Welcome To Ra Math

Lesson 9

At some time in the late nineteen eighties Omni Magazine published a
debate between two respected physicists as to the existence of God. The
well presented argument in favor of the existence of a "Divine, Intelligent
Creator of the Universe" was supported by the fact that a certain number
itself existed , which played a unique role in the field
of "Quantum Physics." This number is known as the "Fine Structure
Constant of Hydrogen." The value of this number used presently by physicists
is reported to be approximately 137.03590, which is usually referred to
in scientific conversations as simply: 137.
Recently a friend forwarded to me an article pertaining to the Fine Structure
Constant that he obtained from the web. This article was written by Charles
C. Mann.
I will comment on certain parts of this article in order to show that the
Ra System of Mathematics provides answers to questions about the Fine Structure
Constant that have perplexed physicists for many years. Mr. Mann's comments
will preceded by his initials. My comments will also be preceded by my initials.
Mr. Mann's comments or quotes, as well as mine will be numbered for the
purpose of later reference.

C.C.M. (1): "One of the great physicists of this century is a man named
Richard Feynman, who teaches at CalTech and knows as much about the way
the Cosmos works as any man alive. Feynman has participated in half a dozen
extraordinary theoretical developments and won a fistful of prizes, including
the one you get from Sweden. Even so, he likes to tell people that physics
has not accomplished as much as some physicists like to brag, and that we
are not as close to a great universal theory of matter and energy as some
theorists like to think. Indeed, Feynman has said, physicists ought to put
a special sign in their offices to remind themselves of how much they don't
know. The message on the sign would be very simple. It would consist entirely
of one word, or, rather, number: 137. One hundred thirty-seven is the value
of a number called the fine- structure constant. This constant, 137, is
the way physicists describe the probability that an electron will emit or
absorb a photon. Because this is the basic physical mechanism of electricity
and magnetism, the fine-structure constant has its own symbol, the Greek
letter a, "alpha."

W.H.B. (1): The Ra System of Mathematics tells us that there are at
least 9 Ra values for the Fine Structure Constant for hydrogen. 5 values
for this constant are seen in the following chart.

It has been shown in many of my previous articles that are found on
this web site that the Ra System of Mathematics expresses unique numerical
sequences and patterns of repeating numbers which are called repitans.
The Ra sequences and repitan patterns are produce in the following manner:
1 / 81 = .01234567m9 (+ sequence), 8 / 81 = .0987654321 (- sequence).
and 1 / 27 = .037037 - - - (1st Ra repitan).
Ra sequences and repitans are omega minor numbers and when we divide them
by the omega minor value for the fine structure constant (1.371742112) we
get the following whole number results:
.01234567m9 / 1.371742112 = 9. , 0987654321 / 1.371742112 = 72. or .037370
/ 1.371742112 - - - = 27.
I have previously suggested that the Ra sequences and repitans might be
mathematical descriptions of the sub atomic particles which are called "quarks."
This information which pertains to Ra sequences, repitans and the fine
structure constant was originally published in my 4 book series the The
Rods of Amon Ra.

C.C.M. (2): "Now, alpha is nothing more, nothing less than the
square of the charge of the electron divided by the speed of light times
Planck's constant. Thus this one little number contains in itself the guts
of electromagnetism (the electron charge), relativity (the speed of light),
and quantum mechanics (Planck's Constant). All in one number! Not only that,
this number isn't like the gravitational constant or the universal gas constant,
full of meters and kilograms and degrees Celsius. Alpha is a pure, dimensionless
number - little wonder that people have been fascinated."

W.H.B. (2): The omega minor value for the Fine Structure Constant is
.001371742 units. The square root of this value is: .037037 - - - (1 st
Ra repitan). The Fine Structure Constant value is also the reciprocal of
729 (27 x 27).
Lets back engineer the Ra omega minor version of the Fine Structure Constant
in order to obtain the Ra value for the charge of the electron.
The omega minor values for the speed of light and Planck's Constant are
respectively 300,000 omega minor kilo rams per natural second of time and
6.666 - - - (18 th Ra repitan):
.001371742 (Fine Structure Constant) / 6.666 - - - (Planck's Constant) =
.002057613 x 300,000 (speed of light) = 617.283950622 (charge of the electron
squared) and
617.283950622 = 7.856742013 (both 1/4 green pi x 10 to the1st power
and also the Ra numerical value for the charge of the electron).
Eight times the omega minor value of Fine Structure Constant is: .10973937
x 10 to the 1st power, (Rydberg Constant for hydrogen). The reciprocal of
the Rydberg Constant is 9.1125. There are 9.1125 x 10 minus 28th power omega
major grams in the weight of the electron. The Rydberg constant is used
in simple equations which mathematically identify the various wave lengths
of the spectral lines of hydrogen from the deep infra red to the ultra violet.

