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( U.L.F.)
The material found in this article is offered for your information only.
We make no claim as to its validity and ask that you draw your own conclusions.
All forms of life live and have their being within the confines of an omni
present, all permeating Universal Life Field (U.L.F.).
We become ill when our physical relationship to the U.L.F. becomes weakened
to some degree. Our body dies when it is no longer is able to maintain even
the slightest physical relationship to the U.L.F. .

Serious research pertaining to the subject of human biorhythms has been
conducted worldwide for decades.The majority of researchers are in agreement
that a human being is involuntarily subjected to at least three biorhythm
cycles which begin at birth and repeat again and again through their lifetime.
The 3 basic human biorhythms and their cyclic durations are: A 23 day physical
cycle, 28 day emotional cycle and 33 day intellectual cycle.
Looking at any of these biorhythms as a sinusoidal wave form, researchers
state that a person's physical, emotional and intellectual faculties are
enhanced during the positive phase of the wave, go in to a state of flux
at the base line and then become progressively weaken during the negative
phase of the wave.

Humans also go through "circadian cycles" that begin and end
in one 24 hour period and "ultradaian cycles" that occur several
times during a day.
Those who have suffered a toothache know that the pain increases after sunset.
During the nineteen seventies plotting a person's biorhythm cycle chart
was quite the rage. Biorhythm charts of one or more persons were compared
to determine compatibility, as astrological signs have been for centuries.
The Casio corporation marketed a hand held biorhythm calculator and since
then computer software has been produced to accomplish the same purpose.
Biorhythm cycles of individuals have been used by industry (mostly in Japan)
to prevent accidents that are apparently caused in greater numbers by a
person who is in the negative phase of their 28 day biorhythm cycle.
Engineers on Japanese railroads are not allowed to operate equipment during
the negative phase of their 28 day biorhythm cycle.
The purpose of this section of writing is to show the important relationship
that the 28 day human biorhythm cycle has to the Universal Life Field. Comments
pertaining to the 23 and 33 day biorhythm cycles will be made in future

The average human gestation period (conception to birth) is 280 days,
or ten 28 day periods (biorhythm cycles).
More infants die during the 28 day period that occurs after birth, which
is called the "neonatal period." Children who take longer than
280 days to be born are usually sickly and in most cases die before reaching
Apparently a new born must complete at least one 28 day cycle on its own
or perish. During the neonatal period the infant is actually in the process
of tuning its organs and other physiological systems to the Universal Life
Field. If any of the infants organs or physiological systems do not establish
a harmonious relationship with the U.L.F. the organ or physiological system
simply fails and the child dies.
It would be advantageous to determine what organ or physiological system
failed to establish U.L.F. harmony at a particular time within the course
of the 28 day neonatal period.
For the sake of explanation only, lets say that the majority of neonatal
deaths occur due to heart failure on about the fifth day of the cycle and
likewise neonatal deaths due to kidney failure occur on about the tenth
day of the neonatal period. This information would be of great importance,
as it could be used throughout the life time of any living person to promote
a stronger relationship to the U.L.F. and therefore extend their life. After
charting a living person's 28 day biorhythm and looking at each cycle as
if were a 28 day neonatal period the person could be advised that their
heart or kidneys were in the process of reinforcing the original harmony
with the U.L.F which the person established during their first neonatal
period. This reinforcement must be repeated again and again during each
ensuing 28 day biorhythm cycle.
Efforts are underway to gain access to medical data bases in the Scandinavian
countries where all deaths are autopsyed, so as to determine the cause and
time that infants die during the neonatal period.
There are several methods that can be employed by a person in order to increase
their physical harmony with the U.L.F. These methods will be the subject
of future articles.
I have added the graph below because when the repitan 000 is added to the
other 27 Ra repitans they total 28. This could be an important connection
between the Ra repitans, 280 day human gestation, period and the 28 day
neonatal period. To view the Ra repitan patterns refer to Nefer's Temple:
"The S.E.T.I. Messages."
Because the repitans are actually multiples of the fine structure constant
and when multiplied by the average alpha brain wave frequency (H-Bar) produce
fractions of pi. i.e.

