"For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed;
neither hidden, that shall not be known."
Luke 12 : 2

In the fall of 1975, while engaged in alpha brain wave biofeedback research,
I rediscovered a natural system of mathematics that nature uses to describe
The term rediscovered is used here because later research revealed that
the same system of mathematics was employed thousands of years ago in the
geometrical designs of the first, second and third largest pyramids located
in Giza, Egypt. The megalithic structure located in England known as Stonehenge
and in the buildings and spatial layout of the Pre-Columbian cities of Tiahuanaco,
Bolivia, as well as Teotihuacan and Palenque,Mexico.
Research of others has linked this natural system to the dimensions of the
apparent buildings, five-sided pyramid and gigantic carved human head that
are located on the Cydonia Plain of the planet Mars.
Because the geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza helped me to acquire my
present understanding, I named the rediscovered mathematics the Ra System,
after the ancient Egyptian sun god Amon Ra. The natural units of measure
derived from the system, are now referred to as the Rods of Amon Ra.
As a result of this rediscovery, I originally set my findings down in a
three-volume (four books) series entitled the Rods of Amon Ra. The last
version of this work was privately published in 1993. Over the past five
years, the Ra knowledge has increased considerably.
I am presently updating the Ra Series so as to include new data and my present
understanding of the Ra System. The present body of Ra information is definitely
contrary to the prevailing scientific belief that the Egyptian pyramids
and other ancient buildings located elsewhere were built by primitive people.
In fact, the Ra information supplies irrefutable evidence that the geometrical
designs of these ancient structures were the product of a culture that possessed
vast knowledge of nature and also an advanced understanding of quantum physics.
It has taken more than 23 years of research to unravel the complexities
of the Ra System. Thousands upon thousands of calculations were made with
the use of electronic calculators and countless hours were spent studying
the reported measurements of ancient building such as the Great Pyramid
in order to bring the Ra System out of obscurity and back into the realm
of human understanding. Whoever in the ancient past (of this world or another),
originally recognized the existence of the Ra System of Mathematics had
to be extremely intelligent and highly perceptive. After the system's original
discovery, a study of its relationships to such things as the dynamic functions
of the various atoms had to be conducted. A study in this area of physics
would require instruments such as a spectroscope and the knowledge of infrared
and ultraviolet photography, as well as some form of electronic recording
and retrieval device.
There is absolutely no evidence that Egyptians of the 4th dynasty (2700
BC - 2400 BC) possessed such a technology. In addition, those who originally
discovered the Ra System thereafter, (with a definite purpose in mind),
used it to design pyramid shaped structures of immense size and actually
construct them. I am very sure that these pyramids were not intended to
be tombs. The design and the constructions must have taken considerable
time to plan and execute. This was not accomplished overnight. Most likely,
a technology that was developed out of the full knowledge of the Ra System
was used to cut and lift the estimated 2,700,000 massive stone blocks, (some
weighing as much as 70 tons), of the Egyptian pyramids to great heights.
Try to envision an ancient Egyptian of the 4th dynasty, who's culture was
actually one step out of the stone age and had no knowledge of the wheel,
discovering the Ra System of Mathematics and setting down his findings on
thousands of reams of papyrus in hieroglyphic forms. Think about how he
would have shared his findings with his ignorant contemporaries. Or, persuade
his pharaoh to take him seriously about building a gigantic pyramid of a
non-proven architectural design and assure the king that it would not collapse.
Now, imagine him knowing about optics and how to precisely grind lenses
for his spectroscope, let alone know of the existence and the dynamic function
of the various atoms. How did he even know that atoms existed?
Our present knowledge of the wavelengths that are emitted by pure samples
of various elements, was acquired and recorded by William Meggars, after
spending 28 years peering through a spectroscope at the United States National
Bureau of Standards. Can you possibly imagine our ancient Egyptian genius
taking any less time to accomplish what Mr. Meggars did?
I believe that further study of the Ra System will eventually bring to light
the understanding of the superior technology that was employed by the builders
of the ancient pyramids of Egypt and elsewhere.
In May 1997, certain aspects of this ancient technology were realized and
successfully employed in the field of molecular physics!
Even with our limited knowledge of this ancient technology, many applications
for it are now being planned. The immediate areas of application are listed
1) Mining and oil production: By means of magnetic attraction of specific
elements from other types of raw materials, or in the case of oil, from
tar sands or shale rock in which it is entrapped.
2) Medicine: The Ra System provides clear information for formulating homeopathic
medications. The use of Ra frequencies, (electromagnetic), are strongly
being considered to destroy bacterial or viral infections in a human or
animal body.
3) Agriculture: Uses of Ra frequencies to control crop pests is a promising
possibility. Many more ideas pertaining to the use of Ra technology in the
field of agriculture are presently being developed.
4) Ra Music: Ra music uses musical tones that are brain wave compatible.
That is, the Ra tones sympathetically and harmoniously reinforce a listening
person's brain wave activity. Experiments in this area have met with amazing
success. Instruments such as a grand harp have been retuned to Ra musical
tones. The music played by the harpist is not only heard, it is felt. A
computer program is being prepared to translate by means of computer vintage
record albums from their present tonal formats to brain wave compatible
Ra format.
I will take very little time in the future, if any, to argue against the
present beliefs of mainstream archaeologists. In the new and forthcoming
edition of The Rods of Amon Ra, I will simply present my understanding of
the Ra System along with its obvious geometric relationship to the aforementioned
ancient structures and let the scientific arguments begin thereafter.

