Welcome To Nefer's
Grand Hall Of Records

Page 3

The "Life Force" is the highest form of energy in the universe.
All other types of energy are actually lesser forms of this supreme force
Throughout the ages this energy as it applies to human life has been referred
to by several names: kundalini, prana, and chi (to name but a few).
Actually the life force as it applies to human and animal life is a lesser
form of the supreme form of this energy which is called: "Vril"
energy. Vril energy is used by the Elohim to physically create and on occasion
make changes in things that they have previously created.
Vril energy builds up gradually at certain locations on the planet. Although
beyond our ability to see these Vril energy concentrations they are in the
form of spinning Fibonacci spirals. Throughout history micro sensitive people
have sensed these points where the Vril energy spirals are active. The ancient
native Americans call these places "medicine wheels" and in the
present day, a singular Vril energy concentration is called an " energy
vortex" (vortices in the plural).
After a Vril vortex builds up a certain amount of energy its spin rate increases
proportionately. At a time the vortex draws into it a sufficient amount
of Vril energy a "new" or "modified" form of life manifests
within it. This is a very, very rare occurrence.
The direction of vortex spin is counter clockwise north of the equator and
clock wise south of the equator. This is similar to the way that a hurricane,
or tornado will turn or the direction that water will drain at these geographical
locations (Coriolis Effect)

Some very important Vril vortex sites (that I know of) are located at:
Stonehenge England 2) Teotihuacan Mexico 3) Chichen Itza Mexico 4) Palenque
Mexico, 5) Tiahuanaco Bolivia. 6) Devil's Race Track in Death Valley, California.
At the Devil's Race Track large boulders mysteriously move many yards and
leave tracks caused by their movement in the landscape. These heavy stones
are actually being moved by bursts of Vril energy.

Over a period of several decades the Stonehenge Vril vortex has been
accumulating energy which indicates that some macro event will eventually
occur at that location. The "authentic" crop circles (glyphs)
found in English grain fields were produced within the vortex field of influence.
The crop glyphs which are proportioned on the natural Ra System of Mathematics
are actually extraterrestrial prayers, and praises to the el of the Earth.
Placing these glyphs within the field of influence of the Vril vortex is
similar to a Jewish person placing a written prayer in the wailing wall
in Jerusalem.


The largest Vril vortex on Earth is centered directly under the Great
Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. In fact the presence of this gigantic Vril vortex
at that location is the reason that the pyramid was built there in the first
place. See Ra Math Lesson # 8 where the Great Pyramid and the Fibonacci
Spiral illustration is shown. The combination of the power of the pyramid's
sacred geometry was intended to rapidly and unnaturally concentrate the
powerful energy of the Great Vril vortex, for purposes that can not be described
in the limited space of this single article.

The Great Pyramid also acts as a secondary resonance cavity to the primary
resonance cavity composed of the ionosphere and the surface of the Earth.
Natural elf waves that are generated by lightning can be concentrated and
amplified in a scale model of the Great Pyramid. This phenomenon varys as
to strength at different geographical locations and is non existent during
a full moon.

The following are a several excerpts from my forthcoming book: "Through
Alien Eyes." From these excerpts I am sure you will gain some understanding
of who built the Great Pyramid. In a later article you will learn why.

