Mrs. Ong was a teacher of Pasir Panjang Secondary
School for 32 years. She retired in 1992. I did not know her quite well as I
enter PPSS in 1993. However she still frequent the school, as a relief
teacher. The content below was extracted directly from PPSS Newsletter, July
"It is this time when I realize how soon I would be leaving the school
that nostalgia creeps up on me. I came to this school because there were four
Primary Six classes here in 1961. For two years I taught in the afternoon
session. In 1963 I followed my class up to Secondary One and that was the
turning point in my teaching career and I became a Secondary School teacher.
It is strange how the human mind is able to blank out all the unhappy memories
and retain only the happy or funny ones. If I were asked which incident has
been the most unforgettable, I would not be able to decide but there were
certainly many stories that I could share with you.
PPSS students have never been "angels". We had our fair share of
truancy, fights and "escaping" from lessons. Of course, we can also
boast of our former students who are now very successful as businessmen as
well as professionals.
There was a cinema across the road, called "Starlight". It used to
have afternoon shows. One day, our Discipline Master, decided to raid the
cinema to catch students who had not come to school. Luckily , the cinema
Manager was very co-operative. He intercepted the show, switched on the house
lights and rounded up the students and sent them back to school.
There was this other lot that loved to swim in the sea behind the school. They
used to make the temple keeper furious because to make sure that their clothes
would not be stolen, they would leave them on the alter tables. One day, the
Discipline Master decided to teach them a lesson. He went to the temple with a
few prefects and they carried all the clothes back to school. As they walked
away they could hear the boys in the sea shouting, "Sir! Please don't
take our clothes way!!"
PPSS in the sixties and seventies were well-known for its strength in ECA. We
had the best NCC unit. We excelled in marching ,shooting and so on. We were
also indomitable in soccer and softball. Many students who were here in the
seventies would remember the two mammoth fun fairs we had. They were held in
the school field and we had also spit over to the Labrador Primary School
canteen. The students as well as the teachers had a wonderful time. We raised
over thirty thousand dollars from the fun fairs. I had never rolled so many
"Poh Piahs" or made as many hotdogs in my life. The students also
showed their artistic skills and acute business sense.
As I leave, my fondest wish is that present and future students of PPSS would
learn to love the school as the former students did and would take it upon
themselves to work hard and restore our school to her former GLORY! We were
tops in sports; we were also not far behind the better schools in our academic
. . .
Phyllis was a student of Pasir Panjang Secondary School. She was part
of PPSS big family in 1994 and was there for three years. She was also
considered the last batch of the PPSS students. Actually that's me, the
webmaster of this site.
"Though the three years in PPSS is very short compared to Mrs. Ong, I've
grown to love this school. When I first came to this school, I didn't really
like it, I even asked for a transfer. Luckily the application was
My first impression of this school is that the standard of the students
weren't very good. The low ranking of the school made me even more eager to
leave the place. The students here looked quite rebellious too. The building
was very old and did not even have its own Technical and Home Economics
facilities. We had to go to Hua Yi Secondary School for our lessons.
As time passd, i grew to like this place..Thought the appearance of the school
isn't very nice, the place was pleasant and well-maintained. The teachers and
pupils were warm and friendly.
I remember the time when I was in Sec 3, 1996, there was a very warm Teachers'
Day. One of my fellow schoolmate have a heart-related problem. His form
teacher, Mrs. Leong, made an appeal to the school, and although most of the
students don't come from rich families, they still contributed generously.
We've manage to collect about $4000 for this student! It's quite a sum as the
number of students were small . This occasion was report on Friday Weekly's
issue 290 (6/9/96-12/9/96) and Lian He Zao Bao 联合早±¨ on 29th
August 1996.
I would like to express my gratitude to all the teachers who had taught me,
and to my fellow schoolmates who have helped me in one way or another. There
is no words to describe my feelings."
. . .
Shara was also a student of PPSS. Like Phyllis, she was enrolled in
1994 too & became a part of the school for 3 years till 1996.
"When I first got my posting of the secondary school, I was shocked, as I
have not heard of this school before. I asked for a transfer immediately on
the day of enrolment. Unfortunately or fortunately my transfer was
unsuccessful. As times goes by, I felt honoured being a student of PPSS.
Time in PPSS was fun & exciting. Due to the small building and enrolment,
I got to know many friends at a short time. Teachers were kind & helpful
and all students get along well with them.
The most unforgettable moment in PPSS happened mainly in 1995. 3rd August was
our Speech Day. We had a fantastic role-play entitled " The Hero "
to celebrate this memorable occasion. My friends and I played a part by
contributing a dance at the end of the play.
Though the school had inadequate facilities & lots of kissing insects
(mosquitoes), I did had my fun there. I will always remember this school &
all teachers who have contributed in teaching and bringing me to a better
prospect for my future."
. . .
Jenny, was a classmate of the webmasters, Phyllis Tan and Shara Wong.
All of us were from 3E1, 1996.
Due to my inefficient response (hahaha) and busy schedule, this review was
written only on 7th March 1999, about 3 months after its 'launch' on 24th Nov.
1998. Apologies to Phyllis, who had bugged me for this last year.
"I was also enrolled in 1994 and became a part of the PPSS family. I did
not do very well for my PSLE exams and so, I was posted to PPSS. I was quite
unhappy and disappointed as the school is small and isolated. I was late on
the first day of school because I was trying to transfer to another school. It
was unsuccessful. Back then, I hated that school for not accepting me. I took
it that it's just my luck.
Yes, it IS my luck. I've got great teachers who were willing to spend time
teaching. They put in their utmost effort in helping the students. I'm very
grateful for that. =) On behalf of all my schoolmates, a HUGE 'THANK YOU' to
our beloved teachers of PPSS. Looking back, I often wondered why they had so
much patience. Teaching is indeed their profession.
Throughout the three years in PPSS, I've got to know many friends. I'm glad
that God created this opportunity for us. My class was always full of
laughter. It was fun being with them. They were the ones who showed me what
great friends are. Just wanna say, "thanks for being there when I need
you. It was fun growing up with you all..." I really appreciate it and
the memories will always be deeply treasured.
There isn't a specific year that I like most. The three years I spent in PPSS
were well-spent and fulfilling. PPSS was like my second home. It is a real
pity that she (my second home) have to close down on 31st December 1996. Until
today, though the school has officially closed down, the building of Pasir
Panjang Secondary School still remains strong at 45, Pasir Panjang Road,
Singapore 118505. PPSS has made a difference in my life and will always be
remembered. It ended a chapter in my life. My teenage life. As the school
anthem goes, "We shall strive to do our best, not withstanding odds...
... As the duyong rides up storm, so shall we face the future with zest and
steadfast enterprise
. . .