Jacob's Asia-Pacific and World Progressive Links
Power to the People
These links are ordered according to a kind of "stream of consciousness," i.e. each link is probably somehow related to the previous one. Links to things which are closer or more relevant to Taiwan are higher in the list. Quirky or non-political links come last. I do not necessarily endorse the content of these web sites, nor the theory or actions of the organisations or individuals they represent. Webmasters: You can add your web site's link to my list by going here . If you find a link to your web site in this list or if you just like this page, please link back...thanks!
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East Asia and the Pacific (except for China )
Democratic People's Republic of Korea official web site
Information about the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Korean Central News Agency of Democratic Korea |
North Korea Flood Aid
The Internet Campaign to Help North Korean Flood Victims
Songun Politics Study Group (USA)
Young Koreans United (USA)
Ministry of Unification (South Korea) (English and Korean )
Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification (BomMinRyon) (In Korean and English)
Democratic Labor Party (South Korea) (In Korean)
National Democratic Front of South Korea (NDFSK ) (Mostly Korean, some English)
Korea Web Weekly
General Strike in Korea
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (Don't miss their links page.)
Joint Struggle Headquarters against Daewoo Motor (English with link to Korean )
Korean Labor and Society Institute (in Korean)
Korean Non-Governmental Organization Network
JinboNet Korea Progressive Network - Has Yahoo-like directory of Korean progressive web sites | Korean version
La Solidareco (South Korea) (In Esperanto)
KAL 007 - Korean Air Disaster 1983
KAL Flight 007
Incident at Sakhalin - The True Mission of KAL Flight 007
Stop Korean Online Censorship! | Korean version
South Korean Dogs and Cats Tortured and Boiled Alive - Note: A friend told me he saw the same thing happening in north-east China.
Philippine Revolution Web Central
NEW WEB SITE! National Democratic Front of the Philippines Note: the NDF website used to be hosted by GeoCities, but it was kicked off around the end of 2000 without warning or explanation, i.e. it was GeoCensored . Usually I only have nice things to say about Geocities, but on this occasion GEOCITIES SUCKED. GEOSHITTIES ! HITLERCITIES! !
Communist Party of the Philippines Sorry, not available.
New People's Army (Philippines) Sorry, not available.
Ang Bayan (Philippines) Maybe not available.
New Patriotic Alliance/Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) official website (Philippines)
New Patriotic Alliance/Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (Bayan) unofficial website (Philippines)
Arkibong Bayan (Bayan archive)
Alliance for the Advancement of People's Rights (KARAPATAN ) - "The major and most militant human rights alliance in the Philippines."
May 1st Movement/Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU ) - "An independent labor center promoting genuine, militant and patriotic trade unionism." (Philippines)
Confederation for Unity, Recognition & Advancement of Government Employees (COURAGE ) (Philippines)
Peasant Movement of the Philippines/Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP )
Council for Health and Development (CHD (Philippines)
Ibon Foundation - "A research-education-information development institution." (Philippines)
Gabriela - National alliance of women's organizations in the Philippines.
Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education and Research (EILER )
Stop the Killings in the Philippines!
Stop Extra-Judicial Killings in the Philippines (petition)
Projekt Desap Surfacing - A Photo Project on the Lives of the Families of Desaparecidos
Gabriela Network A Philippine-U.S. women's solidarity organization.
Overseas Filipino Workers Online
Defend the Democratic Rights of Jose Maria Sison! (Belgium) - Sign the petition!
International Network for Philippine Studies (Netherlands)
Network in Solidarity with the People of the Philippines (NISPOP ) (USA)
Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante ) (USA)
The Golf War - A story of land, golf and revolution in the Philippines.
Wild Bird Club of the Philippines
Tambisan sa Sining (Interaction in the Arts) - a progressive arts and music group (Philippines)
The Best of Freddy Aguilar - CD with sample music tracks to download in wma format.
Okinawa Shakai Taishuto - Okinawa Social Masses Party (OSMP ) (In Japanese)
Japanese Communist Party
New Socialist Party (Japan) (In Japanese and English )
Greenpeace Japan
Ban Asbestos Network Japan (BANJAN ) (in Japanese)
Japan Focus
Japanese Germ-War Atrocities: A Half-Century of Stonewalling the World by Ralph Blumenthal and Judith Miller for the New York Times .
The History of the Textbook Controversy
Revisionist View of Comfort Women Causes Ripples in East Asia
List of war apology statements issued by Japan
Dang Cong San Viet Nam / Communist Party of Vietnam
Cambodian People's Party
Cambodia - Return to Year Zero An article by John Pilger from the New Internationalist .
Thai Labor Campaign
Free Burma
Workers' Party/Parti Pekerja/Gongrendang/(can't read the name in Tamil) (Singapore) (In English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil)
ThinkCentre.org - "Towards a vibrant political society" (Singapore) (In English)
People's Democratic Party/Partai Rakyat Demokratik (PRD ) (Indonesia) (In Bahasa Indonesia, English, Dutch and Spanish)
Cahaya - Indonesian socialist (Trotskyist) magazine (Bahasa Indonesia) | Short presentation of Cahaya in English
Indonesian Anti-Racism
The People's Resistance in Indonesia
East Timor Information Pages
Loro Sae - Timor Page
Free East Timor
TAPOL Solidarity with East Timor, West Papua, Aceh and the Indonesian people. More Indonesia links on their links page .
Bridging Voices from Papua (West Papua/Irian Jaya) In English and Bahasa Indonesia.
