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Attack On America Government Affairs


Contact Tips

IMPORTANT !!!    It is vital evangelicals act by contacting their legislative representatives immediately when they learn of matters under consideration which concerns the Christian community. Too often evangelicals have not become involved in the "process until far too late". Rallies on the Capitol steps, while exciting and may get limited publicity do little to change legislators or governor's minds. Letters, emails, faxes and phone calls to Senate and Assembly members "DO" get results. Watch this web page for current activities.


  1. Be kind but firm.
  2. Be brief.
  3. Handwritten is best.
  4. Ask for a reply.
Thank you!


Contacting us:

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Contacting Your Representatives:


Mailing Address:

 Contacting The Governor:

Governor Gray Davis:
State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814
Telephone Numbers : 916-445-2841, 916-445-1456, 916-445-1682
Fax: 916-445-4633

Offices Closer To You:

Governor's district offices:
Fresno: 559-445-5295 Fax: 559-445-5328
Los Angeles: 213-897-0322
San Diego: 619-525-4641 Fax: 619-525-4640


Some are wondering what the position of the National Association of Evangelicals is on the war with Iraq.  I personally attended the fall National NAE Board meeting in Minneapolis when this was discussed.  There is no NAE position, pro or con, on the military action.  There was a strong position adopted about prayer for our president and all those working with him that they will have God's wisdom and clear understanding and direction on this critical subject.  There is considerable concern for evangelicals living in all Muslim countries. Connected to that is concern for evangelicals in Iraq who have had some limited freedom of religion in recent years.  NAE Board member and National NAE President, Ted Haggard mobilized a prayer effort of one million through his World Prayer Center in Colorado Springs.  The prayer focused on Saddam Hussein being persuaded to leave Iraq as Idi Amin left Uganda years ago.  Log on to for more information.

Pastor Dwight Burchett

Crime -- Tolerant Child Molestation

In a story reported by WorldNetDaily (WND) on January 16, a homosexual began
a relationship with a 16-year-old boy through an America Online chat room and had a five-month sexual relationship with him. Difficult to believe, but the Clark County (Nevada) District Attorney says his office won't prosecute in this case because the pedophile is a homosexual. WND reported that the Deputy District Attorney said prosecuting the man "would be singling out homosexuals, which is bad. We don't want to do that." Sadly, there is now a move in our culture to normalize pedophilia. If such legislation or local action comes to California by legal authorities, we urge organization of local response to such.


On almost every shelf of every newsroom in America is the Associated Press Stylebook. Homosexuals are now applauding the latest edition because of a subtle change. The choice of words in a news item can influence your perception. The newest edition of the Stylebook makes several changes concerning gay issues. Example: "Avoid references to gay, homosexual or alternative 'lifestyle.'" It also avoids the debate 'sexual orientation' versus 'sexual preference.' Homosexual groups are lobbying to drop the word 'preference' from the cultural language. Citizen Magazine associate editor, Matt Kaugman says, "I think gay activists want us all to start thinking like they do..." 

(Let us be alert!)


Legislative Alert for Spring 2003

PROFOUND challenges are before the 2003 California Legislature.  However great those challenges are ($ billions in budget deficit), there is a large sentiment both in passion and numbers to promote anti-biblical issues.  Legislative leadership is determined to pass bills that can alter the course of daily life for impressionable public school  children, Christian business people and employers. Prayerfully act on each bill with letters or phone calls.

GAMBLING IN CALIFORNIA      Three years ago CALIFORNIA NAE GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS  pleaded with the Evangelical Community to stand firm against extended California gambling on the Indian Gambling proposition.  There was not enough of a voice against expansion of Indian gambling.  In his miscalculation, Governor Gray Davis said this would be a "modest" expansion.  The results are that we have new gambling strongholds in California. Indian casinos currently net an estimated $5 billion annually, making California second only to Nevada in gambling revenues.  Tribes, which cannot be taxed, can enter into revenue-sharing agreements with the state.  Many feel the governor's negotiation team will not be adequate to convince California Indian gaming to contribute more of their massive wealth for crime and other costs directly connected to local communities where Indian casinos are located.  Please be sure you are alert when new bills for gambling come before the legislature and ask for no expansion.


AB 17 would penalize any company or nonprofit organization doing business with the state that does not provide marriage-equivalent benefits to domestic partners .  If they  refuse, they will lose their state contracts.
AB 196   would force  businesses, and organizations such as Boy Scouts to hire transsexuals, or owners would be fined $150,000 without any legal process in court.
SB 71 is another attempt by admitted lesbian Senator Sheila Kuehl to promote anti-biblical morality. Rewriting sections of the Educational Code for K-12,  SB 71 camouflages its real intent by requiring instruction to prevent and protect from HIV/AIDS, etc. It's real intent comes to light in other sex education matters such as sexual orientation.  Please, contact your Senate/Assembly member ASAP to ask for a "NO VOTE"
AB 205 Liberal legislators plan to expand domestic partner benefits that approve same-sex unions leaving out the ˜civil union" term.  They hope voters will be less resistant to using this term. Do you agree? Please write your Assembly & Senate members. This would overturn Proposition 22 which defined marriage; one man and one woman.
AB 950   would ensure that without  prior written consent of a pupil's parent or guardian, the student would not receive instruction on human sexuality.   Ask for a ˜YES" vote from Senate/Assembly members.  (click here for an ˜opt out"  form.)
AB 1250  would establish a training program for use to indoctrinate teachers on "prevention" of discrimination and bias in California public schools. Because this is attached to the promotion of "alternate sexual lifestyles", ask for a "NO" vote.
SB 267    would require the development of abstinence education by the California Department of Health Services. Specifically, the bill states "Sexual activity outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects"  and "abstinence from sexual activity outside marriage is the expected standard for all school age children."  Ask for a "YES" vote.
AB153   would guarantee basic college tuition aid to thousands of illegal residents of California.  This bill does not require repayment which differs from federal policies. Should California's present budget crisis allow such spending for people who are in our state illegally?  Please write your Assembly and Senate members.
AB 243  would raise the housing tax exemption provided to members of California clergy from its current 25 percent to 50 percent of their gross salary.
SB 879   would require registration with local law enforcement officials for any one  convicted of knowingly sending, possessing, preparing or producing child pornography.
AB 675    Rebirth?!  Current law allows courts to release a terminally ill prisoner in California, if the prisoner has in incurable condition - death  expected within 6 months and there is no public safety threat.  In 2002 AB 675 passed extending time to one year  and fortunately vetoed. Senator, Rico Oller says, A year left to live leaves a person with just too much time to fall back into old patterns of law-breaking.  A year of freedom creates too great a window of opportunity for the felon to associate with his previous cohorts...and to relapse into a lifetime of learned bad behavior.  You might want to contact your legislators with input using the vetoed AB 675 (2002) as a point of reference with your thoughts.
SB 60   would give illegal immigrants a right to obtain California driver's licenses.    Popular columnist Dan Walters says the description of this gains the award for the most deceptive political press release of the year, so far anyway (4-1-03)...  In light of 9/11 do you want illegal immigrants to have a special law that allows them a driver's licenses?

  "The message I am preaching at various churches/denominations in No. California, and Nevada, 'RESCUE THE CULTURE' is getting warm response because God's people are finally getting tired of the cultural push for non-biblical philosophy in legislative activities. Laws are being singed into law that puts Christian families 'on the spot' in everyday life that are at cross purposes with the Biblical pattern of Evangelical lifestyle. Please contact this office if you wish to have the 'RESCUE THE CULTURE' presented at your church.


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