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Everypage looks different on every computer. When my page was created I had a certain design in mind. The following information can serve to recreate that design.

HTML editor Mostly HTML Assistant Pro 97 demo (before it expired) and then some light work using an old 16-bit version of the same program. Some work was also completed with Notepad. Layout was facilitated in updates with MS FrontPage.
Graphics All graphics created with Micrografx Picture Publisher 6.0.
Pictures were scanned using a Mustek 1200sp flatbed scanner.
Pages were displayed on a 15 inch monitor set at 800 x 600 pixels. However, it has been viewed at 640 x 480 and at 1024 x 768 (looks sharp at this setting).
Sounds RealAudio clip recorded with Cool Edit by Syntrillum and then converted to RealAudio with the RealAudio encoder.

[the pwca] [education] [bio page] [photos] [humor] [links] [chat] [mail] [music]
[page creation info]

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