Ra School Of Learning

Ra Math Lesson-1

A day will arrive when the high priest of Ra will come forth at high
noon and in the shadow of the Great Pyramid proclaim: Come and hear this
that I say. The mysteries are now yours to know. Isis is unveiled.
In order to introduce you to the marvelous relationship that the Ra System
of mathematics has with the geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza, I have
decided to present information I am sure will amaze you.
This information will deal with features of the pyramid that have received
little attention or have mystified previous researchers.
There are 12.15 Omega Major Rams (Ra meters) from the original entrance
of the "descending passage" to the joint of a stone block that
was placed in the wall of the passage in a vertical position. That is, not
at a slant, as are all the other stone blocks that compose the passage walls.
The length of the joint of this block is 1.333 - - - Omega Major Rams.
The length of the scored line and the width of the scored line in the wall
are respectively : 1.215 and .01215 Omega Major Rams. Here we have the number
Lyman m-2 See: Nefer's Temple for the full list of hydrogen spectral lines.

When the 1.333 - - - Omega Major Ram length of the vertical joint is
divided by the 1.215 Omega Major Ram length of the score line the result
is: 1.097393690 Omega Major Rams. 1.097393690 is the Ra Omega Minor
version of the Rydberg Constant for hydrogen. This is the same message
of section 1 of the first S.E.T.I. message. That is: GBG, where the B (54)
tone divided by .492075 natural seconds (time duration of a single tone)
gives the result 1.097393690 which is the Rydberg Constant for hydrogen.
Are we dealing here with primitive people or what?
In order to understand the Ra relationships to the Great Pyramid's Socle
and base you must be aware of two important Ra numerical values. These values
are for pi and h-bar. The Ra System has nine known formats. The
nine Ra values for "pi" are found in the chart below.

The famous Barbury Crop Glyph of England is composed of 4 circles. Three
are equal in area and in sum are equal to the area of the fourth and largest
circle. The area of the largest circle was reported to be 3.16 square British
feet. See Omega Minor pi in chart above. When the area of one of the small
circles which is 1.053497943 square Omega Minor feet is divided by.00137174211
(fine structure constant for hydrogen the result is 768. which is in turn
the length of the Base of the Great Pyramid in Omega Minor feet. The ancient
Egyptian document called the "Rhine Papyrus" gives 3.16 as the
value for pi.
The nine Ra values for h-bar are found in the following chart.

