This Page is dedicated to the Ethiopian United World Colleges Committee |
Ethiopia United World Colleges Committee P.O.Box 30056 Addis Ababa Ethiopia |
The United World Colleges Committee for Ethiopia is a non-profit organisation that gives scholarship opportunities to students of academic and social ability. The organisation encourages these students to improve their life and the life of many others. Having attended the United World College of Southern Africa in Swaziland myself, I have my highest regard for the quality of education these group of colleges are able to give and the good atmosphere they are able to uphold. Going back a little, United World Colleges is a group of some 10 colleges in different parts of the world that offer the International Baccalaureate Diploma Course for high school completing students aged between 16 and 21. The baccalaureate diploma that students get upon graduation from these colleges is an almost full guarantee for acceptance into atleast the first year of any university in the world. Usually, students that graduate with IB diplomas from these colleges get exemption from first year at university. The colleges are located in the following countries: Swaziland, USA, Canada, Wales, Italy, Norway, Venezuela, Singapore, India and Hong Kong. These colleges are governed by a central body based in London, Italy and Switzerland. My experience of going to a UWC school in Swaziland was simply magnificent. I found it to be a very happy place full of enthusiastic young people, friendly, well situated on a hill top, generally a place of hidden talent. I recommend this school for anyone who might be contemplating of doing IB in high school, anyone who wants to join one of the United World Colleges, for that matter, I recommend it to any one who wants a quality education and enjoyable but at times quite stressful way of school life with all the rewards for it. Going back to the UWC committee for Ethiopia: Its function is to select scholars on behalf of the United World Colleges Movement for any one or a combination of the UWC schools at a time, in different parts of the world. This, I believe, is a very nice program because it brings in fresh ideas from abroad into Ethiopia and strengthens the academic resource of the country. The committee's members all work on part time basis and non of them are paid for the work that they do for the committee. Sheer good will my friend !! It is the same reason why I am in the process of developing a homepage for the committee to help it to publicise itself and get assistance from those who believe in the cause. Thus, your contribution to the committee in any way you find suitable is appreciated. You can either live your dreams a little starting now or you can let them slip and regret it later. The choice is yours. If you decide to seize this chance, click on the link to the homepage of the Ethiopian United World Colleges Committee or the logo for the commitee on the top left corner of this page and you can learn everything about the committee. Again, Your suggestions, queries and contributions to the committee is very very welcome and the committee thanks you in advance. Contact (me) Yilkal Abate at: for any queries and I will guide you in the right direction if I can't answer your questions myself as a commitee member.
© This Homepage is maintained by Yilkal Abate (Last Updated on March 27, 1999) |
"We are of the earth, which does not see differences of colour,
religion or race. We are 'Kamhlaba' - all of one world."