"As was our custom, we gathered on the roof of the temple to pray
and make music. We were of such an age that women gave us honor by walking
among us unveiled. The plaza below was filled with visitors from many other
worlds that came to hear the words of the Watchers. They would be disappointed
this day, for the Radiant Ones had all left to assemble in the land of Mir
to view the Great Pyramid they had raised for the sake of glory.
The day before, a legion of gaily robed elders of the Watcher race had arrived
from their world which is called Maldek. I myself, watched servant sims
come and go from their space craft for the purpose of seeing to their comfort.
At dusk I watched with my wife Dovinta as their silver craft rose to first
appear as a moving star and then pass out of sight over the eastern horizon.
It was then the day of the summer solstice, and there would be much feasting
and merry making throughout the night. We of the temple would not join the
revelry, but would talk and enjoy the starry sky till dawn.
Nearing the eleventh hour of the night there was a great light that appeared
in the northern sky, and our spirits were stabbed with spears of foreboding
and overwhelming concern. The light grew larger, and brighter, and birds
flew in circles, frightened from their nests by the deafening sounds made
by other animals and perhaps by the silent sounds that are made by the souls
of men.
By dawn the only sounds that were heard were the inquiring voices of those
that gathered below. In many languages I heard them ask: What caused the
great light? What did it mean? Was it an omen? Then the high priest Savacanopy
spoke to those gathered, and advised that they come in to the temple, or
seek a quiet place to pray, and wait for the Watchers to return, for they
were wise in the ways of heaven. As he departed I heard him murmur a prayer
requesting of God permission to cry.
Before sunset my sons Somencar, and Adthro entered our home. They had been
gone for several months serving the Watchers in the land of Mir. They related
to me a strange story: "The elders of Maldek joined others of their
race at that place where the Great Pyramid stood. With them they brought
bundles of jeweled wooden rods they called "Vril Sticks." as well
as vessels of water, and soil from their home world. There were also vessels
of soil, and water from this, our home world, stored at the place in a white
tent. A Watcher youth wearing a robe bearing strange symbols walked among
his brethren, and received their embraces, and kisses. Somencar also told
me that he was one of those that took the vessels of soil and water in to
the pyramid, and placed them as he was instructed in the 27 pairs of slots
that existed in the curbs of the pyramid's Grand Gallery. The vessels were
alternated water of Maldek, soil of Earth, water of Earth, soil of Maldek.
Two of the Watcher elders stood side by side, one by each slot, and held
his Vril stick inside of his assigned vessel. The Watcher youth climbed
the gallery and whispered to each in their ears. What he imparted is unknown.
At the exact time of the summer solstice, each pair of Watcher elders without
removing their Vril sticks from their particular vessel tipped them toward
each other until they touched. When this was done the Earth shook violently
, and a red pillar of whirling fire rose from the pyramid's apex. Those
on the surrounding plane were terrified, and cried out to God. They also
saw a great light appear in the sky. The pyramid became very hot, and drove
those gathered about away from it. The pillar of fire continued to reach
skyward for many more hours and then gradually receded.
A circle of dead Watchers were found later in the white tent. They had stripped
naked and had taken their own lives.
My sons told me that Crennamer the trader who dealt much with those who
built the pyramids of Mir, came upon them, and offered to bring them home
and in to my presence. Crennamer told my sons that a grieving and tearful
Watcher had told him that they in error had destroyed their home world.
Crennamer said that this must be true, as all know that the Watchers are
wise to the ways of heaven."
Somencar, and Adthro both suspected that it was Crennamer that provided
the Radiant Ones with the poisonous potions that took their lives.
I lived for nearly 14 more years after the world called Maldek exploded
and shook the foundations of the stars. During that time tremendous , cataclysmic
events occurred on the Earth in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions,
and great floods. I was spared the loss of my mind, where as, those that
lived longer were not as fortunate,
At that time of life I did not know why the Watchers did what they did,
or in what way they made their dreadful error. Even after many life times
since, I think about that time and pray to God for permission to cry."

"The children of the elder race of Earth began to change. They
were not able to be taught even to speak. They desired only to eat, fornicate,
rave, and kill those that possessed any form of reason. Such was their hunger
that they ate carrion and even each other. All this happened as the Earth's
skies were darkened by ash and smoke of hundreds of erupting volcanoes,
and the planet was shaken by violent earthquakes.
When we found the means to look in to the ways of Earth once again, we found
those of human kind who did survive the numerous geological calamities,
did so only because of the instincts of motherhood and other noble traits
of love that were able to prevail amidst the insanity.
I myself have looked in to the vacant eyes of those survivors of Earth's
elder race and other races of the solar system that sought false refuge
on the planet. They feared me, though I would have done them no harm. As
time passed, some of the good ways of man (those that please the Elohim)
began to resurface, but by this time all memories of the past were lost.
At times we that are not of the Earth, attempted to tell those of the troubled
world of these things. With these words we try once again.
When my services are required I enter the "Frequency Barrier' of the
planet Earth , and test its effects. I am pleased to see that the Earth
is healing well. This provides me with the hope that at sometime in the
future my home world will also be restored and support life once again.
Believe me when I say there are more of my kind that have envied your ignorance
of these matters."
"The princes and less exalted of the solar system came with those
of their households, though unwelcome by the natives of the Earth and the
immigrants that came before them. It was a time when the music and food
of some left a bad taste in the ears and mouths of others. There was no
order and too many sought spiritual guidance from false gods, and also sought
protection from the strongest, who took their children as slaves in payment
for their services.
There were times when hundreds of our vimana vessels raised great dust clouds
as they landed to unload their charitable cargoes. Though we came with concern
and love we did so secretly, to avoid viewing the degradation that so greatly
troubled our souls."
I have memories of the most ancient of ancient times. My soul was young
and danced on the firm foundation of my world. People were happy and the
morning stars sang together. Then those who love the ways of the great deceiver
shattered their planetary nest and brought terrible grief to us and to the
angels. This deed also blinded the minds of those of the now third world
that is called Earth. These are the words of Omathra daughter of Vey."

