Where's My E-mail?

Pele and I joined a mailing list for people raising pups to be service dogs. There are crazy moments, tons of good advice, stories, celebrations, laughter and even some tears with puppy-raisers all over the world!! It is great fun! When their humans step away from their computers for a few moments too long, our pups tend to take over the keyboards and share in the list traffic! Pele enjoys this time!!

Pele loves getting the chance to read e-mail from his 4-legged friends!

Pele loves writing to his friends too!

If you are a puppy raiser and interested in the list, please visit: The Home of International Puppy Raisers! There's lots of great information there!


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This Puppyraiser/Service Dog Ring site is owned by Cassie R. Sullivan (and Georgie).

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