The China Tide Association
(Xiachao Lianhehui)

China Tide was established in 1976 by a group of Taiwanese people belonging to various sectors of society but united in their support of political, economic and social democracy. During the martial law period, these people published a series of magazines called "China Tide" (Xiachao), "Drum" (Gusheng), "Spring Wind" (Chunfeng), "Life and Environment" (Shenghuo yu Huanjing), "Life on the Land" (Dadi Shenghuo), "China Tide Forum" (Xiachao Luntan), "Ahead" (Qianfang), "The Straits" (Haixia) and "May Review" (Wuyue Pinglun). All these magazines sought to break through the restrictions on freedom of speech that existed at that time and to spread democratic ideas and patriotic thought.

The end of martial law in 1986 signaled a new stage in the development of Taiwan's democratic movement. In anticipation of this new climate, it was decided shortly before martial law was lifted to establish the China Tide Friendship Association (Xiachao Lianyihui). This Association had as its basis the editors, contributors and readers of the China Tide family of magazines, along with veterans of the anti-imperialist, nationalist and democratic movement during the Japanese occupation (1895 to 1945) and those who had suffered political repression during the White Terror period of the 1950s. The Association was registered with the Ministry of the Interior as a civic organization in 1990, changing its name to the China Tide Association (Xiachao Lianhehui).

The China Tide Association inherits the patriotic spirit of the anti-imperialist, anti-colonialist, nationalist and democratic liberation movement of the Taiwanese people under the Japanese colonial occupation. It has always spoken out for Chinese reunification, political democracy, economic equality, social justice, care for the land and cultural progress. Over the years, in response to changes in the political climate both at home and abroad, the China Tide Association has made repeated adjustments in its organizational structure and work orientation. Notably, during the period since Chen Shuibian took office on 20 May 2001, the subservience of Taiwan's regime to U.S. and Japanese imperialism has been thoroughly exposed, and many new uncertainties have been added to the development of cross-Straits relations. Externally, a one-sided system of U.S. hegemony is gradually forming. Internally, the bourgeois movement for Taiwan independence is no longer a matter of slogans, but is being put into practice step by step, and class divisions in Taiwan are becoming ever clearer. Adapting to these changing factors, the China Tide Association held a reorganizational congress on 2 July 2000, electing a new leadership, reorganizing its ranks and adjusting its pace, all with the aim of making a greater contribution in the new period.

Based on the objective conditions laid out above and the subjective conditions following reorganization, and in the spirit of consensus, the Association's reorganized leadership and staff have adopted the following policies and work orientation for the current period:

Our proposals on the ideological front:
Actively develop ideological and cultural activities among educated youth. Bring together anti-imperialist and anti-separatist activities on the one hand with patriotic ideological activities on the other. Combine scientific socialist consciousness with the process of China's reform and opening up.

Our proposals as to organization:
Uphold the mass line. With regard to the educated youth: train activists; organize study activities; actively support and intervene in social movements which conform with the aims of the Association; participate in and support all forms of popular movements and organizations that oppose Taiwan "independence" and promote reunification. Among the general public: discover potential activists in the course of practical activity; train the activists; allow ourselves to be educated and overseen by the masses of the people.

Our proposals as to our style of work:
Persist in investigation and research in the scientific spirit of seeking truth from facts. Strengthen democratic participation and broaden the scope of consultation in unity. Implement the fine tradition of criticism and mutual criticism.

Projects now underway at the China Tide Association include:

Political, economic and social democracy are the three basic guidelines to which China Tide has always adhered. Together, they form a progressive force in Taiwan society whose low profile belies its importance. China Tide calls for your support and hopes that more and more people will join us to work together for a just and equal new society.

China Tide Association (Xiachao Lianhehui)/"Straits Review"
6F, No. 170, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Taibei, TAIWAN, China
Tel: +886-2-2735 9558   Fax: +886-2-2735 9035
English web page:
Official web site (in Chinese):

Chinese Zhongwen
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