.037037 - - - x 10.546875 (omega major) = .390625 (1/8 omega major pi).
.037037 - - - x 10.606601722 (green) = .392837101 (1/8 green pi).
.037037 - - - x 10.666 - - - (omega minor) = .395061728 (1/8 omega minor

If the 8th repitan or .296 - - - replaces .037 - - - in the multiplication
shown above the results will be the pi values of the respective formats.
It is known that the average human alpha brain wave of 10.602875 divided
by 13.5 (T.O.N. 5) equals 1/4 red pi. Add this fact to the data and everything
about the 28 day biorhythm cycle gets very interesting.

Instead of a sine wave one could visualize the 28 day cycle in the form
of a Fibonacci spiral that coils for 14 days and uncoils for 14 days for
a total of 28 days.
The following is an illustration that shows the known passages and chambers
of the Great Pyramid of Giza. In that illustration I superimposed a Fibonacci
spiral over these features. The spiral precisely separates the Ascending
Passage from the Grand Gallery (point B). Please visualize the spiral being
turned slowly to the right . As it is turned it will progressively pass
through each of the 27 pairs of slots in the ramp of the Grand Gallery and
finally through the 28th pair of slots which are located in the Great Step.

At each point that the turning spiral passes through a pair of slots
it will contain within it only a certain number of overlapping stones that
were once part of the Gallery's 7 ceilings. As the spiral turns the number
of slots and overlapping ceiling stones within it diminish in number. I
believe that this is meant to convey some sort of important information.
When the spiral is viewed on the horizontal its shape is similar to that
of the cerebral cortex of the human brain. Could the 28 slots in the Grand
Gallery relate to certain locations in the human brain?
We don't have a full understanding of these things but, we are getting there.
Maybe a complete translation of the 9 S.E.T.I. Messages will help us out

The Universal Life Field can be divided in to 4 basic parts or levels
of perception. The four names that have been assigned to these levels are
listed in the chart below.

It is known that in the least the 3 lowest levels of the Universal Life
Field are composed of sub-levels which are called L-Fields (or el fields).
The 3 known human biorhythm cycles, circadian and ultradaian cycles are
L-Field related phenomena. More will be said about the L-Fields at appropriate
points in future articles.

All life as we know it lives within the 3 dimensional molar level of
perception. In this level of perception we use the 5 senses of hearing,
seeing, tasting , smelling and feeling by touching to perceive the 3 dimensional
realities of life and the physical universe.
The body and brain are molar level objects, but the mind and spirit are
not. The mind of a living person is based in the next level of perception
which is called the "micro level" of the U.L.F. . The molar brain
acts as a medium for the micro mind and therefore provides the mind the
means to focus an express itself in the molar level of perception.

After a person's physical body becomes incompatible and detaches from
the U.L.F. due to old age , illness or extreme damage the person is said
to be dead. The essence of the mind survives death and resides in the micro
level of perception until certain universal laws cause it (the mind / spirit))
to physically reembody once again in the molar level of the U.L.F. .
Human beings living on the planet Earth are subjected to the "frequency
barrier" and are therefore somewhat prevented from producing higher
brain wave frequencies that would in turn permit the molar level brain to
operate over a broader range and use higher micro level senses, which in
turn permit a person's mind to perform bioelectrical functions which relate
to the so called "psi phenomena." The psi phenomena are presently
considered to be the product of extrasensory abilities that exclusively
pertain to the micro level of perception. The frequency barrier has diminished
to the point that some individuals under the right conditions are able to
use some higher micro level abilities. Extraterrestrials who are not subjected
to the frequency barrier are able to function mentally (unhindered) in micro
level of the U.L.F. .

