If you have any updates, please let me know at mra@webcom.com
Alan is married and currently living in Sacramento, with his wife and Harley Davidson
Alan is still in Chico, still active in the community
Bolton has returned from Thailand, wherehe worked for the peace corps as a nutritional consultant. So Bill, did you make the Thais eat eggs? He now lives with his sister in Milpitas.
Brian is semi-unemployed in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, and loving it! He publishes a bi-weekly web rambling called The Scrawl
Chad is still living in Chico
Chadwick Sinclor Norton Junior The Third is working for the well known advertising agency of Ogelvie and Maynard in New York City
Chip lives in South San Francisco
Herman is persuing his PHD in Molocular biology in New Orleans
Chris just returned from a year long trip around the world with his wife. He works at Oracle and lives on the Peninsula
Chris lives in the Marina neighborhood of San Francisco and works for Schwab
Havn't heard from the younger Bylund brother since shortly after he left Borland. At that time he was living with his wife and daughter in San Jose
Dennis is in sales of Computer hardware, and lives in the Cow Hollow neighborhood of San Francisco. He does not check his MSN very ofton, and has another email address which being a pinhead I lost.
Doug is currently the youngest City Finance Director in the state of California. He lives in Gonzales with his Fiance.
Garry is now one of Sunnyvale's finest. KTF Gary!
Cabbage Patch works with a bunch of other TKE's in Benica at Insight Glass.
Michael is living in the Pacific Heights neighborhood of San Francisco, and sells Software.
Mike is living in Arizona where he works for Wells Fargo, and hides from the Zoo's lawyers.
Greco lives in San Jose with his wife, but works with a bunch of other TKE's in Benica at Insight Glass. He organizes Alumni events
Randy works for Borland in Australia. Still a slut.
Felcher is living in Florida, and is involved in the film industry.
Ax Man is living in Colorado
Tommus Brommus sells Computer Software, lives in the Marina Neighborhood of San Francisco. Still bald, but now he has a girlfriend that works at the Evil Empire. Yes he finaly did get his 1968 Charger restored.
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