A special Thanks...

I'd like to thank the many people who have helped me with my collection, making the web,

and the people who also helped me build my collection. Of course some of the things of I have

in my collection were found by mistake, I'd also like to thank the many places out there that sell

coke things, all the can and bottles collectors, The Coca-Cola Company for coming up with

such a great beverage, and also thanks to them for giving me something to do on my spare time.

In case you are bored right now... Find a Can/Bottle of Coke and look at it, think of what people

would have thought in 1886 looking at the same drink, would they think the same as us (just

another can/bottle) or would they appreciate how far one company has made it, Pleasing billions

of people world-wide.

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Copyright Tony Got, 1999