1.Telekinesis: This micro level ability allows a person to move a physical
dimensional object (matter) by their mind alone.
2. Esper: This micro level ability allows a person to view molar level activities
that are occurring at some remote location. This is presently referred to
as "remote viewing."
3. Precognition: This micro level ability allows a person to foresee events
that will come about in the future. This psi phenomenon though micro is
also related to the "macro level of perception."
4. Psycommetry: The micro level ability to obtain information about a person
or past event from simply holding an inanimate object that was worn or owned
by the person, or was present during the occurrence of the event .
5. Telepathy: This micro level ability allows one or more persons to mentally
talk and transmit feelings between each other by way of their micro level
of the U.l.f..
6. Emopathics: This micro level ability allows a person to sense the emotional
and physical feelings of a person. This ability is applicable in medical
All psi activities require an expenditure of "life force" to activate
and perform. The subject of the life force will be the subject of a very
important forthcoming article.
To a person who is blind those who can see have extrasensory perception.
The highest form of extrasensory perception would be to perceive the will
and purpose of the "Creator of All That Is."
This ultimate level of perception is called the "Mega Level."
A person attains the ability to perceive in the mega level after perfectly
understanding the entire universe and its purpose for existence, or by simply
understanding a single reality in a perfect sense. "All is one."
A person who is able to perceive in the mega level of perception is said
to possess "Cosmic Consciousness" or is capable of "infinite
Cosmic Consciousness is best explained along with other universal life field

The level of perception situated above the micro level is called the
"Macro Level." The macro level of the U.L.F. is the domain of
spiritual entities that are called Els. Collectively the Els are referred
to as the "Elohim."
There is and El (or spirit of nature) for each planet that exists in the
In the bible the El of the planet Earth is called the "Lord God,"
where as the Creator of All That Is - is referred to the "God Most
The els are credited with combining the el ements
such as: 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom and creating the reality we
know as water, as well as every other chemical compound.
The syllable "el" is found in many words such as angel
which means messenger of god. In fact the names of the 7 "arch angels"
contain this syllable:

Ariel , Oriel , Jerimel
, Zachiel , Raphael, Gabriel
, and Michael .
The syllable el is also found in the name of the biblical prophets:
El isha, El ijah, Ezekiel
, and Samuel to name a few.

The syllable el is also found in such words as: el
der , el evate, intel
lect, elf waves as well as many more.
For a reason yet to be totally understood the Els have an associated color.
That is, there are red els, blue els, green els ect.. We are products of
the Els, and carry the color of our parent el as our basic aura color. We
are therefore called hue - man or colored man.
If a person was able to mentally perceive into the macro level of the U.L.F.
they would be able to listen to the "song of the els." This is
sometimes called the "song of the spheres", or "heavenly
chorus." The els never stop tel ling or spel
ling out reality to each other. The el is personified as a one eyed cyclops
who plays a harp.

Job 38 : 4 "Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?"
Declare if thou hast understanding.
Job 38 : 5 " Who hast laid the measures thereof, if thou knowst? or
who laid the corner stone thereof;
Job 38 :7 "When morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God
shouted for joy? "

From ancient knowledge of the el, or all knowing cyclops, we get the Greek
name encyclop edia, for a book that contains vast
The all seeing, singular, cyclopic eye is found peering from the capstone
of a pyramid in the seal that is found on the backside of a U.S. 1 dollar
The Aztec god of creation was named Hu Mac Ku and in their
legends it was this god who punished the giants of the elder race "by
turning them in to monkeys" See frequency barrier and reevoution article
presented previously.
The essence of life that animates plants and animals is temporarily provided
by the el. When a plant or animal dies that life essence returns to the
el. On the other hand the human spirit and its consciousness survives physical
death to reembody again and again.

Ancient images of creatures (gods) that were part man and part animal (such
as the sphinx) represent creatures which possess the power of the El.

