No,You don't really want to know :

I was born in Debre Zeit, central Ethiopia. I went to school until mid-high school in the same city where I made life time friends and learnt the firm values of my life. My schools were Hibret and Model- both immensely great to me. The fun filled days of school in Hibret and Model will ever be so vivid in my memory. Morocco(Trouble always started in our corner, why?), the football crew in the weekend school, all that rainy season was a wholesome package by it self, Engineer Fitsum, Abiy(Tough Bew), Habtamu(Play Boy), Fereng (Can we disagree one more time?),I can't talk enough about it but let me pass my respect to all the fellows of then and now alike.

Then I went to another school in Addis called Sandford. I met there many great personalities which I hope to keep in touch with more often. The Amans (Mickmicko and Gonche), Teshale (It was an honour being a fresher with you), Asfaw, Sabrina, Samrawit, Alex, Sahr, you are all great. The jokes in Chem, Maths with Mr. Steficzien (One more semester in Sandford and he might as well have gone Crazy), T-Tennis, what not. You know where to find me. I stayed in Sandford until January 94 at which stage I transfered to Swaziland to study the International Baccalaureate Diploma course. The school I went to there is called Waterford, a United World College.

In Waterford time really was in short supply. All the sweat over E.E, TOK, DP, Lab Reports, Mocks, were unlikably popular as IB_football(the worst on earth but the most entertaining simultaneously), corridor conferences (mind you, it was a boarding school), break,bread and Lounging on the lawn, sneaking out at night for one reason or another,the showers, so many other things i can list were popular and tremendously fun. We knew how to have fun in that place with nothing or everything and still did our duties. Simply, WK was full of talent.Well done chaps, well done! To all my dismay my time in WK came to an end, IB finished, friends flew apart and I came back to Ethiopia in Dec. 95 for a few months of rest and work experience.

I got to do work in Shell Depot as some sort of Relief Clerk and I must say I had great company in the office where I worked. Samuel, Chemere, Solomon, Mohamed, Hailu, Seifu, Itenesh, Aster- Thanks for all the valuable times. August'96 I was off to England, where I still am, to study in Univeristy Computer Software Engineering. London is London. In Richmond University, I am also majoring in Mathematical Sciences apart from the Computer stuff. I hope to graduate in 2000 some time and make Big Bucks so I can proceed with my discovery of sorts. During holidays at university I have been to America and Ireland once and to Holland, Belgium and France twice each.

...and Thank you for being so sillily patient and reading the page out.


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