Born: May 28, 1971
Moscow, Russia
Home: Simsbury, CT. and Moscow, Russia


Competitive Highlights (with late husband Sergei Grinkov)
1994 Olympic Pair Champions
1991 World Professional Champions
1991 World Challenge of Champions Gold Medalists
1990 World Professional Championships Silver Medalists
4-Time World Pair Champions (1990, 1989, 1987, 1986)
1990 Goodwill Games Pair Champions
1988 Olympic Pair Champions
1988 World Pair Silver Medalist

In their thirteen years together, Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov came to define pair skating. They lifted the sport to new heights, artistically and athletically. With a style all their own, Gordeeva and Grinkov made a name for themselves as the most recognizable pair team from the former Soviet Union. Together they won four World Championships and two Olympic Gold Medals. A successful team on the ice, they also became a successful team off the ice. The couple married in April, 1991 and had a daughter, Daria, in September, 1992.

Having achieved their goals as amateurs, Gordeeva & Grinkov turned professional and starred in Discover Stars On Ice. When Sergei, 28, died tragically of a heart attack in November, 1995, the skating world lost one of its greatest performers. Katia lost her husband, partner and best friend.

Gordeeva now pursues a solo skating career. "I skate for Sergei and hope the people will remember him each time I take the ice," says Gordeeva. Katia made her solo debut in "A Celebration of A Life", February, 1996. She joined the Chrysler Stars On Ice tour in Canada during April, 1996, then skated Stars on Ice shows in Hawaii, Japan and Korea later in the season.

This season, Katia will tour with the 1997-98 Discover Stars On Ice. Last year, she was seen in the Disney television special, Beauty and the Beast. In November, 1996, her best selling book, My Sergei, A Love Story was released to spectacular reviews.


If I Could Live Anywhere in the World, It Would Be: "Where my family and my work is."

What Is Your Motto?: "Be yourself."

Favorite U.S. City and Why: "New York, because it's full of energy."

If You Opened My Refrigerator, You Would Find: "Ice cream"

Hobbies: Cooking, needlepoint

Favorite Food: Japanese sushi

What Do You Value Most About Yourself and Others: "The ability to contact with people and have respect for them."

Favorite Childhood Memory: "Spending summers at my Grandparents' cottage house."

What Is Your Favorite Journey or Vacation Trip?: "Going back home to Russia or different old European cities."

Favorite Actor: Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson

Favorite Books: 'Master and Margarite,' by Bulgakov

Favorite Movie: 'Godfather'

Sports Hero: Scott Hamilton

Most Memorable Skating Achievement: "Olympics and our tribute to Sergei, 'Celebration of a Life.'"

Accomplishment I Am Most Proud Of: "My baby, Dasha."

Best Advice Your Family Gave You: "Always try your best and know your family loves you."

If You Were Not Skating Which Talent Would You Most Like To Have and Why?: "Dancing, not only the ballet."

Why Would You Choose Discover Stars on Ice Over Other Tours?: "Because it's the best tour in the world!"

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