Years ago, I as well as others of my acquaintance began to refer to
the life force as it is relates to human and animal life as the "charge
Humans spend their personal charge force through negative emotions, such
as: Hate, anger, worry, jealousy, and envy. Likewise, we spend this energy
through the channels of positive emotions, such as: Love, fond appreciation
and other forms of affection. People and things that stimulate a person
to produce a particular emotion and spend their charge force are the receivers
of the expended energy.
We can emotional ly transfer our charge force
to animal s and they can likewise transfer their
lifeforce to us.

Sex is an act of communication, as well as an act of creation. Sexual
partners interchange their charge force with each other. The act is intended
for the partner having the least charge of the two to gain some energy from
the act and therefore bal ance equally with their
partner. Though this is the intended result, it is not always the case.

A photographic technique developed in the once exiting Soviet Union
was named "Kirlian Photography" after a husband wife team who
invented it. Kirlian Photography uses a measured amount of high electrical
voltage instead of light to expose the film to produce a unique type of
Kirlian pictures of inanimate objects, leaves of plants, and human body
parts (such as finger tips) show the objects surrounded by a halo or aura.
Sometimes these auras contain a number of different colors.

Kirlian photography experiments were conducted in the mid 1960s to early
1970s at U.C.L.A. by Dr. Thelma Moss. In my opinion the results of these
experiments represent proof of the existence of the charge force.
The finger tips of a number of subjects were Kirlian photographed. Then
the same subjects were asked to drink alcoholic beverages to the point that
they were intoxicated and then have their finger tips photographed again.
When the before and after Kirlian photos of each of the subjects were compared,
in every case they showed remarkable differences in the shape and color
of the auras
The most dramatic evidence obtained by Dr. Moss is in the form of a Kirlian
motion picture which shows the finger tips of a young man and woman kissing.
At one point during the kiss a purple colored dot of light appears between
the finger tips of the couple. The dot of purple light became progressively
larger and brighter as the couple became more emotional. I am certain that
the dot of purple light was manifested on the film by charge force that
was being emotionally transferred by one or both of the subjects.
I can not leave the subject of Dr. Moss without describing the astonishing
results of one of her Kirlian experiments. In this experiment Dr. Moss took
a living leaf from a plant and then snipped a section off the leaf itself.
She then Kirlian photographed the mutilated leaf. The resulting photograph
showed the leaf and its missing section surrounded by a complete aura. Because
the aura of the leaf also outlined the missing section this phenomenon is
presently referred to as the "phantom leaf effect."

All forms of life from the smallest microbe to the largest whale contain
a molecule within their bodies that is called adenosine triphosphate, or
simply atp.
The fire fly contains 2 chemicals within its abdomen which are called luciferin
and luciferase. When a male fire fly is looking for a mate he periodically
releases atp into his abdomen where it chemically reacts with the two chemicals
just mention. The result of this chemical reaction is a flash of light.

The mind / spirit contains the life force of a human being and distributes
it to atp molecules located throughout the body. The atp molecules step
the charge force down to yet a lesser form of energy which the body can
tolerate. An electrical command from the brain (of a particular frequency)
will cause the atp molecule to release this energy. This is how we move
our muscles. Admittingly this process is more complex and is presently beyond
my ability to totally comprehend and explain.
When a person's body does not produce enough atp to step down the power
of the life force the person will burst in to flames. This phenomenon is
called "spontaneous human combustion." There are many documented
cases of spontaneous human combustion on record.
Poltergeist is German for "noisy ghost". Poltergeist activity
usually consists of objects such as household furniture suddenly moving
or flying about as if they possessed their own propulsion power.
Researchers have found in every case that a young person (usually a girl)
who had recently reached puberty was present during the mysterious events.
In this case certain biochemicals in the girl's body are amplifying the
life force and dispersing it in a some what hap - hazard fashion. If this
power was being deliberately controlled and focused the phenomenon would
be classified as the psi phenomenon we call telekinesis (moving a solid
object by mental will power alone).
Considerable amounts of Charge Force are required to perform controlled
activities that relate to the so call psi phenomena. For a description of
some of the psi phenomenon see the previous article: The Universal Life
A "Charge Vehicle" is any creative act or man made item that will
cause others to emotionally give their charge force to the person who performed
the act or created the item.
An artistic painter uses his or her Charge Force to focus their mental attention
and feelings, so that they are always aware of when, where and how to apply
their talent to their canvas. The finished painting costs the artist charge
to create. If the subject of the painting is in harmony with the Universal
Master Plan of the Creator of All That Is, the charge force that went in
to the creation of the painting is returned to the artist from that divine
source. If the painting is displayed, an those who view it are emotionally
moved by its beauty and / or content the viewers transfer a portion of their
life force to the artist who created the painting. If the artist dies, but
the painting remains in a position to be seen an emotionally appreciated,
the charge force from the painting's admirers becomes part of the disembodied
artist's spiritual essence, no matter where that essence is located in the

When a person cleans or restores a work of art their action is called
"extending the vehicle." The person who repaired the painting
will also receive a portion of the charge force given by the painting's

Charge vehicles in the form of paintings which were created tens of
thousands of years ago are found on the walls of caves.

