.

Parent Bulletin

Your child should bring home a Ridgecrest Parent Bulletin approximately every two weeks. These bulletins will provide you with a calendar of events and useful information.

Ridgecrest PTA

Our PTA has some excellent services available to parents and children. We hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to be an active member in this organization. To keep you informed of upcoming events, a PTA newsletter is published every other month.

Instructional Opportunities

Instructional Music Program - The Puyallup School District offers a band and an orchestra program to elementary students. Band begins in the fifth grade and orchestra begins in the fourth grade. During the first two weeks of school, the band and orchestra instructors will conduct screening and provide information to parents about the band and orchestra programs.

Quest - A program for highly capable students is conducted as a pull-out program for qualifying students. Please call the Quest office at 841-8751 to receive detailed information.

Library - All students at Ridgecrest participate in a curriculum-based library program on a weekly basis. Mrs. Bloom, our Librarian, would be happy to share her program with you.

Classroom Music - All students receive classroom music instruction from one of our two classroom music instructors, Mrs. Diem Dennis and Mrs. Challeigne Wiens.

Physical Education - Students in grades 4-6 receive sixty minutes of instruction each week from Mrs. Balmer, our Physical Education Specialist.

Computer Lab - Students have the opportunity to enhance computer and technology skills within our Computer Lab. A flexible schedule is employed to give all students this opportunity.

Special Services - Several special service programs are offered in the Puyallup School District to qualifying students. This year, Ridgecrest offers a self-contained Developmentally Delayed Program, a Special Education Resource Room, and a Remediation Program. In addition, speech therapy and occupational therapy are provided on-site for qualifying students. We would be happy to answer any inquiries you might have about our special services program. To reach the Special Services Department directly, please call 841-8700.

Counseling and Guidance - Mrs. Connie Holbrook is our school Counselor. She will provide counseling services and classroom lessons to students. Please contact her through our school office.

Parent/Teacher Conferences - Conferences are held each year for all students. Grades K-3 have two conference periods, one in the fall and one in the spring, while grades 4-6 will have only one conference in the fall. During conferences, Kindergarten classes are cancelled and grades P1-6 are dismissed at 12:00 p.m..

Report cards are prepared three times each year. In November, report cards are sent home with parents at their scheduled conference time. In March, report cards are sent home with students in grades 4-6, and with parents for students in grades K-3. On the last day of school, a final report card will be sent home with students who have no outstanding school fines.

Behavior Standards

High standards are set and taught to students at Ridgecrest Elementary. It is our aim to provide a positive and safe environment for the children attending this school. We would like you to place special emphasis on:

Ridgecrest Big "4"

Respect for:

All People



Personal Space

We believe these four rules, when taught, re-taught and reinforced, make a positive difference in the behavior students demonstrate. Ridgecrest is a respectful school. A Ridgecrest Rules and Regulations packet was sent home in September for you to discuss with your child.

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Page content: Lauren Orheim
Last revision: October 13, 2000