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Birthdate: October 28, 1964 Dallas, Texas
Home: Somerville, Massachusetts
Intrests: Water Skiing, Snow Skiing, reading, hiking, camping, music, scuba diving
Education: Harvard College, B.A. 1991

competitive highlights

1996 Ultimate Four Championships - 2nd
1996 U.S. Professional Championships - 2nd
1995 Challenge of Champions - 1st
1994-95 Miko Masters Paris Championships - 1st
1994 Pro/Am Championships - 1st
1993 World Challenge of Champions - 1st
1993 World Professional Challenge of Champions - 1st
1993 Miko Masters Paris Championships - 1st
1992 World Challenge of Champions - 1st
1992 World Professional Figure Skating Championship - 2nd
1992 Pro/Am Championships - 1st
1992 U.S. Open Professional Championships - 1st

1992 Olympic Silver Medalist
1990-92 United States Silver Medalist
1989 United States Bronze Medalist
1988 Olympian
1988 United States Silver Medalist
3-Time World Team Member

What comes to mind when I think of Paul Wylie? Talented, Persistent, articulate, inspiring, engaging, outstanding. And, oh, that medal winning Olympic performance in Albertvill, not to mention the spread eagles and Russian Splits. Paul is all of the above--and more; he proves that dreams can come true.

Paul Wylie startled the world of skating by outperforming the best at the 1992 Winter Olympics. The result--a Silver Medal to mark the culmination of his amateur skating career. That acheivement also brought him the U.S. Olympic Spirit Award, recognizing his contributions, both as a representative of his sport and as a competitor.

As the Olympic team captain, Paul began the winter games with confidence. He had placed in the top ten in the 1988 Olympics and won medals in several U.S Championships. He also spent 12 years as an International team member. His flawless programs at Albertville were all they needed to be--athletic, technical, emotional and dramatic. With the crowd enthusiastically behind him, Paul skated the program of his life to clinch the Silver. It was truly one of the highlights of the 1992 Olympics.

The 1997-98 national tour of Discover Stars on Ice marked his sixth year as a professional figure skater. He announced at that time that it would be his final season with the show. Many a skating fan turned out to see his final performances.

Paul has been highly visible on television. Since turning professional in 1992, Paul has won eight major televised competitions: the inagural Pro/Am competition, the U.S. Open Championship, the World Challenge of Champions, and the Miko Masters in Paris, France. In the first ever Pro/Am Competition, he beat current U.S. Amateur Medalist, Mark Mitchell. His monumental professional competition was the World Challenge of Champions. In this competition, Paul beat Brian Boitano(Brian's first defeat in eight pro competitions) and the reigning Olympic Gold Medalist Viktor Petrenko. He is two-time Champion of the Miko Masters Competition in Paris where he dazzled European audiences. Paul's Gold Medal preformances at the 1993 World Challenge of Champions and the 1993 World Professional Figure Skating Championships proved once again that Paul is one of the finest professional skaters in the world.

Aside from his impressive skating credentials, Paul is a cum laude graduate of Harvard. He is now pursuing a course of studies for a future in law.

Recognized as one of the most articulate athletes in sports, Paul is also pursuing a broadcasting career. His first network assignment was with the CBS coverage of the 1994 Winter Olympics. Paul was the expert analyst for short-track speedskating events. Paul also wrote 1994 Olympic related reports for Newsweek and the Dallas Morning News. Recently, Paul was an analyst for ESPN.

Corporations have also discovered Paul Wylie's many talents, particularly his speaking abilities. Paul has worked for Nabisco, Maxwell House, IBM, and other major companies.

Paul was the figure skating athlete representative of the United States Olympic Committee. He also served on the Board of Directors of the United States Figure Skating Association and served as Vice Chairman of the Athlete's Advisory Committee.


If I Could Live Anywhere in the World, It Would Be: "Paris"

One Thing You Would Never Leave Home Without: "I should never leave home without shades and sunscreen."

If You Had All the Money You Needed, You Would Buy: "Something for someone else, maybe a water filltration system for an African village or a college education for someone who couldn't afford it."

Tour Travel Tip: "Write you frequent Flyer on a small card and laminate it. Refer to the card without bringing the cards along. I learned this from Kristi."

Hobbies: "Just took up golf and windsurfing, still enjoy boating, skiing, and biking."

What is Your Motto?: "Love my neighbor as myself."

Favorite Music: Doobie Brothers, Fleetwood Mac, U2, Jars of Clay.

Favorite Books: 'Franny & Zooey' by J.D. Sallinger, 'The Bible'

Favorite Television shows: 'Saturday Night Live', Seinfeld'

Sports Heroes: Bobby Orr, Scott Hamilton

Favorite Actor/Actress: Anthony Hopkins, Meg Ryan

Three Things My Friends Don't Know About Me: "I'm a homebody, touring isn't just fun and games, and frequent flyer miles are my passion."

Favorite Dinner: "Sushi at Nobu in Tribeca."

How do you prepare for a show: "Hot shower, great CD, a little stretching, close my eyes and concentrate."

Accomplishment I am most proud of: "Graduating with honors from Harvard and winning the Silver Medal in Albertville within a year of each other."

Philosophy on Life: "The chief end of man is to love God and to enjoy Him forever."

Why Would You Choose Discover Stars on Ice Over Other Tours: "De plane, de plane. No seriously, the tour allows us to expand artistically with all new choreography and group numbers each year. Lighting and sound are first rate. The cast becomes a family."

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