Welcome To
Nefer's Grand Hall Of Records

It is a general scientific belief that the speed of light restricts
interstellar and intergalactic space travel. Because, even if a spacecraft
existed that could travel at at a velocity of 299,792 km/sec. for 1 year
(1 light year) it would take 4.3 light years for the craft to reach our
sun's nearest neighbor the star known as Alpha Centauri. To reach solar
systems or galaxies located at greater distances could take hundreds and
even thousands of light years.
Based on these realistic physical restrictions imposed by the speed of light,
scientists tell us that if we can't get to the distant stars, no intelligent
being who might exist there can get from there to here. This is of course
a sound scientific belief that is used by those who wish to assure us that
UFOs are not of extraterrestrial origin. With this comforting assurance
the "yuppies" among us can feel safe that no extraterrestrials
will arrive on the Earth and demand to drive their BMWs, or' peek in to
their stock portfolios. Those whose religious beliefs motivate them to kill
their fellow man, because they do not believe as they do, can also rest
assured that some extraterrestrial culture is not going show up some day
and proclaim that they do not believe in, or worship God in the same way.
Numerous extraterrestrial cultures have long processed the technology to
traverse the vast distances that exist between the stars and galaxies. The
basis of this technology is known as manipulated light.
Some experiments with light tell us that light exists in the form of minute
energy packets which are called photons. Other types of experiments say
that light exists in the form of waves. In truth light exists in both forms.
It is alternating back and forth from one form to the other at 299,792 km/sec.
This is called the governing factor. The process of manipulated light
cancels out the governing factor and solely converts light in to either
the form of waves, or, the form of photons. Thereafter either form of manipulated
light has no limit as to its velocity.
A spacecraft using manipulated light as a propulsion force can be accelerated
beyond the limits of light's normal governing speed. There are limits which
are imposed on the spacecraft which relate to the materials of which the
craft is constructed. These physical limitations do not come in to play
until the craft has far exceeded light's normal governing speed.
The process of manipulated light works because of certain physical facts
about light and the structure of the universe that the scientists of the
Earth are totally unaware of. These facts totally eradicate present theories
that limit future spacecraft speeds to less than 299,792 km/sec..
First of all, our solar system is actually a lens that tapers to an edge.
This edge is the boundary beyond which there is no gravitational influence
from the sun. This edge (boundary) is called the "helio-pause."
The light from the distant stars can only be seen from inside of a solar
Out side of a star's helio pause,no star light can be physically seen. All
is totally black.

If a spacecraft leaves a solar lens even at the speed of governed light,the
old light-year conditions exists and Alpha Centauri is definitely 4.3 light
years away.

But, if a spacecraft departs the solar system faster than the governing
speed for light (at a manipulated light speed) it will instantly enter the
destined solar system just as if the distance between the two solar systems
did not exist.

Therefore when we look in to the universe and spot a sun going into
to nova or some other form of light producing cosmic event, we have previously
excepted that the event occurred hundreds and even thousands of years before
the light from the event reach the eyes of an observer living on the Earth.
When we consider (and accept) that light actually travels instantly between
solar lenses we must must accept that these cosmic events actually happened
quite recently... possibly within minutes of the observation.
In the fourth edition, page 642, of the Fundamentals of Physics by Henry
Semat can be found a. description of De Broglie waves: "The velocity
of a particle (v) is always less than the velocity of light (c), hence the
velocity of the De Broglie wave is always greater than the velocity of light."
De Broglie waves are related to the moving energy form of manipulated light.
The extraterrestrial cigar shaped spacecraft (motherships) reported to be
as much as 2 miles in length ,use manipulated light propulsion systems.
If we receive a sufficient number of requests we will post what we now know
about the propulsion systems of the smaller types of extraterrestrial space
Copyright 1998 by Wesley H. Bateman. All rights reserved.

