Chotah's clubhouse
Welcome to Chotah's clubhouse!
Miss Chotah was the second pup me raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind, INC. Chotah is Jessa's half-sister. They share the same mother, Tiax, who was retired from the breeding program after Chotah's litter. Chotah came to live with us in September 1990 and remained in my care until October of 1991. Like Jessa, Chotah was career changed due to hip dysplasia just after returning to "college." She lived with my family for several months, waiting for her new owner to ready his place for her. Due to circumstances beyond our control, that owner was not able to take Miss Chotah. She then moved in with a family friend, where she lives happily today.
Chotah and I
exiting a bus Fun Day 1991 in San Rafael, California.
Miss Chotah and her sister
Cobbler, who was raised in a neighboring county.
Chotah taking a ride on a wild pig in Morro Bay,
Chotah on Amtrak, using her
puppy-sitter's foot as a pillow.
In July 1991, Chotah traveled to Colorado with fellow puppy raisers while I was in Mexico. She is the second golden from the left, sitting with Hansi and Brenda, who is now on GDB's staff. (Sorry, I do not know the others in the picture)
This is from the same trip.
Here, Chotah (on right) is with Hansi (Left) and working guide,
Chotah helped teach a Vacation Bible
School class just after her Colorado trip! What a girl!!
Chotah's final portrait, taken just
weeks before returning to college. Here, she is 15 months old.
Living with us for several months after Harvard
came into our lives, she was a huge help in his
initial training. (She also tried to drown him by pushing him into the pool when he was 7 1/2 weeks old in December! What a brat!)
Tweety's Bird Cage / Jessa's Journey / Harvard's Haven / Lindsay's Lounge / Georgie's Dog House / Pele's Place / e-mail Pele / e-mail Cassie