The human brain produces 4 distinct brain wave patterns which have been
assigned names of Greek letters. The frequency ranges of these brain wave
patterns are included : delta (.02 hz to 3 hz.), theta (3 hz. to 7 hz.),
alpha (7 hz. to 13.5 hz.) and beta (13.5 hz to 27 hz.).
Delta waves and theta waves are produced by a person who is sleeping or
unconscious. Theta brain waves are usually produced during dreaming, or
on occasion, in an awaken state by a hyperactive child. Skipping the subject
of alpha brain waves momentarily we come to beta brain waves. Beta brain
waves are generated by a person who is totally aware of the events taking
place in the world around them.
Alpha brain waves are produced by a person who is meditating and is therefore
mentally relaxed.
Electroencephalographic (e.e.g.) research has also established that a person
will generate more alpha waves of 10.6 hz. than alpha waves of any other
frequency. This 10.6 hz. alpha frequency later proved to be the same value
as the Hunab unit of measure widely used in Teotihuacan, Mexico and the
quantum physics constant known as H-Bar (10.546875 omega major units, also
see Ra Music -2nd octave of "A" ).
In order to comprehend how our brain waves connect us to higher levels of
the U.L.F. we must become familiar with a natural phenomenon which is the
product of lightning. This phenomenon is scientifically cataloged as the
"Schumann Resonances."

While exploring alpha biofeedback training, I became aware of a scientific
report authored by Drs. C. Polk and F. Fitchen of the University of Rhode
The report is entitled "The Schumann Resonances of the Earth-Ionosphere
Cavity- Extremely Low Frequency Reception at Kingston Rhode Island"
The report can be found in the Journal of Research of the National Bureau
of Standards - D Radio Propagation- Vol. 66D, No 3, May-June, 1962. This
paper describes the instrumentation that was used at the time to receive
and record the resonances. In addition it describes the phenomenon as extremely
low frequency electromagnetic wave trains that are composed of individual
wave cycles that are somewhat sinusoidal in shape. These wave trains which
are products of some 6,700 lightning strokes which occur naturally throughout
the world every second and are contained within a natural resonance cavity
(wave guide), composed of the Earth's surface and its ionosphere. The natural
resonance cavity that contain the wave trains is similar to the resonance
chamber of a guitar or violin.
The existence of this phenomenon was first suggested by Dr. W.O. Schumann.
Later working with Dr. H. Konig in Germany, Dr. Schumann constructed equipment
that was used to record and verify the existence of the resonance phenomenon.
Drs. Schumann and Konig named these wave trains el
f-waves. E-L-F meaning: of E xtremely L ow F
The earliest elf wave researchers determined that the average frequency
range of the waves was 7 to 13.5 Hz. (cycles per second) and that wave trains
of 10.6 Hz. occur most frequently.
At this point it should be understood, that the earliest elf-wave frequency
range data was obtained under adverse environmental conditions and because
of insufficient electronic technology of the time exact data was not as
refined as it is today. It is stated on page 12, paragraph 3 of the Polk-Fitchen
Report, that researchers found it necessary to record elf-waves at a location
considered to be electromagnetically "quiet" (at least 1200 feet
from a power line).
In 1970, 1976 and again in 1979 a group of associates and myself constructed
a series of progressively improved solid state elf-wave filter amplifiers,
which now allow us to "pick-up" and record elf-waves at any geographical
location, even within buildings.
These solid state filter amplifiers allowed us to determine the following
facts about the elf-wave frequency range: The elf-wave frequency range in
truth extends from .02 Hz. to 13.5 hz. (first ceiling frequency). On rare
occasions frequencies above 13.5 hz. are detectable. Frequencies of 7 to
13.5 hz. occur more than any other, and wave-trains of 10.6 hz. occur most

