Lindsay's Lounge
Hello again! Welcome to Lindsay's Lounge! This is the shortened story of life with Lindsay! Miss Lindsay was the fourth puppy I raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind, INC.
This is Lindsay a couple weeks before she came to live with us. Several of her relatives had been raised in and around Fresno as well. Lindsay's father is Hampton. Lindsay's Aunt Hansi and Aunt Hattie were raised in Fresno County. As I recall, there was some familial link to Harvard as well, but I do not remember the clear connection.
On February
14, 1993 Mom and I picked up this little ball of fuzz! This
picture was taken while little Lindsay and I were being
interviewed by the news team from whatever town we were in. We
never saw the news clip, nor do we know if she even made the cut,
but with a face like this... who could resist?
(L to R) Billy and Darice, Me and Lindsay, Josh and Bond, Brenda with Hobbit, Candie and Linda
This was taken at one of the many Fun Days the Far-sighted 4-H'ers attended. I'm not sure what town that was in, but I remember something about crossing railroad tracks! (Don't ask, I just remember odd details about events in my life)
Miss Lindsay on the bed?? No!
Guide dog puppy's aren't allowed on the bed!
(L to R) Candie with Linda, Hilary with Sandra, Brenda with Hobbit, Jason in the hat, Kim and ?, Seth and ?, Eve and Holga (?), Katie and Golda (?), Lindsay and I, Kim and Chuma, Josh and Bond, Nicole and Rudy
This picture was taken while waiting to board a ferry. We rode into San Francisco and toured Peir 39 with our pups. This is an annual event the Far-Sighted 4-H group does on the first Saturday of August. (The day after GDB's annual Fun Day)
Lindsay on May 15, 1994.
This is the day I put her on the truck to return to GDB for
training. About two months later, she was career changed due to
some behavioral problems. She has been living with one of my
mother's co-workers since she came home. She has wrapped this
family around her little paw and they love her dearly! Lindsay's
goal in life was to be pampered, rather than to live the life of
a working dog!
Jessa's Journey / Chotah's Clubhouse / Harvard's Haven / Georgie's Dog House / Pele's Place / Tweety's Bird Cage / e-mail Pele / e-mail Cassie