HTML Assistance
Newsgroups | For almost realtime help with your webpages try alt.html and/or alt.html.writers. The first one seems to get the bulk of the traffic. I add my 2¢ worth all the time. |
Web Pages That Suck | With a name like that how can you go wrong? In my opinion this is the best site on webpage design on the net. Other pages have more tags (do we really need more tags?), but none give as many good examples of bad examples of usage of the tags. After all do we learn how to be perfect by observing perfection? Nope. We get better out of fear of looking like that fool with the background image that is too narrow. Hmmm...time to check my background image *g*. If you think your web page sucks you might want to avoid this link *g*. |
NCSA's Beginner's guide to HTML | A great site to start off with. Get an Acrobat reader and download the PDF file to save time online. Of course you can always just get a WYSIWYG HTML editor and be a cow ***MOOOOO***. |
An introduction to HTML 3.2 | From the people who KNOW HTML. An expansive document that covers all of the attributes of HTML 3.2. A small bit of advice: If you are new to HTML...don't go here. |
World Wide Web Consortium (aka W3C) | With all the changes that HTML is going through it is a good idea to keep up with all the latest developments. The W3C homepage is one of the best ways to keep up. However, don't expect to understand half of what is on the page if you are new to HTML. Be sure to check out the proposal for HTML 4.0 and the information on SMIL (Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) is rather exciting (if you like that kind of stuff). |
Bill's Crazy, Wacky Fun HTML 4.0 Page | The result of what happens when a lunatic gets a HTML editor with "tag" buttons and a new help file *g*. If this page is what Bill thinks is fun he needs some help. Lots o' help. In any case, this is a good example of why ALL tags are not necessary for a good webpage. |
Software Sites |
ZD Net Shareware | My home away from homepage. My hard drive hates me whenever I go to this site and my modem is usually smoking by the time I leave. The site has software (demos, shareware, and freeware) for every occasion. |
TUCOWS | Speaking of cows...*g*. The software here tends to be more, dare I say, campy, but there are some great finds among the "stuff". The setup is good, but don't expect many bells and whistles. | | Another library of software similar to ZD net ( is by C-Net). There is a great deal of overlap here, but it pays to be thorough when you are searching for the ultimate software *g*. | | More software to clutter the hard drives of the world *diabolical laughter*. Not as much software here, but if you are a Windows 95 user it helps get past all of that "other stuff". That is all in the past now. has "merged" with C|Net. Goodbye to the campy and slow interface and hello to the slick and slow interface *g*. |
Miscelaneous Links |
CNN Interactive | Who needs the nightly news when you can get everything right here. Okay, maybe not everything, but they try to come close. | | A valiant attempt at a college internet community. The listings of student webpages are extensive, but many pages are a grey background with a list of personal info (the value of an education is what?). also has a personals section that is worth a laugh or two. |
KatGyrl®'s Fontain of Youth | I was recently bitten by the font bug. It was a bad bite too. KatGyrl®'s site is not the most expansive or technical, but it is darn pretty. If you download any fonts from the site you may want to be careful. I am not sure if all the fonts are freeware (or even shareware). |
The Houston Aeros | Well, I can't believe we lost to a team called the ice dogs (why not the snow kittens?). Still, the Aeros have a cool site for an IHL hockey team. And if you thought only Northerners played hockey check out our roster. The Aeros have a forward from Jamaica. One question: where did he find ice? |
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