I was attracted to the elf-wave phenomenon during a period that I was
conducting research in the field biofeedback because I realized that elf-waves
and human brain waves have the same frequencies.
In fact, at most times, elf-waves are occurring in the "natural resonance
cavity" that bracket the alpha brain wave frequency range (7 to 13.5
Even more astonishing is the fact that elf-waves of 10.6 hz. occur more
than any other, for as you may recall, 10.6 hz. is also the frequency of
the alpha wave most frequently generated by a meditating human being (the
alpha baseline frequency). Elf-waves and alpha brain waves are also similar
as to their shapes (envelopes).
These similarities that exist between elf-waves and human brain waves in
the form of their frequency averages and wave shapes; are impossible to
dismiss as mere coincidence.
Experts in the field of electroencephalograph (e.e.g.), unfamiliar with
the existence of the elf-wave phenomenon, have erroneously identified chart
recordings of elf-waves as being records of human brain-waves.
When the average human alpha brain wave frequency of 10.6 hz. and most frequently
occurring elf-wave frequency which is also 10.6 hz. is divided by the last
frequency of the alpha brain wave range, or first ceiling frequency of the
elf wave range which is 13.hz. the result is: .7851851 - - - . This is very
close to being the value of 1 / 4 pi. This information was responsible for
the rediscovery of the Ra System of Mathematics and the eventual realization
that it was used in the design of the Great Pyramid of Egypt and in other
ancient buildings located throughout the world and on the planet Mars.
Because I was dealing with numbers that relate to time (cycles per second)
it occurred to me that nature might use a unit of time or "natural
second" that is close to, but not equal to the "standard second"
of time that is presently used by man. Later research did reveal the existence
of the natural second as being about 700 thousandths of a standard second
longer in duration.
The phenomenal indication that elf-waves and human brain-waves are related
to and / or are regulated by the number known as pi is to me quite interesting.
A study of this possibility could eventually lead to a means for mathematically
evaluating thoughts, emotions and sensations.
The fact that elf-waves and human brain-waves are identical in so many ways
also suggests that the naturally produced elf-waves have played a sympathetic
role, in the evolution of the human brain. This type of elf-wave reinforcement
and influence might play a part related to human thought which extends far
beyond what is presently known.
More information about human brain waves and elf waves will be presented
in a future article that will be titled: "The Patrax Projects."

The "Acker Encyclopedia of Physical Science" gives the following
definition for the Law of Sympathetic Resonance:
"The reinforcement of the natural vibration of a system, or object
by a force acting with the same frequency as the the system. Every object,
or system has a natural frequency or a frequency at which it will vibrate
if displaced, or distorted, and then released.
A child on a swing (subject to earth's gravity) is such a system. Once the
swing is pushed it tends to vibrate at its natural frequency. If it is pushed
lightly at intervals equal to that. frequency the displacement, of the swing
(how high it goes) increases rapidly. Theoretically the displacement of
any resonant system rapidly approaches infinity (unless friction or another
dampening force acts).
The natural frequency of an electrical oscillator circuit can be changed
by adjusting the capacitance, or inductance in the circuit, and a radio
station can be "tuned" in 'by adjusting the capacitor of the receiver
to resonate at the frequency of the electromagnetic waves from the broadcasting
If the frequency of a light wave matches some natural frequency of an atom's
electrical charges, the wave is absorbed by the atom. Thus atoms of gas
in the sun's atmosphere absorb light of just those frequencies that correspond
to the resonant frequencies of the atoms and this absorption produces the
dark Fraunhofer lines which are seen in the solar spectrum."
A reader who has access to a piano, can witness the Law of Sympathetic Resonance
in action, by striking a "C" note on the keyboard and then observing
how the other "C" strings of the instrument resonate sympathetically.
The principle of resonance applies to all vibrating bodies that send out
energy in waves, such as the human brain.
The similarities that exist between lightning generated Elf-waves and human
brain wave emissions suggest that human brain activity can be naturally
stimulated by the continuously occurring elf-waves, via the "Law of
Sympathetic Resonance." This harmonic idea suggests that the human
brain further consists of four resonant systems; which would be the Delta,
Theta, Alpha and Beta systems and that the brain-wave frequencies that are
generated by either of the four systems could be sympathetically reinforced
by externally produced elf waves of similar frequencies. This reinforcement
has been achieved by translating the naturally occurring elf waves in to
pulses of light which in turn evoked synchronous potentials in the observers
brain. Natural elf waves have also been used in electronic acupuncture with
exceptional, long lasting results.
It has been observed that the alpha brain wave shapes and frequencies of
a meditating human being from time to time match exactly the shape and frequencies
of the then occurring elf waves. Theoretically this sympathetic relationship
occurs naturally even when a person is not meditating. That is a person
engaged in any form of thought is influenced by the fact that natural elf
waves sympathetically influence their thinking. Although there has been
no research done to prove it, I would not be surprised to learn that this
sympathetic link between brain waves and elf waves is activate during prayer.
Human brain wave activity is produced when synapses in the brain fire micro
bursts of bioelectrical energy. If we equated synapse firing with lightning
strokes which produce waves of the same frequencies and shape an interesting
question comes to mind. Are lighting strokes (viewed as firing synapses)
the products of the thought processes of the lord God el of this world?
When lightning strikes a sand dune or other type of granular material its
great heat causes the material to fuse in to an object that is called a
" fugilite." I believe that when a fugilite is created certain
information is recorded within it. What we need now is a means to access
that information.
Elf waves via the law of sympathetic resonance can be used to establish
a stronger relationship between a person and the U.L.F. For more information
see the forthcoming article: "The Patrax Projects / Terracyclic Meditation."
In Ra Math Lesson #8 (Fibonacci Numbers in Nature) is found a description
of how Fibonacci numbers, ratios and logarithmic spiral are found in the
shape of plants, animals and humans. The importance of the number 1.618033989
or Ra 1.62 (known simply as phi) was also shown to be widely expressed throughout
The syllable for the Els and the macro level of perception is "el"
and the key number of this level is 1.618033989 (phi).


