Pasir PanJang Secondary School 

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School Introduction

Our School crest has four sections, each depicting a message. The sections include an open book, a lion over a castle, three fishes in mid air and our school motto.

The open book reminds us of knowledge which our students seek within the wall of PPSS.

The lion over the castle brings home the message of our country, the Lion City. This is the reminder of the strength and courage of the nation of which we are a part.

The three fishes are really Duyongs. These Duyongs once teemed the stretch of water off Pasir Panjang. They are small but they are known to be able to ride the fiercest storms. What they lack in size, they make up in courage and determination; a fitting symbol of industry for our students. 

The closing lines of our school song reads:
"......And as the Duyong rides up storm, so shall we face the future with zest and steadfast enterprise."

Our school Motto, PER STUDIO VIRTUES, is in Latin.
PER means through.
STUDIO means diligent zeal.
VIRTUES means strength of character.

Thus our aspiration should be to do well in this school and to succeed in the future developing STRENGTH OF CHARACTER and the application of DILIGENT ZEAL

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Our School Anthem

Treasured memories of the past
Makes us glow with pride
As we sing this anthem
Ours hearts and mind rejoice
Splendid feats recall to mind
Our motto dear
Virtue through endeavor
We've been taught to persevere
Flag and country both we salute and serve
We are proud of our rich heritage
We shall march through life ever resolute
Seeking fame as a worthy prize
We shall strive to do our best
Notwithstanding odds
As the duyong rides up storm, so shall we face
The future with zest and steadfast enterprise
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Copyright @ 2001 Phyllis Tan & Shara Wong
Current Web Site maintained by Phyllis Tan
Last Updated on Thursday, March 20, 2003 07:46:00 AM
This site was established since 20 Nov 1998
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