West Papua Information Kit (West Papua/Irian Jaya)
European Centre on Pacific Issues (ECSIEP )
Hiti Tau France - About Maohi (French Polynesia), nuclear destruction and how to escape from the nuclear dependent economy. (In French)
Fiji Labour Party
Green Left Weekly (Australia)
Communist Party of Australia - publishers of the Guardian .
Communist Youth of Australia - youth organization of the Communist Party . Their magazine is called Bright Red .
Workers' Party of New Zealand (new web site)
Workers' Party of New Zealand (old web site)
Communist Workers' Group of New Zealand
The Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Legalise Cannabis Party (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
Peace Movement Aotearoa (Aotearoa/New Zealand)
University of California at Berkeley Pacific rim film and video collection Big collection with reviews.
BBC News | Asia-Pacific Low graphics version
AsiaInfo.org "Your complete resource on Asia."
asia.recycle.net - Asia's recycling marketplace
What's it like to live on Guam? Since Guam is not all that far from Taiwan, we have some things in common like earthquakes and typhoons . But the really interesting things on this site are the facts on farts and the scoop on poop .
Rest of the World
Institute for Global Communications - All sorts of progressive resources under one roof. (USA)
OneWorld - News and information compiled by non-governmental organizations (NGO s). (English, German, Dutch, Finnish, Italian, Spanish...)
World News Map - An interesting way of presenting the latest world news.
Media Monitors Network - Honest, truthful journalism(!) Articles on this site are copyright and can be syndicated for a reasonable fee. (US based)
Mathaba News Agency
Adbusters/The Media Foundation (US based)
Amnesty International - For releasing prisoners of conscience, against torture and executions.
Amnesty Internatinal's campaign against torture - This site might not work on older browsers or computers.
Derechos - Human Rights - New human right site with focus on Latin America. (In English and Spanish)
Human Rights Watch "Defending human rights worldwide."
LabourNet (International)
LabourStart (International)
International Labor Rights Forum
Fair Labor Association
Workers on the WWW
Human Rights for Workers
Migration News About migrant labor.
www.December18.net - Portal for the protection and promotion of migrant rights (Multiple European languages.)
International Migrants' Alliance
Labor Standards in the Global Trading System by Peter Morici.
Campo Antiimperialista - Based in Austria (In English, French, German, Italian and Spanish)
International League of Peoples' Struggle
International League of Peoples' Struggle (news)
International League of Peoples' Struggle (old)
Workers' Power Global (Trotskyist)
World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY ) (In English, French and Spanish)
International Farmers Movement/Movimiento Campesino Internacional/Mouvement Paysan International
(In English and Spanish)
PROUT World - PROUT means "progressive utilization theory."
South Asia
South Asia Citizens' Web - Progressive content for Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and diaspora.
South Asia Solidarity Group/Inquilab - Based in London.
Sabrang Communications/Communalism Combat - Against communalism, for harmony in South Asia.
All India People's Resistance Forum (AIPRF ) / Mirror site
Communist Ghadar Party of India (CGPI )
Communist Party of India (Marxist) (CPI-M )
Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (CPI-ML )
Revolutionary Democracy (India)
India Resource Center - "Building global links for justice."
Stree Mukti Sanghatana (Women's Liberation Organisation) (India)
The "Wallahs" of Mumbai - An interesting article about street vendors in Mumbai (Bombay), India.
Tourism and Wildlife Society of India (TWSI )
Vulture Rescue (India, Pakistan, Nepal)
Vulture Recovery Plan
Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) (CPM(UML) ) (In English and Nepali)
Human Rights and the People's War in Nepal - Mostly devoted to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Red Flag Flying on the Roof of the World - An interview with Comrade Prachanda, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) by Revolutionary Worker (USA)
More documents related to the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)
Tamil Eelam
Pakistan Trade Union Defence Campaign
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
Baloch Voice (Baluchistan, or Balochistan, where there is a struggle against the Pakistani regime)
Special: Afganistan Links
Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA )
Communist Party of Afghanistan (Maoists) (In Farsi or something)
Afghanistan Liberation Organization (ALO ) (Maoists) (In English) - I guess these are the same people as the Communist Party of Afghanistan , but I am not sure.
The former ruling party in Afghanistan, the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA ) or Watan Party no longer exists.
Ariyaye - Seemingly created in part at least by former members of the former ruling party in Afghanistan, the People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA ) or Watan Party.
Review of Reaping the Whirlwind - The Taliban Movement in Afghanistan by Michael Griffin
Afgha News Agency (Afghanistan) (In English and French)
Afghan Info Center (Afghanistan) (In English)
Lemar-Aftaab - A liberal magazine about Afghanistan. (In English)
Central and West Asia, including Turkey
Down with the Islamic Republic Regime of Iran!
Iranian People's Fadaee Guerrillas (In Farsi and English )
Organisation of Fedaian (Minority) (Iran)
Communist Party of Iran and Komala (Farsi with some English )
Worker-Communist Party of Iran
Worker-Communist Party of Iran - Hekmatist (In Farsi, English and German)
Mansoor Hekmat on Socialism, Politics and Life - Works of Iranian communist Mansoor Hekmat in various languages.
Hezb-e-sabz Hayeh Iran - Green Party of Iran (Farsi with some English )
International Alliance of Iranian Students (In Farsi, English and German)
Iran SOS
The Organisation for Women's Liberation (Iran) (In English, Farsi, French etc .)
Maryam Namazie - Secularist comment (In English)
Kurdish Struggle
American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN )
National Liberation Front of Kurdistan (ERNK ), Finland Bureau
PKK -Info (In Kurdish, Turkish, Arabic and Farsi - European languages coming soon?)