Barrier Record
It is obvious that extraterrestrials have an interest in seismic waves
that are generated by earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and nuclear bomb detonations.
It is also obvious that they have been studying these waves for thousands
of years.
The question is, why do they have this interest in the Earth's seismic activities?
The underlying reason, heretofore unknown by we who live on this planet
is a physical condition that is altered from time to time by natural seismic
activity. This condition is called the Frequency Barrier. Extraterrestrials
monitor Earth's seismic activities because they are monitoring the present
strength of the Frequency Barrier.
At a time very long ago, in the distant past, what was then the fifth planet
of our solar system exploded. The remains of that planet which we call the
asteroids, now orbit the sun mostly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.
When this planet exploded, Earth received a shock wave of energy from the
explosion which caused certain key strata layers located inside the planet
to crack and separate and the planet's molten core began to vibrate erratically.
The Earth then lost its natural resonance tone and began to vibrate like
a cracked bell.
Living on the Earth at the time of the cosmic catastrophe, was a small population
of humans of high intelligence who possessed mental abilities that we of
today would classify as being of an extrasensory nature. These pre-frequency
barrier people will be referred to in this and future writings as the Elder
Race. Descendants of those of Elder Race who were traveling in space at
the time of the coming of the frequency barrier are participating in the
study of the frequency barrier along with a considerable number of extraterrestrial
races. These descendants have been classified by UFO researchers as the
Nordics. The Nordics consider the Earth as their rightful home.
When the Earth's natural resonance tone was replaced by erratic frequency
barrier emissions from the planet's core, those of the Elder Race and all
other forms of life that existed on Earth at the time, began to detrimentally
mutate biologically. At the lowest point of mutation or de-evolution, the
once tall and intelligent Elder Race became reduced to 3 foot tall creatures
that could not use hardly any of their original mental abilities and in
fact, survived only by what we refer to as animal instinct. The time period
that came before the event of the frequency barrier was called the "First
Time" by the ancient Egyptians and is called today "The Dream
Time" by the Australian Aborigines. An ancient legend of the Aztec
Indians of Pre-Columbian Mexico, states that the world and its human population
once suffered a major catastrophic set back. This being caused by earthquakes
and fire (volcanic eruptions)? which "turned men (once gigantic in
size) into monkeys."
Evidence which is suspiciously ignored by main stream archeologists and
paleontologists does surface on occasion, which if are true, bear evidence
that an advanced civilization of humans once lived on Earth millions of
years ago. Although I can not personally substantiate the various reports
of manufactured gold chain, machine screws and nails, tile floors and machined
metal objects that have been found in anthracite coal, deep mines and geological
strata that has classified as being millions of years old, I do recall several
related things . . . such as: Dr. Leaky once classified his find in the
Oldavi Gorge in Africa of an early human as being 200 million years old.
Peer pressure caused him to adjust his dating to conform to the prevailing
A television program titled In Search Of, which was narrated by Leonard
Nimoy, once featured a geode (I believe it was found in Death Valley, California),
that had been sawed in half. The cross-sections of the geode showed a remarkable
figure of a large "spark plug." We are still to accurately date
the ancient city of Trelba Sye.
Over the past several decades, numerous books have been written that pertain
to the findings of man-made objects that are estimated to be millions of
years old. I suggest you seek them out before you form your own opinion.
Eventually, Earth began a long period of healing itself. Earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions began to move the cracked key strata layers back in to
their original, natural positions. With every correction, humans and other
forms of life on Earth began to re-evolve. Re-evolution clears up many of
the questions that cannot be answered by the theory of evolution.
Extraterrestrials study push and shear waves generated by earthquakes, volcano
eruptions and nuclear bomb detonations in order to determine the present
strength of the frequency barrier and its affect on our Reevolution
Think about it, were dinosaurs once birds who mutated into the form of dinosaurs
and then re-evolved back to their original, biological form of birds?

The picture above depicts a fossil of a creature (dino-bird) that is
called Archaeopteryx, which is believed to have lived some 150 million years
ago. Because it features a reptilian body and feathered wings, I ask . .
. was this creature the product of evolution or re-evolution? Maybe the
species was in the process of mutating from a bird to a dinosaur?
One thing the subject of re-evolution does is somewhat level the playing
field for the Creationists and the Evolutionists.
In the case of re-evolution, the search for the missing link between ape
and man is over . . . the missing link is us.
Scientists of Earth have, for many years, stated that we humans use only
about 20% of our brain. Have you ever wondered why we don't use the remaining
80% ?
The reason we don't use the remaining 80% of our brains is because to do
so would be very uncomfortable and could drive us to insanity. For this
reason, we naturally, (in self defense), subdue certain areas of our brains
by a method that is akin to hypnosis.
The re-evolving human race of today is growing in stature and some persons
among are able to perform rudimentary forms of what we call extrasensory
perception. Check out the late night television commercials.
Most types of extraterrestrial cannot tolerate the frequency barrier unless
they take measures that temporarily protect them from it. Those the UFO
researchers call the Grays have been deliberately, bio-engineered to tolerate
the frequency barrier. Don't expect to see any other type of extraterrestrial
land on the Earth and walk openly among us. This will not happen until the
frequency barrier totally diminishes and no longer exists on Earth. Hang
in there, this time is fast approaching.
Watch this website for future articles that pertain to extraterrestrials
and frequency barrier related subjects such as: Cattle mutilations and human
abductions. We will try our best to spell out for you what we know about
the extraterrestrials and their agenda(s).
Copyright 1998 by Wesley H. Bateman. All rights reserved.

Hello to you on this road of life,
you seem to be going my way.
How hard has it been for you my
friend to walk this far today?
Rest your burden a little while
and sit beside me here.
Tho a stranger I appear to you
please do not have fear.
The path that you and I must take
are very much the same.
Wanting to meet you at this time of
life, through galaxies of stars I came.
Your world is awakening from a deep,
deep sleep, your thoughts are confused
and new. Our path is under a rainbow
bridge. May I walk with you?
Awake I've been for many a year. I
was up before the dawn. I saw your
world go to sleep and watched its
awakening yawn.
The rainbow bridge lies just ahead
where your rockets soar through the
sky. Beyond that bridge are men like
you and a man from there am I.
Rockets are not my way but a silver
disc of light. It matters not of such
things, for we're equal in God's
Let us please go hand and hand across
God's starry road. Place your burden in
my silver disc, it will carry your load.
Step by step we will go on a journey
far beyond Mars. Let us take these steps
together, they'll be Giant Steps to the
That which quickens the spirit has no man as author.