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About School days much enjoyed:

Hibret, Model, Sandford and Waterford still feel intensly close to the heart. I have progressed but am always thankful to those who cared and shared values. All the nutters, players, thinkers, the independent... and the dependent, the chillers who pronounced "CHILLING" well enough, the risk takers but still achievers in their own right, those still coming to terms with why taking it easy but being aware at the same time, is an option and not a mandatory practice in the world, those real and realistic with a hopeful edge to them, those who try and fail but try smart again, the girls(the real ones but non claiming to be girls because whatever gave them a false hope), my university colleagues, those who know deep inside that they should keep in touch so we can keep on running things, better do so now.For such failure may mean being left behind against all our will.

This page is dedicated to school and non school friends

The page for the Ethiopian United World Colleges is now up. Follow the link on the main page to get to it. At the end I hope you find something through these pages: a cause, old stories to amuse yourself with or whatever that you feel part of, as I do.

Take it easy till later and sign the guest book as you ease out of the home page.

The time now is:
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Yilkal Abate- April '99, London.


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