H-Bar is used in quantum physics equations to determine such things
as an electron's orbital velocity. The value for H-Bar as a lineal
unit of measure is called the "Hunab" (after the Aztec
god of measure- Hunab Ku). The buildings and pyramids of the Pre-Columbian
city of Teotihuacan, Mexico are proportioned totally on the order of this
unit. H-Bar as a frequency is both the frequency of the
average alpha brain wave that is generated by a meditating human being and
the most frequent natural "elf wave" generated by lightening.
The first 6 digits of the Green value for H-Bar (1.06066)
are known as Buckminister Fuller's synergetic constant for "platonic
With these two Ra values in mind (Pi and H-Bar) along with the Ra measurements
for the Great Pyramid's Socle and base we can answer the outstanding question
which is: "Did the builders of the Great Pyramid know the value and
uses for the constant pi or did this constant become embodied in the structure
by chance?"

We will deal only with the Omega Major value for feature 4-3 which is
the length of the Socle's perimeter.

Note: Meters x .989400790 = Omega Major Rams.
One Ram value of any format x 3.333 - - - (1/3) = 1 Ra
foot of the same format.
One Ram value x 40 = Ra Inches.
There are 12 Ra inches in 1 Ra foot of any format.

As with the Socle we will consider only the Omega Major measurement
for the perimeter of the Base.

* There are 9.1125 x 10 - 28 Omega Major Grams in the
weight of the electron. .91125 is the reciprocal of the Rydberg Constant
for hydrogen. Also see the depth of the indentations in the four faces of
the pyramid.
*** The Ra value for the Balmer Constant for hydrogen is:
364.5 (13.5 x 27) .
.When the length of the perimeter of the base of the Pyramid (91125 Omega
Major rams) is divided by 1.0546875 (H-Bar or 1 Hunab) the result is: 864.
(27 x 32) Omega Major rams.
. When the length of the perimeter of the Pyramid's Socle of 914.564563040
Omega Major rams is divided by 1.0546875 (H-Bar and 1 Hunab) the result
is: 867.142696808 Omega Major rams.
. When the number of Hunabs in the pyramid's base perimeter (864 H) are
subtracted from the number of Hunabs in the perimeter of the pyramid's Socle
(867.142696808 H) the fantastic result is: 3.142696808 which is
the Ra value for Green Pi.
This pi relationship that exists between the perimeter of the Socle and
the perimeter of the Base had to be intelligently planned. Anyone
out there getting the message?

The Sockets
Ra Math Lesson 2
At each corner of the Great Pyramid are four squares (sockets) that
are carved into the bedrock. Each of these squares is absolutely level.
It was first thought that these sockets originally served to hold the pyramids
four corner stones in place. This idea has long been abandoned because the
depths of the sockets vary.
In the northeast corner, the depth of the socket is virtually zero and the
outer edge of the southwest socket is merely an incised line indicating
that the socket positions were intended for measurement and not for structural

Because the sockets were intended to provide a measurement, or, a number
of measurements and because I could find no report as to their actual size,
a bit of detective work was needed.
This work began with comparing the known mathematical compatibility that
exists between the socle and the pyramid's base to determine where the inner
edge of the sockets were located relative to the upper edge of the socle
and the lower edge of the socle on the bedrock.
Length of upper edge : 228.641140757 oma rams
Perimeter of upper edge: 914. 564562925 oma rams
Length: 227.8125 oma rams
Perimeter: 911.25 oma rams
It was determined that a line running from the inner edge of the sockets
that included the length of the sockets located on opposite ends, would
have a unique Ra relationship with the length of the pyramid's base. The
length of this line projected by any two opposing sockets is: 230.66015625
oma rams.
The compatibility is: 230.66015625 oma rams (socket line) / 227.8125 oma
rams (base line) = 1.0125. The reciprocal of 1.0125 is the Ra minus sequence
.9876543201. Written as 9.876543209, this number is equal to Green pi (3.142696807)
For this socket line to be of this length, the sockets must be located 1.009507747
oma rams from the top edge of the socle and .1333- - - oma rams from the
edge of the socle on the bedrock.