Hezen Parastina Gel (HPG )/People's Defense Forces - Kurdish armed forces under the leadership of the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK )
PAJK (Kurdistan Women's Freedom Party (In Kurdish, Turkish and Arabic - English coming soon?)
Serxwebun (In Turkish - under reconstruction since 2005)
MED-TV: Kurdish Satellite Television
Inan's Revolutionary Resources - Kurdistan, Cuba and more. Turn off your graphics if you're in a hurry.
Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan - Daily news bulletins about Kurdistan and Turkey in English and German. Abdullah Ocalan is the leader of the Kurdistan Workers' Party who is in prison in Turkey after being kidnapped from Kenya by Turkish commandos. For your information, his name is pronounced like English "urge a lan", so why not impress your friends by pronouncing it right? Or else you could just call him by his nickname Apo.
Abdullah Ocalan (In Turkish)
HADEP - Halkin Demokrasi Partisi - People's Democratic Party (Turkey) (In Turkish, some German and English)
ODP - Ozgurluk ve Dayanisma Partisi - Freedom and Solidarity Party (Turkey) (In Turkish)
Devrimci Yol (Revolutionary Path) (Turkey) - New site under construction.
Devrimci Yol (Revolutionary Path) (Turkey) - Site under construction.
Emperyalizme ve Oligarsiye Kars¡¦ Devrimci Hareket Dergisi (Turkey)
Ozgurluk (Freedom) (Turkey) (In English, Turkish, Arabic and Dutch)
Devrimci Halk Kurtulus Cephesi (DHKC )/Revolutionary People's Liberation Front (Turkey) (In Turkish, English, French, Arabic and German - Dutch and Italian coming soon)
Vatan (Homeland ) (Turkey)
Turkiye Komunist Emek Partisi/Leninist (TKEP/L ) (Turkey) - This party is illegal in Turkey and is waging armed struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan (In Turkish, English, German and Spanish)
Turkiye Komunist Partisi (Marksist-Leninist) (TKP(ML) ) (Turkey) - A Maoist party which is waging armed struggle in Turkey and Kurdistan.
Kizil Bayrak (Red Flag ) (Turkey) | Another Kizil Bayrak web site
Turkiye Komunist Partisi (TKP ) (Mostly in Turkish)
Farewell, Comrade Yurokoglu
Obituaries for Comrade Riza Yurukoglu (1945-2001) (In English)
TAYAD - Tutuklu ve Hukumlu Aileleri Ile Dayanisma Dernegi (In Turkish)
IRSP Solidarity with Turkish Hunger Strikers
Repression in Turkish Prisons (Washington Post )
Ozgur Politika (Free Politics) - A left-wing daily Turkish newspaper that supports Kurdish people's democratic rights. (In Turkish.) If not available, try the next link:
Yeni Ozgur Politika (New Free Politics) - A left-wing daily Turkish newspaper that supports Kurdish people's democratic rights. (In Turkish.)
Discover the Republic of Turkey
Protest Siteler List of Turkish "protest sites" - mostly left wing.
Special: Links Related to the so-called "War Against Terror", including Afghanistan and Iraq links
Deja vu: Belgrade 1999 - New York 2001 - This web page presents photos comparing the scenes of destruction and grief in Belgrade and New York. Alternative URL for the same page: http://go.to/bombe . The page is mirrored here and here . Downloading the page may take a long time. Have patience - it is stunning.
Lists of victims of the 11 September 2001 attacks on New York and Washington compiled by CNN .
Lists of people missing following the 911 attacks on New York and Washington compiled by CNN .
List of tenants of the destroyed New York Trade Center Twin Towers published by Coffeecup Software .
Fire Donations
New York State Firefighters' Memorial
International Association of Fire Fighters (American firefighters' labor union)
Fire Brigades Union (Britain) - Read their statement entitled "FBU Calls for Measured Response to Terrorist Attacks" .
Fire Find - the firefighers' search engine.
Pictures and video about the so-called "war on terror" from This is London .
The "Attack on America": Left Statements and Analysis - Excellent collection of hundreds of links - Must see! .
Osama bin Laden FAQ - Islamic fundamentalist terrorist nurtured by the CIA .
Who is Osama bin Laden by Michel Chossudovsky.
1993 interview with Ussamah bin Ladin (Osama bin Laden) in Sudan by Robert Fisk.
Whose Beacon of Freedom?: U.S. Foreign Intervention - I have been looking for a Taiwan-Osama Bin Laden connection and here it is. Read the interview with Martin Lee. The trail is Taiwan - World Anti-Communist League - World Muslim Congress - World Muslim League - Osama Bin Laden.
Inside the League : The Shocking Expose of How Terrorists, Nazis, and Latin American Death Squads Have Infiltrated the World Anti-Communist League by Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson, available from Barnes & Noble or here from Amazon . Also available from Cloak and Dagger Books in Bedford, New Hampshire, USA .
Fires of the Dragon: Politics, Murder and the Kuomintang by David E. Kaplan , available from Barnes & Noble or here from Amazon .
GroupWatch: World Anti-Communist League (WACL )
Enemy web site! - World League for Freedom and Democracy (New name for the World Anti-Communist League (WACL ) - HQ in Taiwan.
Money trail leads to Saudi, U.S. says - Financier denies sending funds to bin Laden
by David Jackson, Laurie Cohen and Robert Manor for the Chicago Tribune . Plain text version
Afghan Fighters Joined Azeri-Armenian War in 1993 by Daniel Sneider, Christian Science Monitor , 16 November 1993.
