to Contact the Insurance Commissioner's Office
Has your managed
care organization treated you fairly? If you believe that your
medical care was delayed unnecessarily or denied unfairly, you
may want to contact the State of Montana Insurance Commissioner's
Many patients
retain the services of an attorney to help resolve payment issues.
It is not necessary to have consulted an attorney prior to contacting
the Insurance Commissioner's Office.
Mark O'Keefe - State
Auditor and Commissioner of Insurance
P.O. Box 4009 |
Montana 59604-4009 |
Phone: (406) 444-2040 |
Free: 1-800-332-6148 |
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Contact ACHE at:
P.O. Box 282 |
Helena, MT 59624 |
1-888-366-ACHE |
(406) 442-6629 |
Fax: (406) 442-6623 | |
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