The ancient occult name for God is "Al."
We find the syllable "al" in such words as: al
l, equ al , val
ue, natur al
, heal th, ment al
and real lty (existing truth). Those of the
Islamic faith reverently refer to God as Al
Pi (3.141592654 +) which is the most divine number in existence is the key
number of the mega level of the U.L.F. and that of the "Creator of
All That Is."

Pi (3.141592654 +) which is the most divine number in existence is the key
number of the mega level of the U.L.F. and that of the "Creator of
All That Is."
Pi or "Archimede's Constant" is both an irrational
number (can not accurately be written as a fraction) and a transcendental
number (out of the field of perception by the senses). In
ancient Hebrew times it was thought to have the value of 3. Very roughly
it can be thought of as 3 l./7. Archimedes knew its true value lay between
220/70 and 223/71. Calculation from series yiel
ds the sequence of figures 3.1415926536. The common fraction 355/113 yields
the first 7 of these figures. Ptolemy used the value 3 degrees, 8 minutes,
30 seconds (of arc), standing for 3 + 8/ 60 + 30/ 60, or 3.1416.
The following quote comes from Peter Tompkin's book the "Secrets of
the Great Pyramid." "Not until the sixth century was Pi correctly
worked out to the fourth decimal point by the Hindu sage Arya-Bhata. It
took another thousand years before the Dutchman Pierre Metrius calculated
Pi to six decimals by means of the fraction 355/113. In 1593 Francois Viente
carried the computation to eleven figures and a generation later Rudolph
Van Ceulin, just before he died, took Pi to 127 figures by postulating a
circle with 36,898,488,147,419,103,232 sides. In 1813 the English Mathematician
William Shanks developed Pi to 707 decimals. Modern computers have carried
the operation to 10,000 points of the decimal, but with no solution to this
apparently incommensurate number."
It was explained earlier that the average human al
pha brain wave and average natural e lf wave in
both cases is 10.602875 red cycles per natural second,
an in both cases the last frequency of alpha and first ceiling frequency
of the elf waves is 13.5 omega major cycles per natural second. When 10.602875
cycles per natural second is divided by 13.5 the result is: .785398148 (1
/4 red pi).
This tells us that our brain functions are regulated on the order of the
value of Pi. For this reason we can think and reason. "Know ye not
that ye are gods."

Animals use only phi related factors in their limited mental activities.
When a persons is capable of "infinite thought" their brain will
use the full infinite value of transcendental pi to perceive the real
ities of the universe.
In conclusion we as humans are proportioned on the order of the el key number
phi and think on the order of pi which is the key number of the Creator
of all That Is.
Look for a future article that will pertain to the Universal
Life Fiel d which will deal
with the fact that we live with a universe of dual
realities and as wel l, the reason for life itsel
The older the language the purer it is (such as Hebrew). Think
about the fact that the Israel i national
airline is cal led " EL
AL ."

Copyright 1990 by Wesley H. Bateman. All rights reserved.

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