First I thought that this line was meant to be 1 oma ram distant from
the upper edge of the socle . But after looking closer at the decimal portion
of the measurement (.009507747), I changed my mind. Because .009507747 oma
rams = .031692488 oma feet. This value is .000051863 oma units greater than
the reciprocal of omi pi x 10-1 (.031640625). The difference of .000051863
oma feet is equal to .000015559 oma rams or .000015726 standard meters.
If we ignore this 1/100,000 of a meter, the compatibility of the base line
to this socket line and the omega minor pi reciprocal information just mentioned
remains intact.
The perimeter of this socket line would be 922.640625 oma meters or 874.8
(Hunab or h-bar units).
The next thing that was needed to know, was the size of the sockets. Not
finding any measurements in any of the literature, I resorted to making
an estimation of a socket's size from a stereographic picture taken of the
northeast socket by Piazzi Symth in April, 1865. Standing in the center
of the socket was Royal Engineer Surveyor Ingils. By comparing the length
of the edge of the socket to Mr.Ingils' estimated height I arrived at an
estimation of approximately 12 British feet for each side of a socket.
The length of one side of a socket later proved to be 12.086771657 British
feet which is equal to 12.15 oma feet. There are 1215. oma angstroms in
the wave-length of the Lyman m2 spectral line of hydrogen (most intense
line). 12.15 oma feet is equal to 3.645 oma rams and 145.8 oma inches. The
value for the Ra value for the Balmer constant for hydrogen is 364.5 and
there are 145.8 oma rams in the height of the Great Pyramid.
Logically, these sockets once contained some kind of stone objects or statuary.
In my opinion, most likely pyramidions (capstone shaped blocks). These pyramidions
were probably inscribed with the lengths of the various units of measure
(Rods of Amon Ra) or other forms of information.

If these pyramidions were scaled models of the Great Pyramid itself,
then they would have had a height of 2.3328 oma rams (7.735533861 British
The scale would therefore be 62.5 to 1.

Feature's Of The Great Pyramid

Ra Math Lesson 3
There are many units such as pi, phi, ankh, Hunab (h-bar), and units
that are called RACS (Ra cubic sized units) that can be divided into the
pyramid's various measurements in order to derive compatible Ra results.
Only simple relationships that exist between certain features of the Great
Pyramid will be covered in this lesson.
The original height of the Great Pyramid of Giza was originally
483.470866294 British feet.
This is equal to the following Ra values:

When the height is divided into the base, the result is: 1.5625 (or
1/2 oma pi).
This, of course, tells that the height is to the base, as a radius is to
its circle's circumference.
This fact has been known for more than 100 years. Knowing the length of
the pyramid's base and height, permits us to calculate the area of the structure's
Median Cross-section.
227.8125 oma rams (base length) x 145.8 oma rams = 33,215.0625 / 2 =
16,607.53125 square oma rams in the Median Cross-section.

When the 51,898.5351562 square oma rams that are in the area of the
pyramid's base is divided by 16,607.53125 square oma rams that are in the
area of the pyramid's median cross-section the result is simply: 3.125 (omega
major pi).
The diagonal base line bisects the base diagonally. The length of this
line is needed along with the structure's height to determine the area of
the pyramid's diagonal cross section.

322.175527177 oma rams (length of the diagonal base line) x 145.8 oma
rams = 46,973.1918624 oma rams / 2 = 23,486.5959312 square oma rams in the
area of the diagonal cross-section.
When the 23,486.595916 square oma rams in area of the diagonal cross-section
is divided by the 16,607.53125 square oma rams in the median cross-section
the result is: 1.414213562 (the square root of 2).
(some times spelled apothegm)
The apothem is the shortest path a drop of water would take from the
peak of the pyramid to its base (down the middle of a face). The length
of the apothem and the length of the base are needed to determine the area
of one of the Great Pyramid's sides (faces).
There are two values for the apothem. They are called, respectively, the
physical and ghost apothems.
The physical apothem is 185.019657845 oma rams in length. The length of
the ghost apothem is 184.528125 or 5.0625 (ankh) x 36.45 (Balmer constant
x 10 - 1).
This tell us that the physical apothem was .491532845 oma rams, (19.558996739
British inches), longer than the ghost apothem.
The ghost apothem was of such importance to the builders of the Great Pyramid
that they went to the great effort to indent the four faces of the structure
so as to have it stand out and be recognized.
We will deal only with the length of the ghost apothem and its part in the
determination of the area of one of the pyramid's faces and then the combined
areas of all four of the faces.

