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This page is dedicated to my lovely family..


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The only thing I have got to say is that I can not thank my parents enough for all the job they did on me and on us. Mom and dad, Thanks for making us such a cosy and happy family.

Bro Negede, keep representing in the lecturing arena.Your talents never stop astounding me. I can see you so much further bro.

Little Ati (Hiyawneh),but little no more,rebel as you always have and  keep the highschool momentum going.You know I can kick your ass in soccer anytime and not only. 

My sister ye-elshadai,I miss you.You know I didn't look like you for no  reason.You are the smallest of us all that inspires us the most.

I have nothing but love for you all.



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My father (Bottom Right ) and My mom (Left Back)


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Us children... (me, sis, big bro, little bro)

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March 7 1999