7th Bosnian Muslim Brigade, based in Zenica - the international Islamic mercenary force known as the mujahedeen
Mujaheddins in Bosnia - These articles are very detailed and include photographs of atrocities committed by moslem mercenaries that were suppressed in the Western media.
KLA rebels train in terrorist camps by Jerry Seper, Washington Times , 4 May 1999. (KLA stands for Kosovo Liberation Army, the terrorist camps referred to are those of Al Qaeda.)
Bin Laden, Iran and the KLA - How Islamic Terrorism Took Root in Albania by Christopher Deliso, Antiwar , 19 September 2001.
Reality Macedonia - This English-language web site shows how ethnic Albanian guerillas/terrorists in Macedonia are supported and funded by Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda organization.
Free Alina Lebedeva - In support of Alina Lebedeva from Latvia. Alina is the 16-year-old girl who gave Prince Charles a slap in the face with a bunch of flowers in protest over Britain's involvement in the war against Afghanistan.
The Roots of Terrorism . This issue of the New Internationalist , published in 1986, is very relevant to today's crisis.
The Terror Finance Blog - "Studying, documenting, and researching the ways in which terrorists fund their actvities and get away with it."
International A.N.S.W.E.R. (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) (Based in New York)
Troops Out Fast! .
No War! No Warming! - Fight climate change, not wars for oil! From 18-19 March 2008, join a global movement rising up against war and global warming by participating in a massive intervention in Washington DC or your own community.
Socialist Worker 's activist's calendar - Includes anti-war activities. (USA)
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Oxford 9/11 Truth (UK) | Older web site
Arab and Jewish
Ceasefire Campaign
Cafe Arabica - The Arab-American Online Community Center.
Cordoba - Joseph Braude's blog.
Lebanese Communist Party (in Arabic - more languages will be added.)
Jammoul - The Lebanese National Resistance Front (in Arabic)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP ) (English and Arabic)
Democratic Palestine /Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP ) (English)
Democratic Palestine The magazine published by the PFLP (Official web site in English)
Al-Hadaf A magazine published by the PFLP (in Arabic)
Welcome to Palestine
The Palestine Monitor
Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center (Palestine) (English)
Middle East Council of Churches (English and Arabic)
The Electronic Intifada - News about Palestinian resistance, updated every day. (English)
Victory to the Palestinian People!
Palestinian Return Centre - Based in Britain.
Council for Palestinian Restitution and Repatriation (CPRR ) . Skip Flash intro .
Palestine Solidarity Group (USA and Canada)
Matzpun (Conscience) - An appeal by Jewish and other people to boycott Israeli goods and leisure travel.
Boycott Israeli Goods
Israeli Boikot Euskal Ekimena (Euskadi/Basque Country) (In Euskera/Basque and Spanish)
Deir Yassin Remembered - In memory of a massacre carried out by Zionist terrorists in Palestine in April 1948.
Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture (English)
The Middle East Research and Information Project (MERIP ) (English)
Meretz - Democratic Israel (Hebrew, links to English , Russian and Arabic) (Moderate Zionist)
Meretz USA (English)
Organization for Democratic Action (ODA )/Da'am (Palestine/Israel) (English, links to Arabic and Hebrew)
Ta'ayush - "Arab-Jewish partnership" (English)
Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (English)
Israeli Committee against House Demolitions (ICAHD ) (English)
Stop U.S. Tax-funded Aid to Israel Now! (SUSTAIN )
The Association for One Democratic State in Palestine-Israel - Based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Not in My Name - Jews and others against the Iraeli state's oppression of the Palestinians - Based in Chicago, USA.
Federated Israel-Palestine in Exile (FIPIE) - Another Chicagoan initiative, it seems.
Non-Zionist Declaration by the Jewish People's Liberation Organization (JPLO ) (a Bundist organization based in Canada - If you don't know what Bundism is, you could read Stalin's critique of it in his article 1913: Marxism and the National Question .
www.JewsNotZionists.org - Jewish anti-Zionism.
Neturei Karta - Jews United Against Zionism - "Zionism is not the answer - Judaism and Zionism are not the same thing."
Jewish Opposition to Zionism (Also here . Warning: This second link is on an anti-semitic, anti-communist "revisionist" web site. You have to exercise your judgement in separating the anti-zionist stuff from the anti-semitic. Another valuable article on this dodgy web site is about zionism's failure to support resistance in World War 2 .)
The Einsatzgruppen Hitler's SS death squads in Eastern Europe.
Holocaust - Understanding and Prevention by holocaust survivor Alexander Kimel, who escaped being killed by hiding in the forest.
The Forgotten Holocaust "How Could 5,000,000 Be Killed and Forgotten?"
Europe, including Russia
Left Russia (in English) | Levaja Rossija (in Russian)
Nova Komunisticka Partija Jugoslavije (in Latin-script Serbo-Croat) | New Communist Party of Yugoslavia (in English)
NATO warcrimes in Yugoslavia - This web site only has one page, but it is a good one. Loud background sound!
Free Serbia (Yugoslavia) (In English or Serbo-Croat)
Srpska Mreza/Serbian Network
Radio B92 (Yugoslavia) - Text in Serbo-Croat, Hungarian, Albanian and English. Live broadcast in Serbo-Croat (Real Audio, MP3.) Satellite broadcast covers Europe and North Africa.
