Taiwan Labor Rights Association Taiwan Labour Rights Association

Laodong Renquan Xiehui - lrachars.jpg (4208 bytes) Click here to see the Chinese version of this page

The Labor Rights Association
(Laodong Renquan Xiehui)

Symbol of the Labor Rights Association (LRA) (Laodongdang) - lracolsm.gif (7676 bytes) - The logo consists of 2 gearwheels and 2 hammers, symbolizing industrial labor.

Helping the labor movement with organization and training. Giving advice and explanations regarding labor laws and regulations. Help in solving labor disputes. Providing labor education courses. Assisting in the production of trade union publications.

Laboring Front (bimonthly magazine). The annual Taiwan Labor Rights Report. Handbooks on subjects related to the labor movement. Leaflets advocating labor rights.

Collecting materials related to the labor movemanet and other social movements. Analyzing political currents and labor policies.

Participation in movements aimed at winning social justice. Upholding social rights. Help in solving civil and criminal legal disputes.

NOTE (added by webmaster)
The Labor Rights Association aims to serve all workers in Taiwan regardless of nationality, on the basis of equal pay and equal rights for equal work. If you are an overseas contract worker facing difficulties, you are invited to contact the LRA and we will do our best to help. We also hope that this support will go both ways, and that foreign residents in Taiwan will come forward as volunteer interpreters or translators, or to participate in our activities in other ways. We have friendly relations with labor organizations in other countries, particularly the Philippines, south Korea and Japan, and we would be delighted to have more contact and relations with labor and progressive groups and individuals from all countries.

The Labor Rights Association (Taiwan),
6F, No. 25, Lane 344, Nanjing W. Rd., Datong Dist., Taibei, TAIWAN 103, China
Tel: +886-2-2559 6233  Fax: +886-2-2559 4984
E-mail: labor.rights@msa.hiDELETE_THISnet.net

The Labor Rights Association Taoyuan-Xinzhu-Miaoli Branch
No. 95, Renhe Rd., Hukou Xiang (Xinzhu Industrial Zone), Xinzhu County, TAIWAN, China
Tel: +886-3-5980155  Fax: +886-3-5980260
E-mail: labor@apDELETE_THISol-mp.com.tw
Web site: http://tzm.laodongdang.org/

The Labor Rights Association Gaoxiong (Kaohsiung) Branch,
13F, No. 296, Yixin 1st Rd., Qianzhen District, Gaoxiong City, TAIWAN 806, China
Tel: +886-7-335 5127   Fax: +886-7-2550 0060
E-mail: 18341000@ms11.hiDELETE_THISnet.net


Symbol of the Labor Party, TaiwanThe Labor Party
NEW! China Tide Association (Xiachao Lianhehui)
@ Labor Rights Association official web site (Chinese language only at present.) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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