When the 184.528125 oma ram length of the ghost apothem is divided into
the 227.8125 oma ram length of the base, the result is Ra + sequence: 1.234567m901
(900. fine structure units). This says that the ghost apothem is to the
base as 1 is to .81 (.9 x.9).
The area of one ghost face of the Great Pyramid is the result of the
227.8125 oma ram length of the base, times the 184.528125 oma ram length
of the ghost apothem = 42,037.8134766 oma rams / 2 = 21,018.9067383 square
oma rams (in the area of 1 ghost face).

When the 51,898.5351562 square oma rams that are in the area of the
base are divided by the 21,018.9067383 square oma rams that are in the area
of one ghost face, the result is: 2.469135802 square oma rams. This result
is 2 x the Ra + sequence 1.234567m901.
When the 16,607.53125 square oma rams that are in the area of the median
cross-section are divided by the 21,018.9067383 square oma rams that are
in the area of one ghost face, the result is: the Ra + sequence .7m901234567
(576 fine structure units). The reciprocal of this sequence is 1.265625,
which is the omega major version of the diameter of the Ra Circle. See Nefer's
Temple - the SETI Messages.

The formula for determining the volume of a pyramid is: Height
x the area of the base, divided by 3.

When the 2,522,268.80859 cubic oma rams in the pyramid's volume are
divided by the 84,075.6269532 square oma rams that are in the four faces,
the result is: 30. This also tells us that there is 1 square oma foot in
the faces for every 100 cubic oma feet that are in the pyramid's volume.
The information in this lesson reveals the astonishing mathematical harmony
that exists between the various features of the physical body of the Great
This structure was not planned and built by primitive people!
We now know that the Ra System has at least 9 formats and that a certain
omega major value is actually being stated in subdivision units when it
is expressed in any of the other 8 Ra formats. When we look at the format
values as subdivisions of an omega minor number we must classify these subdivision
values of the original omega minor value as units.
We can also look at all Ra format units as if they were simply numbers that
can be identified or classified by their particular format names. Such as
red numbers, green numbers and blue numbers, etc.
I will use the length of the base in red, green and blue Ra feet and the
height of the Great Pyramid in omega major feet to demonstrate a Ra mathematical
phenomenon that pertains to Ra numbers and not Ra units.
763.407 red Ra feet in the base / 486 omega major feet in the height = 1.570796296
(1/2 red pi).
763.675323995 green Ra feet in the base/486 omega major feet in the height
= 1.571348403 (1/2 of green pi).
763.943742301 Ra feet in the base/486 omega major feet in the height = 1.571900704
(1/2 blue pi).
This means, in this case, 486 which is an omega major number can assume
the identity of a red, green or blue number, or, can be looked at as if
it was a number of any other format. A number of any format can assume any
other format identity.
The physical form of the Great Pyramid has the dimensions which were described
earlier. If the builders of the pyramid wanted us to understand how Ra values
as numbers interact, they expected us to look just beyond that which we
physically see.
When the reciprocal of any format value for pi is found, the resulting reciprocal's
format can be identified by the following type of procedure. For this first
example I will use omega minor pi as the first of two examples.
1/3.160493830 (oma pi) = .31640625 x 2 = .6328125 x 2 = 1.265625 (diameter
of Ra circle / .405 = 3.125 (oma pi).
This second procedure will show that the reciprocal of green is green.
1/3.142696807 (green pi) = .318198051 x 2 = .636396103 x 2 = 1.272792206
(diameter of Ra circle) / .405 = 3.142696804 (green pi).
Ra Lesson 4
The Location Of The Entrance To The Great Pyramid