Live broadcast of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (i.e. the Milosevic trial) - Broadcast in Serbo-Croat, Albanian, English or French. (Real Audio only.)
Wikipedia article on the Croatian fascist ustashe
Revolutionary Communist Group/Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! (Great Britain) Though small, this is the best of Britain's many Marxist organizations, if you ask me. There is also an old RCG site on GeoCities .
Communist Action Group (Great Britain) Similar to the RCG /FRFI but more "Stalinist."
Red Action (Great Britain) They like to put the boot in (to fascists' heads.)
Communist Party of Britain (CPB ) Formed in the mid-80s by the non-Eurocommunist wing of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB ).
The Morning Star Daily paper of the left (Great Britain)
Communist Party of Great Britain/Weekly Worker (Not the CPGB of old, but supposedly trying to rebuild it.) These people used to be very good but now seem to have become just another British Trotskyist group.
Lalkar - Bi-monthly anti-imperialist newspaper of communists of Indian origin in the UK .
Red Pepper - "Independent magazine of the green and radical left." (Great Britain)
Flame - "Online news and secret history." (Great Britain)
North West Asylum Seekers' Defence Group (NWASDG ) (Great Britain)
Min Quan (Human Rights) - "The monitoring group in Chinatown." (Great Britain)
Anarchist Black Cross - Brighton - Supporting class struggle prisoners (Great Britain)
Veganarchy (Great Britain) By the way, I am a vegetarian and I agree that I ought to be a vegan, really. (Vegans don't eat eggs, milk or cheese and don't wear leather shoes.)
Plaid Cymru the Party of Wales (Wales) (In Welsh and English)
Eire Shaor (Ireland) Their home page has many links to other Irish republican and nationalist resources.
Republican Sinn Fein (Ireland)
Irish Republican Socialist Movement (IRSM ) - "For a 32-county Irish Workers' Republic."
Fourthwrite - A magazine campaigning for a democratic socialist Irish republic.
The Blanket - A journal of protest and dissent (Ireland)
Northern Irish Unionism: a Reconsideration of the Unionists' Claim to Political Self-Determination by Thomas J. Donnelly .
Remembering Bloody Sunday - with photographs. (Ireland)
Beatles Ireland Fan Club - By the way, can anyone send me a photo of John Lennon reading Red Dwarf with a headline about the IRA ?
Comite du Rhone de la Coordiation Communiste pour la Reconstruction d'un Parti Communiste Revolutionnaire (In French)
La Commune de Paris (In French) - "Le cadavre est a terre mais l'idee est debout."
Workers' Party of Belgium/Parti du Travail de Belgique - In English, French, Dutch and more. I got a lot of these links from here.
Verenigde Communistische Partij (United Communist Party) (Netherlands)
Rode Morgen (Red Morning) (Netherlands)
Anti-Imperialist League Dutch, French, English, Spanish.
Arbeidernes kommunistparti (AKP ) (Workers' Communist Party) (Norway) (In Norwegian)
Kommunistisk Parti (Communist Party) (Denmark) (In Danish)
Nadir - An umbrella web site for left-wing issues in Germany (In German)
Info Partisan - Portalseite fuer linke Politik (In German)
Partei des Demokratischen Sozialismus (PDS ) (In German)
Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (DKP ) (In German)
Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutshlands (MLPD ) (In German)
Rohte Fahne (Red Flag ) (In German)
Antifaschistische Aktion (In German)
Gesellschaft fuer bedrohte Voelker (In German)
Linke T-Shirts - Get your revolutionary clothes and accessories here! (In German)
Die Sozialdemokratische Partei Oesterreichs (SPOe ) (Austrian Social-Democratic Party) (In German)
Das Rote Wien (Red Vienna) - Web-Lexikon der Wiener Sozialdemokratie (Austria) (In German)
Euskal Herriko Komunistak - Gora Euskadi Askatuta! - A communist web site from Euskadi (the Basque Country) (In Basque and Spanish)
Komite Internazionalistak - Hasierako orria (Euskadi/Basque Country) (In Spanish and Basque)
Democratici di Sinistra (Italy)
Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (Italy)
Tactical Media Crew (Italy)
Moviment Graffitti - A Left/Progressive web site (Malta)
Africa Action
afrol News - "The only independent news agency dedicated exclusively to Africa."
Grioo.com - "Le principal portail Internet dÍÛdiÍÛ ÊÇ la communautÍÛ noire francophone."
Expo Times
Richard Knight - Consultant on Africa, human rights, economic justice and corporate responsibility
All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP )
Pan-African Movement
Parti Algerien pour la Democratie et le Socialisme (PADS ) (Algeria) (In French and Arabic)
Western Sahara Online (Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic)
Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM )
Imatong (Sudan)
Parti de l' Independance et du Travail (PIT ) (Senegal) (In French)
Union de Forces de Changement (UFC ) (Togo) (In French)
Democratic Socialist Movement (DSM ) (Nigeria)
African National Congress (ANC ) (South Africa) (Check their political links )
Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (PAC ) (South Africa)
Azanian People's Organisation (AZAPO ) (South Africa) | Another AZAPO web site
South African Communist Party (SACP )
The Green Party of South Africa
Anti-Privatisation Forum (South Africa)
Lalit (Mauritius)
Black Looks - African women's blog.
Latin American Alliance - Educational and scientific info, free WWW space for Latin NGO s. See their NGO directory .
