Tony's Tray's and Signs

Besides Cans and Bottles which will soon be filling my room, I think Trays and Signs add a little zest to any collection. Their are many unique Signs and Trays amongst collectors that have hit the market in many and possibly all parts of the world that are limited edition, flawed or errored, unique amongst graphics used, etc. The first tray I came to own was one I purchased at a garage sale for $20, It is all black, from 1986, It is is a collectors as encripted onto the tray, and the unique thing about that tray is that it is an advertisement which is all black and white, the only white is the outline of the bottle and a couple of pictures in the backround which are also in white. The tray is also of Diet Coke, and the only red anywhere on the whole tray is a small emblem if Diet Coke in the bottom left hand corner of the tray.


I personally think this is of some value because usually on any Coke advertisement they will use some red to catch the viewers eye. This tray has a thin (2mm) line of red around the Diet Coke emblem (1" square).



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