Creating by Carving

Sculpture is one of mankind's most enduring types of charge vehicles.When
we look at the work of an artist such as Michelangelo, it is not difficult
to feel that he somehow knew from where he acquired the emotional energy
that he so skillfully applied in his work.

Performances such as: acting, singing, dancing, writing, sports, and
patriotic parades also draw for their participants the charge force from

Death defying acts emotionally stimulate audiences to respond with varying
amounts of their precious life force

When a woman applies cosmetics an enhances her physical appearance she herself
is a walking, talking Charge vehicle.

Gambling is a very charge costing activity.

During the course of a violent event, such as a murder, a great deal
of charge force is expended by those involved. The energy can, and often
does impress the molecules in objects located in the vicinity with a holographic
record of the event. From time to time (usually in cycles) lines of the
planet's magnetic field pass through the impressed molecules and replay
the event, as one would play a video tape. Some persons can read the information
that had been impressed on the molecules of such and object. This type of
molecule reading is related to the psi phenomenon which is called psychometry.
There are two types of charge vehicles. A positive type and a negative type.
A positive charge vehicle is in harmony with the Master Plan of the Creator
of All That Is. Such a vehicle will not interfere with anything, anywhere
in the universe that is sincerely in the process of spiritual growth.
A negative charge vehicle is not in harmony with spiritual matters. In fact
a negative charge vehicle is usually deliberately designed to disregard
the rights and needs of others.
Adolph Hitler put a negative charge vehicle in motion to conquer the world
and nearly succeeded. His fiery speeches were said to arouse his audiences
to great emotional heights and influenced some of them to murder millions
of innocent people.
The communist dictator Joseph Stalin is also responsible for millions of
murders that were committed while he was pursuing a negative charge vehicle.

During the event called the "Jones Town Tragedy" cult leader
Jim Jones persuaded more than 950 of his followers to drink cyanide and
die. This negative charge vehicle provided Jones with a great deal of charge
force both before and after he killed himself and his consciousness left
the molar level of perception. This was likewise the case of Marshal Applewhite
who was the leader of an organization called "Heavens Gate." Applewhite
also encouraged 39 of his devotees to kill themselves. Both Jones and Applewhite
knew what they were doing.
If a person creates an idol or "graven image" and encourages others
to worship it, the Life Force expended by the worshipers is transferred
to the creator of the idol. This can be called "psychic vampirism."

Pornographic material costs those who are emotionally moved by it considerable
life force and establishes the desire in the individual to recover it even
to the point of taking desperate measures. Some persons are emotionally
urged to gain charge in any way they can. Some will even confess to a crime
that they did not commit in order to focus the emotional attention of others
on them and their claims.
The following statement pertains to how a person might direct their personal
life force to gain greater amounts of energy from others: The word "live"
spelled backward is "evil" and the word "lived" spelled
backward spells "devil."
The Charge Force is extraterrestrial money. Unlike an exhaustible gold mine
or an economy that is based on gross national production the economic system
of the extraterrestrials is based on the universal life force. Using instruments
similar to Kirlian Photography the extraterrestrials can determine the amount
of charge that was spent to create (manufacture) any 3 dimensional object.
The object is worth no more or less than the life force it took to create
it. The extraterrestrial economic system is continually being enriched by
creating things that are in harmony with the Master Plan of the Creator
of All That Is. Even among the extraterrestrials there are those who choose
not to participate in the Master Plan, but prefer to psychically vampire
the life force from others.
Extraterrestrials are naturally able to use micro mental abilities (psi
abilities), and to do so, they require vast amounts of life force. Some
will use our ignorance of the live force to gain the energy they need from
The UFO and "alien abduction" mysteries are somewhat contrived
to make us wonder and give our charge force to those who have created and
maintain them. Other extraterrestrials want you to know about the life force
and about those of their kind who will steal it from you. Alien abductions
and live stock mutilations will be subjects of a future article titled :
"The Rom Masters."
Deliberately telling a lie costs charge. Neither type of extraterrestrial
will tell you a lie. They prefer to say nothing about their agendas in order
to avoid being cornered in to telling a lie. The negative type of extraterrestrials
will provide just enough truth (but not the total truth) to allow a person
to come to their own erroneous conclusions. For this reason you can be sure
that what ever the S.E.T.I Messages actually say is absolutely the whole
truth and nothing but the truth. See: "Nefer's Temple."

Additional details which pertain to the subjects found in this article
will be presented as time goes on. Please understand we have presented this
information solely for your personal consideration and evaluation.