Granma International - Cuban daily newspaper - English | French | Portuguese | German | Italian
Partido Comunista do Brasil (PCdoB ) (In Portuguese)
Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB ) | Brazilian Communist Party (PCB )
Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria, MIR -Chile (In Spanish)
Partido Comunista Marxista Leninista del Ecuador (PCMLE ) (In Spanish)
Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Amaru (MRTA ) (Peru) (In Spanish)
Communist Party of Peru - Too dogmatic.
El Diario Internacional (Peru) (Spanish, French, English)
Committee to support the revolution in Peru - Revolutionary graphics and a lot more, too.
Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejercito del Pueblo (FARC -EP ) (In Spanish and some English, with links to other languages)
Grupo Comunista Revolucionario de Colombia (In Spanish)
Partido Democratico Popular Revolucionario-Ejercito Popular Revolucionario (PDPR-EPR ) (Mexico) (In Spanish)
Unidad Nacional Revolucionaria Guatemalteca (Guatemala) (In Spanish)
Partido Comunista de la Republica Dominicana - PACOREDO (In Spanish)
Partido Comunista del Trabajo (Dominican Republic) (In Spanish)
Rag-Tags, Scum, Riff-Raff and Commies - The U.S. Intervention in the Dominican Republic, 1965-1966 by Eric Thomas Chester.
Haiti Action Committee
Hayti.net - Site officiel de la Commission de Communication Fanmi Lavalas (In Kreol, French and English)
The Rosie Douglas Foundation - In memory of the late Prime Minister Roosevelt "Rosie" Douglas of Dominica. (Requires Macromedia Flash.)
The Grenada 17 - About political prisoners in Grenada.
Rich Gibson's Education Page For a Democratic Society - I've put this link here because Cde . Gibson is one of the few voices actively calling for the release of the Grenada prioners.
Caribbean labour links provided by the National Union of Government and Federated Workers (Trinidad and Tobago.)
Red Betances (Puerto Rico)
Comite por Puerto Rico
Workers World Party (USA) Probably the most-visited left-wing web site in the world - Highly recommended.
Party for Socialism and Liberation (USA)
International Action Center (USA) - Action speaks louder than words. Must see!
Burn - Anarchist-run solidarity web site, very valuable. Must see! (USA)
Progressive Labour Party (USA)
Communist Voice (USA)
Socialist Labor Party of America (SLP
Peace and Freedom Party (California, USA)
The Militant - A Trotskyist newspaper (USA)
The Monthly Review - An idependent socialist magazine (USA)
Asheville Global Report (North Carolina, USA)
Seeing Red (USA)
ThinkMTV (USA) - Go here if you are just itching to do something about any issue that concerns you.
New Democrat Network (USA)
Health Care for America Now! (USA)
The Racial Wealth Divide Project (USA)
We the People (USA) - Investigating such subjects as CIA involvement in the cocaine trade and the truth about the death of Diana Spencer, Dodi Fayed and Henri Paul.
Progressive Review (USA)
Dissident Voice - "A radical newsletter in the struggle for peace and social justice (USA)
Cyber Picket Line
LaborNet (USA)
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO ) (USA)
Communications Workers of America (CWA ) (USA)
The Labor Educator (USA)
U.S./Labor Education in the Americas Project (US/LEAP)
Theocracy Watch (USA)
Prison Activist Resource Center (USA)
Anarchist Black Cross Federation
Anarchist Black Cross Network
Innocents on the Web - Links to web sites and pages about framed prisoners (mostly USA)
Innocent! - Support for the wrongly convicted and imprisoned (USA)
Special Report - Tennessee Death Penalty by the Tennessean .
Sister Helen Prejean - Anti-death penalty campaigner and author of Dead Man Walking
Free Ali Khalid Abdullah (USA) Warning - Angelfire page with multiple pop-ups.
Free Mumia Abu Jamal Coalition (USA)
Save Kevin Cooper (USA)
Save Anthony Nealy - on death row in Texas for a crime he didn't commit (USA)
The Nuclear Resister (USA) - Information about and support for imprisoned anti-nuclear and anti-war activists.
Organization of Chinese Americans
Chinese for Affirmative Action (USA)
Study Finds Persistent Negative Perceptions of Chinese Americans - LA Times article revealing some of the primitive racist ideas that sadly still hold sway in the USA.
WenHoLee.org - US-based site supporting the Taiwan-born American scientist Wen-Ho Lee (Li Wenhe).
Assata Shakur Speaks! - Black Panthter activist, shot and arrested in 1973, escaped from US jail and nowlives in exile in Cuba.
Bobby Seale's web site - Co-founder of the Black Panthter Party (USA) and REACH.
Elke Moritz's Malcolm X materials - Elke's web site is really well designed and the materials on Malcolm X are some of the best you can find.
Malcolm X Cultural Education Center (Washington DC , USA) - Great man, terrible web page color scheme - some parts almost illegible.
Some inspiring quotations from Malcolm X (USA)
The Battle of Oakland by Ben Gray (USA)
Harry Belafonte (USA/Jamaica)
Fruits of our Labor - Socialist blog (USA)
Books, Articles and Films
The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism by V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin )
Imperialism and the Split in Socialism by Lenin . Also here .
Lenin's Imperialism and the Split in Socialism - Its Relevance Today by David Yaffe . Must read!
RCG articles More key articles by David Yaffe and other members of the British Revolutionary Communist Group .
Lenin Library
Fascism: What it is and how to fight it by Lev D . Bronstein (Trotsky .) There are more copies of this pamphlet on the internet, you can search for them.
1913: Marxism and the National Question by J. V. Djugashvili (Stalin .) / Another copy of the same work
Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels
Marxists Internet Archive Literature by Marxists and other writings of interest to Marxists e.g. Darwin, Freud etc. Multilingual. More stuff than any one person could read in a lifetime.