Simply, the entrance to the pyramid is 7.29 omega major rams west of
the apothem line of the north face. The number 729 is the 27th number in
the Ra Table of Nines (27 x 27) and also the reciprocal of the fine structure
constant of the element, hydrogen.
Existing above the present entrance of the Great Pyramid is a triangular
shaped stone. Carved on this stone is a wavy line and a circle located in
one of the troughs of the wave form. Within the circle are several carved
symbols that are not identifiable as being any known ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
The symbols and my interpretation of them are found in the illustration

If one goes down the descending passage they will find 3 steps located
at the entrance to the ascending passage. The ascending passage is sealed
by massive stone blocks. In the 14th century, the Arabs first gained access
to the ascending passage by digging around these blocks.
If my interpretation of the tetragram is correct, then the following possibilities
must be considered:
1) The symbolic writing that early historians said covered the faces of
the pyramid could have been of a type of writing to which the symbols of
the tetragram belong and thus, not of the hieroglyphical type that we know
was used in ancient Egypt. These symbols look to me as if they belong in
the design of some English crop glyph formation, or, among the symbols that
were on one of the small "I" beams of the ufo that crashed at
Roswell in 1947 (as per Dr. Marcel).
2) The supporting ledges of the 3rd ceiling (counting upward) of the 7 ceilings
in the Grand Gallery, show signs of crude hammering. This was obviously
done to remove some sort of carved inscriptions that ran the gallery's 157-foot
length on both sides. Maybe the inscriptions were in the symbolic writing
to which the symbols of the tetragram belong?
Someday we may consider ourselves fortunate that the tetragram above the
entrance escaped the eye of the despoilers.
No matter what type of inscriptions were on the walls of the Grand Gallery,
the question still remains, why was such an effort made to remove the inscriptions?
Again, if I am correct about the meaning of the tetragram, then it must
also be accepted that whoever had it carved, knew about the sealed ascending
passage, and wanted to inform someone else where it was. Someone who would
be able to understand the meaning of the tetragram's symbols. Otherwise,
why carve the symbols at all?
Was the Master Builder expecting someone to arrive at Giza at a later date
with a need to know about the sealed passage?
Obviously the builder did not expect to be there to greet the late arrival(s).
We must also realize that for the tetragram to be read by anyone, the area
where it is located would have to be accessible for viewing. This suggests
that the present entrance was preceded by an ante-chamber with a fairly
high ceiling.

The Egyptologists attempt to explain the wavy line as the sign of the
horizon and the circle with its inscribed tetragram as the setting or rising
sun. I think not. Please notice the fact that the area of this triangular
stone is 2.6244 square green rams. Please recall that there are 26,244.
oma angstroms in the Brackett m8 spectral line of hydrogen (infra red).
I believe the wavy line to be the shape of a wave form (related to Brackett
m8) that is produced by a moving particle (circle).

The present entrance is obviously 1 Hunab (1 H-Bar) unit wide. The omega
major value for the height must be 1.333 - - - oma rams for the vertical
joint score line relationship to remain compatible. (See Lesson 1) For the
Green value of the open area of the entrance to amount to the square root
of 2, square the number 1.333 - - - it must be given a green number value.
Likewise, 1.333 - - - must be identified as a omega minor number for the
area of the entrance opening to read Ra accurately in square omi rams.
The height of the banquetts (curbs) are actually .30 oma rams and their
width are .18 oma rams. Therefore, the area of their cross section is .054
square oma rams. 54 is the second number in the TON and SETI message tone
"Discovery is made by looking at something that everyone else has looked
at . . . only looking at it differently."
Due to the many requests on Ra Math we have added the
Teotihuacan Ra Math Lesson. We feel that the Ra System of Mathematics was
used in the pyramids built there.
Copyright 1998 by Wesley H. Bateman. All rights reserved.

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