C.C.M. (3): "Physicists would like to believe that these phenomena
fit together tidily in accordance with one big plan. They would like the
ratio of electromagnetism, relativity, and quantum mechanics to be a number
like one, or maybe two times pi. They do not like its being 137 - a prime
number, for heaven's sake! "

W.H.B. (3): The procedure 37 / 27 = 1.370370 - - - (999. fine structure
units). Peter Tompkins in his book the "Secrets of the Mexican Pyramids"
calls this number the "Hydrogen Constant" and states it will be
a requirement in future times, in equations that deal with the management
of large amounts of energy. The number 1.370370 - - - must definitely be
considered in all future Ra research. Remember there where once 37 over
lapping stone slabs in the 7 ceilings and 27 pairs of slots in the curbs
of the Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. This suggests
the fraction 37 (slabs) / 27 (slots) .

C.C.M. (4): "The significance of alpha was first spelled out in
1915 by a physicist named Arnold Sommerfeld - at the time, measurement errors
made the value closer to 136 - and physics ever since has been littered
with efforts to explain it. the most famous attempt was that of Sir Arthur
Eddington, a prominent astronomer who believed that such constants could
be used to produce a theory of the universe. He built a huge 16-dimensional
equation full of these constants and claimed that alpha could be calculated
from the number of terms: (162 -16) 2 + 16 = 136.
Unfortunately, experiments quickly showed that alpha was really closer to
137. Plucky Arthur Eddington was not dismayed. He said he had forgotten
to add one more factor - alpha itself - and made the value 137. For thus,
Punch magazine dubbed him Sir Arthur Adding-One. But Eddington was not deterred.
Proudly he proclaimed that the firmament contains exactly (137 - 1) x 2256
protons. Of course, the old man may have been right; nobody has yet been
able to count them all."

Throughout the Thirties and Forties, the greatest scientists of the
day tried and failed to figure out the magic number 137. The great Werner
Heisenberg told his friends that the problems of quantum theory would disappear
only when 137 was explained, and spent years trying to explain it; fortunately,
the problems did go away despite his failure."

W.H.B. ( 4 ): The Ra System's identification of the accurate values
of the Fine Structure Constant should free the thinking of quantum physicists
and set them on the path to great discoveries. Hopefully, they will show
some gratitude to those ancient scholars, who through the form of their
architecture put them on the right path to what I am sure will result in
magnificent success.
C.C.M. (5): "One of Heisenberg's friends, theorist Wolfgang Pauli,
wasted endless research time trying to multiply pi by other numbers to get
W.H.B. (5) In my opinion Pauli's efforts were well founded, because
the charge of the electron in the Ra System is: 7.856742013 or 1/4 green
pi x 10
. Even though he was unsuccessful , I don't believe that he wasted his
time. All he really needed was the knowledge of the Ra System of Mathematics.
C.C.M. (6): Edward Teller, now a prominent advocate of star wars, derived
alpha from gravitation; and a dotty Japanese showed that the difference
in the masses of the proton and delta particle is equal to alpha. All this
shows is that there are many ways you can multiply and add a bunch of numbers
to get 137. The closest any of these people got to the answer, perhaps,
was when Pauli died - in hospital room 137.

The best explanation of the mystery ever given to Victor Weisskopf, another
leading theorist from that time, was provided by Gershom Scholem, one of
the most eminent scholars of Jewish mysticism. When Scholem met Weisskopf,
he asked about the prominent unsolved problems in physics. Weisskopf said,
"Well, there's this number, 137...... And Scholem's eyes lit up! he
said, "Did you know that one hundred thirty-seven is the number associated
with the Cabala?"
After physicists slam into a problem for a few decades, they tend to go
into greener pastures. Alpha calculating has been out of fashion for a while.
Physics is making progress without it. But it is comforting to know that
if you're at a party, and some know-it-all is talking about how great the
progress of science is, you can always say, "That's true, my man. But
why is alpha equal to one hundred thirty-seven?"