Marxist-Leninist Translations and Reprints
Pathfinder Press Find good books here.
Clarity Press - "A completely independent publisher of books on the human dimension of current issues". (Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
Cloak and Dagger Books "The world's largest dealer in new and out-of-print books on intelligence and related fields.
Films and videos from the Empowerment Project Exposing the dirty truth behind some of US imperialism's adventures. (USA)
The World at War - Excellent British-made television series about the history of the Second World War.
Hidden Agendas - The films and writings of John Pilger - One of the world's best journalists. (UK )
AlterNet.org Independent news and information (USA)
Consortium News Alternative information. Plenty about the CIA etc. Read the stuff about that imperialist thug Colin Powell .
Colin Powell, 21st Century Slave Driver - an article from the Rational Radical (USA).
Left Green Perspectives
Global Action Seattle etc. - Anarchist.
Greenpeace International
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - "The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is...involved with the enforcement of international laws." Right on!
The Ocean Conservancy
Defenders of Wildlife
WorldWatch Institute
CNN's Eco Solutions
Population Action International
Zero Population Growth
Population Connection - "Education and action for a better world"
Dog and cat population control. - Please, please get your pets neutered.
Google search results for animal companionship.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA )
A feminist critique of PETA
Caring Consumer - A Guide to Kind Living - a PETA initiative.
Compassion in World Farming (UK)
Pets 911 Pet adoption, animal shelters, lost and found (USA and Canada)
SPAY/USA - Information about dog and cat overpopulation, how to find low-cost spaying and neutering services etc.
The Dogs Trust (UK)
Learn with Dogs - Have fun and learn about dogs (UK)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB ) (UK)
Three-Eyed Goat - Vegan Communist International
Vegetarians International Voice for Animals (Viva!) (Great Britain)
Judaism and Vegetarianism
101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian by Pamela Rice
VeggieDate.org - Dating agency for vegetarians and vegans.
Center for Inquiry - "A global federation committed to science, reason, free inquiry, secularism and planetary ethics."
Committee for Skeptical Inquiry - "On-line scientifically investigating paranormal and fringe science claims."
The World of Richard Dawkins - Ruthlessly rational theory of evolution and genetics.
Global Anti-Golf Movement/Anti-Golf Course Action (English, Italian etc.) Explanation: This is no joke! Here in Taiwan, golf courses used by the elite and Japanese tourists cause serious ecological damage and could cause desertification.
CarBusters (English, Czech, Italian)
EV World: The World of Electric, Hybrid & Fuel Cell Vehicles
International Dark-Sky Association (IDA )
The British Astronomy Association Campaign for Dark Skies
NoiseOFF - The Citizens' Coalition against Noise Pollution (USA )
NoNoise - Noise Pollution Clearinghouse (USA )
Noise Concern (UK )
The Noise Abatement Society (UK )
Green living tips
Energy Star (Australia) - All about energy-efficient office equipment.
Legalize cannabis!
James Dawson's Freedom Pages - Freedom to plant, use, smoke, eat hemp, alias cannabis sattiva.
Vote Hemp - For legalizing the production of a harmless and very useful crop - industrial hemp - in the USA.
About Hemp - Visit this site to find out just how useful and environmentally friendly hemp really is.
Global Hemp - Portal to the hemp community.
No-Smoking Art by Albert Ortiz.
The Flag-Burning Page - Burn, baby, burn! See the stars and stripes in flames. The site owner doesn't dislike America or its flag, he just thinks flag burning is a fundamental American freedom.
Burn an amerikan flag campaign. - The anarchist site owner thinks the US flag should be burned because the US is imperialist, militarist etc.
A flag is just a piece of cloth. If anyone can send me flag-burning pictures or links to sites showing flags of any country being burned, I will put them on my site.
Mayday Rallies Across the World (Mayday 2001) Article from The Militant with a photo of the rally in Taiwan.
Rise and Resist A promising new left-wing site.
Workers and Youth of the World, Unite! - Another new personal home page.
Aangirfan - A weblog with a lot of information and commentary about various conspiracies.
Internet, Computers and Software
Electronic Frontier Foundation - Civil liberties organization working to protect rights in the digital world - Many issues covered e.g. privacy, censorship, copyright, spyware, spam etc.
Global Internet Liberty Campaign (GILC ) | European mirror site
Association for Progressive Communications (APC ) | Asociacion para el Progreso de las Comunicaciones
Webmasters United Against Scumware (WUAS )
Advocates for Truly Fair Internet Advertising (ATFIA )
Articles about internet and e-mail snooping and monitoring from Trapware , who make Snooper Detector (shareware).
Information about spyware from Simply the Best
Information Library .
AdAware - a free multi spyware removal utility, that scans your memory, registry and hard drives for known spyware components and lets you remove them safely - by Lavasoft . This worked just fine when I used it to clean pesky Gator , GoZilla and Bonzi Buddy ad/spyware off my girlfriend's computer. Bonzi Buddy sucks big time - scroll down this page to see what users think of it.
Spybot Search and Destroy - Does a similar job to AdAware. My friend in Singapore recommends it. (Various language versions available, including Chinese.)
Reputable anti-parasite software
SpywareGuide.com - Lots of information about spyware and how to get rid of it.
Gator is spyware, get Roboform instead. (Various language versions available, including Chinese.)
