Does ACHE Work?
ACHE pursues its objective using four approaches:
a subscriber/member assistance system,
a public awareness media campaign,
lobbying activities, and if necessary,
a citizens' initiative that will
guarantee Montana patients that managed care companies will be
more responsive to healthcare needs.
1) Consumer Assistance: ACHE maintains
a hotline for patients who have grievances against managed care
companies. ACHE's website collects data from Montanans who have
been treated unfairly by their insurance carrier. ACHE provides
assistance in filing complaints with the Insurance Commissioner's
office. Since many Montanans have their healthcare coverage through
their job, ACHE is ready to assist employer's benefits managers
in selecting coverage that best serves their employees' healthcare
2) Public Awareness Campaign: Managed
Care Organizations have been telling the public that they are
responsible for 'holding the line' on healthcare costs. That
is only one side of the story. ACHE is designing a media campaign
that will examine the whole story, and it will provide accurate
and complete information to the public. Benefit managers, employers
and most importantly, Montana workers deserve the truth. ACHE
will employee print, video and audio media to let the public
know the facts about managed care abuses in our state.
3) Lobbying: One insurer, Blue Cross
Blue Shield of Montana (BCBSMT) virtually dominates health insurance
in this state. Because Montanans are few in numbers, it is difficult
for other health insurance providers to compete here. That means
more influence to one company, BCBSMT. Interestingly, BCBSMT
enjoys a benefit that other insurers do not. They pay no state
tax. With this advantage, they can underprice their competition,
and have accumulated huge reserves that they have used to stifle
competitors. By limiting their competition, BCBSMT can control
both patients and their physicians. ACHE will work to ensure
that all Montanans get a fair shake, patients, physicians, and
taxpayers. ACHE will work in the 2001 Legislative Session to
make sure that the huge accumulations of reserves by BCBSMT is
returned to Montanans in the form of premium reductions, rather
than being used to choke off Montanans choice of health care
plan by stifling the competition.
4) Initiative: Montanans have heard
the horror stories of managed care companies that are not held
to the same high standards of care that physicians must meet
and that our patients deserve. Before managed care moves any
further, limiting patient choice of physicians and treatments,
and having healthcare decisions made by non-medical insurance
bureaucrats, Montanans will be given the choice at the ballot
box in the 2000 election about how we want managed care organizations
to conduct themselves in our state. ACHE will sponsor an initiative
that will hold managed care companies liable if they put their
bottom line profits ahead of quality healthcare for Montana families.
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Contact ACHE at:
Box 282 |
Helena, MT 59624 |
1-888-366-ACHE |
(406) 442-6629 |
Fax: (406) 442-6623 | |
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ACHE's Executive Director] | [Upcoming
events] | [2001 Legislative Session] |