My Personal Constitutional Crisis

Official Ban From the Dean of Students

This is a copy of the official ban I received from the community college Dean of Students a little over 2 weeks after I was released from the state mental hospital. I filed a photocopy of this ban letter at the U.S. District Court as an attachment to my pro se Complaint v. the community college, police, private hospital and state mental hospital. To protect witness privacy I have blocked addresses and individuals' names and substituted fictitious names for the Defendant institutions and myself, in this online version. And of course the original ban contained no hyperlinks.

My comments are copyrighted, but I doubt I can reserve copyright for even this online version of the actual ban letter, since it was originally composed by the dean; and I certainly wouldn't want to claim it as MY words.


Office of the Dean of Students
March 8, 1993

Ms. Disraely Hapend
#### zzzzzzzz zz,
zzzzzzzzzzz, [Morldeth] #####.

Dear Ms. Hapend:

Pursuant to our March 1, 1993 meeting, you have been administratively withdrawn as a student at [Acid Rain] Community College.

The purpose of this letter is to provide you with official notification of decisions that I have made relative to your student status. The first four decisions were conveyed to you orally on or about February 16, 1993 by personnel at [Defoliation] Mental Hospital. They were repeated orally to you by [ARCC Head of Counseling] in the lobby area of the zzzz Building at [Defoliation] Mental Hospital on February 26; and, you heard them for a third time in my office on March 1.

My official position relative to your status at [Acid Rain] Community College is that:

  1. Effective February 16, 1993, you have been administratively withdrawn as a student at the College;
  2. You are prohibited from enrolling in courses during the 1993 summer session;
  3. Your presence on the [Acid Rain] Community College campus is prohibited;
  4. You must not make further telephone calls to [Acid Rain] Community College faculty or staff;
  5. You must not have further written communication with any faculty or staff at [Acid Rain] Community College;
  6. If you wish to seek readmission to [Acid Rain] Community College, you may do so in August, 1993 for fall classes. At that time, I will require you to furnish written correspondence from a mental health professional (i.e., a licensed social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist) that confirms that you have been receiving treatment and have been making satisfactory progress;

[Bombarounyurclok] County, [Morldeth] ##### (###) ###-####

----- page break -----

Letter to: Disraely Hapend
Page 2
March 8, 1993

    I will also need this written communication to include the opinion that you are not a danger to yourself or to others.
    After consideration of all of the information available to me at that time, I will make a decision about your readmission.

Your compliance with these decisions is necessary if you are to successfully petition for readmission. Any violation of these terms will compel me to take further administrative action and may jeopardize your future enrollment.

Further, please remember that I am your point of contact for any communication with [Acid Rain] Community College (###-####). In my absence, [ARCC Head of Counseling] will be your contact. He can be reached at ###-####.

It is my hope that the incidents which led me to these decisions will not reoccur and that [Acid Rain] Community College may again be able to provide an educational environment that will serve both your personal and professional growth.

Sincerely yours,
zzzzzz zzzzz, Ph.D.
Dean of Students


cc: Dr. zzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, President
Dr. zzzzzz zzzzzzz, Department Chair/Counseling
Mr. zzzzzzzzz zzzzzz, Protection Services

The instructions to me in this ban letter were almost exactly the same as those which Dean zzzzz faxed to the doctor while I was incarcerated in the mental hospital. These and several other circumstances lead me and (I hope) others to believe that the community college dean et al REALLY TRIED TO DISAPPEAR ME!

See also my controversial letter to the [ARCC] co-op ed administrator, which I also filed at the federal court as an attachment to my Complaint v. the community college et al.

Disraely Hapend

The National Outtern, The Poor Good Student, America's Most UnWanted, Truerwoman, America's Hottest Potato, The DisMissed Link,
(an Earth-born female adult human woman).

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First World Wide Web publication of my story was in this site ( on December 9, 1998. Previously The "Poor People's/Poor Good Student's" C.C.
As far as I know, first Web publication of this official ban letter from the dean was December 9, 1998, with my comments. Latest revision of formatting/comments was January 16, 2002.
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