GateLock hardware firewall device designed for home and SOHO networks that use a broadband connection. Made by the Taiwanese firm Trend Micro . Tested and approved by me . Very good for keeping out hackers, but don't rely on it for defense against viruses - You must have up-to-date anti-virus software.
ZoneAlarm personal software firewall. Widely recommended for enhancing your security on line. Tested and approved by me . ZoneAlarm is freeware, ZoneAlarm Pro you pay for.
PC Hell - Lots of good advice about computer security.
The following are useful, but no substitute for an up-to-date anti-virus program!!!
RAV AntiVirus Online Virus Scan - Tested and approved by me .
Free virus scanners for instant messenger programs (scroll down,) very kindly provided for free download by RAV . Tested and approved by me . They also provide free single virus removal tools (scroll down to the bottom of the page.)
Single virus removal tools very kindly provided for free download by Symantec . Tested and approved by me .
Anonymizer, Inc. Go places on the Net without getting snooped on. Kills cookies etc. Try it for free. Unfortunately some sites (like this one) are no longer accessible unless you sign up and pay. What a drag! SpaceProxy is no longer available, and SafeWeb stopped providing their anonymizer after the CIA stopped funding it . SiegeSoft will give you a 14-day free trial of their anonymizer if you can be bothered to go through the signing-up process. Recommended: Silenter , a free anonymous browsing proxy - It goes faster if you choose to view the page with no graphics .
Also try Orangatango - It's a new "virtual browser" that lets you surf anonymously. The free beta version is no longer available. You can get a seven-day free trial before you decide whether or not to subscribe.
LabourStart and Opera Software announce the world's first trade union web browser! - Opera is said to be a very good browser, and this version is optimized for labor union users!
Test-Run - A freeware program which protects Microsoft Windows 95/98 registry while testing new software. I haven't tried this yet but it sounds good. Read some users' comments .
Microsoft Office Converters and Viewers . If you have Microsoft Windows but not Office, you should consider installing the free viewers Microsoft provides. In fact, you might install them even if you have got Office, because they use less resources than the full program and they can't run macros, including macro viruses. While viewing, you have the option to open the editing program.
Giffy - For some reason that I don't understand, if you have MS Windows 98 but you haven't got Office, then your Paint program can only save images in bitmap (BMP ) format. But you want GIF images for your web site, don't you? Giffy will do it for you, and it's free. Tested and approved by me . (You don't have this problem if you have Office installed. Bizarre, isn't it?)
CareWare , by Paul Lutus, author of Arachnophilia , the free and cheerful HTML editor.
Solware's Software Page - Handy free programs for Microsoft Windows and DOS .
Free Windows software by Finn Ekberg Christiansen and Delphi
Completely Free Software for Microsoft Windows and DOS .
Freebyte - "Your Guide to the Web. Freeware, shareware, clipart, organizers, dictionaries, and much more!"
Aladdin Stuffit Expander for decompressing compressed files (zip etc.) under Microsoft Windows, Mac, Linux and Solaris. Tested and approved by me . Not shareware, not adware, this is genuine freeware. Why? Because Aladdin want you to use their compression program Stuffit .
MailWasher - Good for deleting spam and virus-bearing e-mail messages off your mail server. Tested and approved by me . Free or a donation. Read a review .
Wpoison is a program to help stop spammers collecting e-mail addresses off the internet. It is only useful to you if you have a website with a server that allows CGI scripts (i.e. not GeoCities !)
ICQ2Go - Web-based ICQ . If you are an ICQ member but you are using a computer with no ICQ installed, try this.
Anti-AIDS educational computer game Catch the Sperm - Free download!
Web pages with links to my site (Altavista )
Web pages with links to my site (Lycos )
Links to Links
Not enough links? Try here for some of the best progressive links on the Web!
Links related to my web site (You can add your own links!)
Leftist Parties of the World Excellent!
Jay's Leftist and Progressive Internet Resources Directory Famous!
XPDNC Labour Directory - Over 5000 labor links and growing.
ComInterNet: Listing of World Communist & Workers Parties Radical!
Solidaire (Belgium)'s links
Green Left (Australia)'s links
Politically-oriented Net Sites The ANC 's links
SACP - Left Links
WWW left resources
Persbureau Ozgurluk WWW-links (In English, Dutch, German and Turkish)
International News Resources - Radical and mainstream
Solidarity - Just radical. (Sorry, might not be there any more.)
The Holocaust Ring - List of members of a web ring about the nazi genocide.
Activist's Web Starter Links - Eco-anarcho-...a very long list.
E - The Environmental Magazine: Links - STACKS of links!
International Anti-Nuclear Contacts
Political Site of the Day
Punkerslut's links to socialist, labor, and progressivist sites
David's Left Links
Better World Links - Norbert's bookmarks for a better world.
ARC - Lots of interesting links, with reviews - A nicely designed and functional web site.
Catalog of Leftist Organizations (in Russian)
Link Crusader - "Over 3000 links to anti-Bush sites, progressive sites, U.S. coup in Haiti, Gov. 'Gropenator', voting machine fraud, weblogs, news, activist tools, campus activism and Yahoo! message boards"
World Political Information - Worker-Oriented Web Links
This site is a member of WebRing.
To browse visit
Here .
Warning!Webring is advertising invasive spyware Gator and Bonzi Buddy Just say no!
E-mail me - Spotted any dud links? Want to set up reciprocal links? Let me know. Delete the letters "DELETE_THIS" from my e-mail address. You can also add your web site's link to my list without e-mailing me by clicking here .
Partially updated: Tuesday 11 November 2007
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