Pasir PanJang Secondary School 

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From left to right:
Top row
Mr. Michael Tan An experienced & "macho" P.E teacher who was also in charge of the TAF Club. He help our obese friends to lose weight. Quite tanned indeed. Always in the same attire too.
Mr. Wee
Another experienced & "muscular" P.E teacher who owns a "stylo" motorcycle which always look as shiny as a glass.
Mr. Chang
An experienced Art teacher who was always there to help when you are in need. He is an expert in Chinese Calligraphy. Was our secondary three form teacher.
Mr. Karuppiah
By looking at the name, we can easily guess that he is an Indian .Yes! You are right! He taught Tamil, iI think he is the only Tamil teacher in PPSS.
Mr. Krishnan
An very experienced and kind-hearted Science teacher who had taught in the school since 1950s. He retired in 1995 and had won great respect from all students and teachers. We really enjoyed his lessons. Haven't heard from him since secondary three.
Mr. Ramli
Our cute & funny Malay teacher who always contributed to the school. He even wrote a poem , which expressed his feelings about the school during the closing down ceremony in 1996.
Mr. Naim
Another Malay teacher who help our Malay schoolmates to achieve A1s in their 'O' level. He was also the teacher-in-charge for soccer.
Mr. Ho
The only computer teacher who taught us many basic knowledge about computers. He was also the Maths teacher teaching the normal technical students.
2nd row
Miss Mei
A pretty lady who teaches E-Maths, A-Maths, Science(Chemistry). Wow...... A really experienced teacher who excel in all kind of subjects. Heard that she even ended up teaching P.E. last year, 1998.
Mdm Heng
Our English teacher who teaches our junior(sec1,2) and also Moral Education. Indeed she has a high moral!
Mrs. Quek
A very experience & strict Chinese teacher who help us in improving our Chinese. The punishment for handing late work is 'fining' . And getting excellence in her work will gain a STAR from her. During her class, everyone earn more STARS than paying her money!
Miss Ng
Another Chinese teacher who really get along well with her class. All students tend to "stick" with her. She was also the teacher in charge for Red Cross.
Mrs. Wong
A "tiny" teacher who teaches E Maths & English, use to teach A Maths too. In the year 1996, she was transferred to Hua Yi, together with Mrs Neo, Mdm Tan and Mrs. Quah.  
Mrs. Leong
A experience History teacher who can speak all the way if she starts the lesson. So you can guess how good her memory skill is!(and the capacity of her lungs)
Mrs. Daisy Quah
A teacher who teaches English, Moral Education and Literature. Another teacher who excel in all too!! Therefore never underestimate the standard of women!!
3rd row
Mrs. Alicia Lee
An experience E Maths teacher who had served the school for a long period of time and had help many students in excelling their Mathematics.
Mrs. Maureen Neo
An elegant teacher who help us understand more about the happenings on earth. Yes! She is our Geography teacher who hardly leave out the OHP during her class.
Mr. Lee
Another Geography teacher who taught the lower sec. He is also our Head Of Department (HOD).
Mr. Tay Siew Hock
The principal of PPSS who can hardly catch his breath to maintain the discipline of the school. Although he had been with the school for only 2 years, the improvement he gave to the school is seen by everyone. For these 2 years, our school was published on Newspaper s a number of times and our education standard did improve a lot. He is now the principal of Mei Chin Sec Sch.
Mrs. Sudheeran
The Head Of Department (HOD) and also our Chemistry teacher. She teaches the upper sec Chemistry.
Mrs. Ow
She is another Head Of Department (HOD) and also our English teacher. She was conferred the EFFICIENCY MEDAL, by his Excellency, the President of Singapore in the year 1996.
Mrs. Vella
Our fierce discipline and prefect Mistress. She teaches Physics and maintain a disciplinary action of getting 'green forms' & detention every time you get caught.

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Copyright @ 2001 Phyllis Tan & Shara Wong
Current Web Site maintained by Phyllis Tan
Last Updated on Thursday, March 20, 2003 07:46:00 AM
This site was established since 20 Nov 1998
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