Welcome To Pele's Place!

So...what is a
"Pele" you are asking??? Well, Pele is an adorable
Labrador Retriever,
being raised for Guide Dogs for the
Blind, INC in San Rafael,
California. Now you are probably wondering just what it takes to
be a guide dog for the blind, and I hope to inform you more about
this project through this web page! Thanks for visiting!!

It's a Boy!!!
Pele was born on October
20, 1998 at Guide Dogs for the Blind, INC. Pele's parents are
Sprig and Jackie. His litter was assigned the letter
"P" with which all their names were to start. Pele's
brothers and sisters will all have names that begin with
"P" as well. Pele lived with his siblings in the kennel
at Guide Dogs for the Blind, INC for the first 8 1/2 weeks of his
life, until he was placed with me, his raiser. Pele came to live
with me on Decemeber 19, 1998. His brothers, Putnam and Preston,
are also being raised in Yolo county. Pele will remain in my care
until he is 14 to 16 months old, when he will return to Guide
Dogs for his formal training. I'll be updating this page with
Pele's progress over the months that I have him! Check in again
and see how we are doing!

Jessa's Journey / Chotah's Clubhouse / Harvard's Haven / Lindsay's Lounge / Georgie's Dog House / Tweety's Bird Cage / E-mail
Pele / E-mail Cassie