Local ministerial and lay organizations in various cities in Northern California provide for fellowship, encouragement and local impact
by united efforts of evangelicals. Various denominations are involved under the general faith statement of the national organization of NAE.
If you would like to become involved in a local chapter or would like to start a local chapter, please contact us
by email:
will be glad to assist you.
Increasingly in our time, local challenges such as zoning for new church construction or other community
relationships are successfully overcome by the local united efforts of local chapters of NAE. You are
invited to become involved or begin a chapter in your community!
message I am preaching at various
churches/denominations in No.
California, and Nevada, 'RESCUE THE
CULTURE' is getting warm response
because God's people are finally
getting tired of the cultural push
for non-biblical philosophy in
legislative activities. Laws are
being singed into law that puts
Christian families 'on the spot' in
everyday life that are at cross
purposes with the Biblical pattern
of Evangelical lifestyle. Please
contact this office if you wish to
presented at your church.
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