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I wish I knew why I am putting pictures of me on the
net. Maybe I am hoping some insane stalker will fixate on me and hunt me down like an
animal. Boy, what some people will do for attention *g*. Actually, I put these here
because I needed to fill my 10 Mb at Geocities
completely up. Seriously, when I chat it is nice to be able to put a face or voice with
the text on the screen. You never know when someone will come up to you on the street and
scream "Hey! It's you! We had cybersex together!". Hmmm...maybe I should take
the pics down *g*. Of course I like to show my nephew off. Isn't he adorable (hint: the
only possible answer is "yes")?
More photos exist, but they are not available for the general
public. That sounded bad. What I meant was the high school photos and most of the baby
pics (mine) are not to be seen buy just anybody. If you think you need to see me with
really long hair or a broken foot or me doing a Bullwinkle impression then mail me and tell me why I should let you see such diabolical photos.
They really are funny though. |