Coming in the
ACHE will sponsor a series of
seminars in various cities across Montana which will help employers
decide which health insurance to purchace for their employees.
No company's product will be either endorsed or discouraged.
If you would like to have a seminar in your town, please let
us know:
Contact ACHE at:
Box 282 |
Helena, MT 59624 |
1-888-366-ACHE |
(406) 442-6629 |
Fax: (406) 442-6623 | |
Homepage] | [E-Mail us] | [Tell
us about your experience with an HMO] |
[Questions for your HMO] | [How ACHE works] | [Take
our survey] | [Facts about managed
care you should know] | [Links to
other important sites] | [How to contact
the MT Insurance Commissioner] | [How
you can help] | [ACHE in the news]
| [Suggestions and questions about
our website] | [A message from
ACHE's Executive Director] | [Upcoming events] | [2001 Legislative Session] |