W.H.B. (6 ): In C.C.M. 4 Mr. Mann says: " Edward Teller, now a
prominent advocate of star wars, derived alpha from gravitation." This
suggests that a full understanding of the Fine Structure Constant may lead
to antigravitational spacecraft propulsion systems.
Also In C.C.M. 4 is found this quote: "Werner Heisenberg told his friends
that the problems of quantum theory would disappear only when 137 was explained."
I am in total agreement with this statement.
I am certain that the so called problems of quantum physics are manifested
by the mathematics and unnatural system of measure that are used to describe
certain physical phenomena. Therefore results of many equations are approximations
or totally erroneous. When these results are applied to the real world they
either do not work or if "tweaked a bit" to adjust for the mathematical
errors will make the big bombs go boom.
Presently physicists use the meter -gram-second (mgs) system of measure.
The natural Ra System of measure consist of the Ram (Ra meter) - Ra gram
and natural second of time. These Ra units of measure will be compared to
those of the mgs system in a future article.
Herein is the solution to the problems of quantum physics: Some physical
phenomena and constants are best mathematically described by numbers that
belong to one of the Ra formats and other physical phenomena are best described
by numbers of other Ra formats. The Rydberg Constant and the wave lengths
of spectral lines emitted by the elements show perfect mathematical harmony
to each other when they are expressed in omega major numbers and the fine
structure constant when described in omega minor numbers is mathematically
compatible with the Ra + and - sequences and repitans, which are presently
thought to describe sub atomic particles called "quarks." This
information represents the first "breakthrough."
Because the mgs system does not classify physical phenomena in to format
types as does the natural Ra System of Mathematics mgs equations can become
muddled to the point of chaos.
In Ra System equations a physical phenomenon described by numbers of one
Ra format multiplied by numbers of an other Ra format that represents the
description of an other physical phenomenon can result with a descriptive
number that is of an entirely different format altogether.
There are rules that pertain to the Ra formats such as: red x blue = green
and the reciprocal of red is blue and visa versa and the reciprocal of omega
major is omega minor and visa versa.
3.141592 - - - (red pi) x 3.143801409 (blue pi) = 9.876543210 (green pi
3.125 (omega major pi) x 3.160493827 (omega minor pi) = 9.876543210 (green
pi squared).
Green pi squared is equal to 7,200. fine structure units.

The full list of Ra format rules will be presented in a future article.
Following these rules will keep quantum physics equation procedures always
in perfect harmony.
I suggest that the known mgs mathematical descriptions for any physical
phenomenon be "Ramathized." That is, translated in to Ra mathematical
terms dictated by the Ra format in which the phenomenon naturally belongs.
Because the green format is the central Ra System format, I suggest that
mgs mathematical descriptions of physical phenomena be Ramathized (translated)
in to the green format descriptive terms, to limit unnecessary format skipping
(producing results that are expressed in numbers of any other format). By
constant Ra format adjustments of the values of an equation's individual
values after each multiplication or division has been performed, the final
result of the equation will be accurate. Such accuracy can only lead to
new knowledge and discoveries.
The following is an equation acquired from "The Fundamentals of Physics"
by Henry Semat. The equation consists of mgs mathematical values for key
quantum physics constants that relate to the optical properties of the hydrogen
atom. Semat describes the result of this equation thus: " This quantity
is in remarkably good agreement with the value of the constant R obtained
empirically." R in this case symbolizes the value of the Rydberg Constant
for hydrogen.
The complexity of the equation is actually contained in the two simple Ra
procedures: .037037 - - -
= .001371742 (fine structure constant) x 8
= R and 1 / 729 = 001371742 (fine structure constant) x 8 = R .

If the mathematical components of the equation above were Ramathized
correctly the result of the equation could be expressed as shown in any
of the following 5 Ra formats.

Any of the format values shown above when divided by 8 will result with
that particular format's value for the Fine Structure Constant. Remember
the omega minor version for the Fine Structure Constant or .001371742 in
every case divides evenly in to the Ra sequences and repitans.
By way of the link "Nefer's Temple" you will obtain the article
"The S.E.T.I. Messages, note that the "B tone" value (.54)
of the first section of the first message (GBG) when divided by .492075
natural seconds (length of 1 tone) equals 1.097393690 (Omega minor value
for R).

Please look for a future article which will pertain to the "Ra System
of Mathematics and the Unified Field Theory."
It was shown in a previous lesson that the dimensions of several features
of Grand Gallery of the Great Pyramid of Giza and the fine structure constant
were mathematically compatible.
If anything proves that the builders of the Great Pyramid used the Ra System
of Mathematics in its design, knew of the value of pi and also knew the
value of the fine structure constant of hydrogen, the following chart provides
such undeniable proof.

Recalling from C.C.M. 2: "Alpha is a pure, dimensionless number
- little wonder that people have been fascinated."
Prior to learning that the Fine Structure Constant was called "alpha"
I had given two of the Ra formats the respective names of "omega major"
and "omega minor" and the ratio that converts numbers of either
of these formats to their respective green counterpart in the green format
the "omega ratio".

Revelations 1:8 "I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the ending."
In my sincere opinion the Ra System of Mathematics tells us that the
universe was constructed by way of an intelligent design and where there
is an intelligent design, there is an intelligent designer.
The fact that extraterrestrials used the Ra System to formulate the nine
messages that are presented in Nefer's Temple could shake up a few among
us who might be disturbed with the possibility that the extraterrestrials
might believe in God. As far as I'm concerned they do, you can count on