In 1983, I took a job at Smith,
Dennis, & Gaylord as a technical support representative.
During that time I also served as the backup Systems
Administrator. The person whom held that job previously, was
Dennis Fredrickson.
I became friends with Dennis through another friend of mine who
also worked at SD&G, Chris
Schefler, and for the next 8 years Dennis became a part of my
Shortly before I met Brother Dennis, he had contracted a
mysterious immune system disease called Wegner's Disease, and
the doctors had told him that the prognosis was not good. He was
not expected to last the year. Last the year he did. Through the
extensive research into another immune system disease, AIDS, much
was learned about the human immune system; enough to allow the
doctors to treat Dennis's symptoms to the point where he could
live a somewhat normal life for the next 8 years.
A few short years after Dennis and I became friends, I moved to
Santa Cruz, California, and Dennis became my roommate for about a
year. We had many a wild time during that year, staying out till
all hours of the night, terrorizing the single women of Santa
Dennis was so hopeful that he would beat Wegner's, that he became
engaged to be married, and had plans to buy a house with his
fgance. On March 12 of 1997 Dennis became ill with the flu. It
had been several years since any symptoms of Wegner's had
manifested themselves (the last time had been 4 years previous,
and cost Dennis's mother her kidney - Dennis's kidneys had failed
and she donated hers to save his life). Dennis had had the flu
before, with no serious consequences.
This flu would prove fatal to Dennis though, as it would
precipitate a new flare up of Wegner's.
On March 19, Dennis's fiance Jen, took Dennis to Santa Cruz's
Dominican hospital where the immediately med-evaced him to
Stanford Medical Centre. Dennis was in a coma the entire time
while at Stanford, and many of his friends visited and showed
The morning of Wed. March 26, Dennis's condition was so grave,
that the doctors had given indication that Dennis would not
recover. At 15:30 that day, in front of a group of about 20
family and friends, Dennis's life support gave out, and Dennis
Dennis's death has touched many people, and was the single most
sobering event of my life. I have had friends and relatives die
before, and even had a friend fake his death,
but never while I was there.
It has put into perspective the value of time and of life. Dennis
had a dream of riding a motorcycle across the country, and a
couple of nights before he died, Chris had a dream that he was
riding across country on a motorcycle. Chris commented that it
was Dennis's dream, and thought it apropo that he was to have it
at that time. That Dennis never realized his dream of riding
across country on a motorcycle, has given me resolve to realize
one of my long term dreams, which is to travel around the world,
and experience every inch of the way. While I have been virtually
around the world (see my travel
journals), just as Dennis did drive across the country (but
not as he wished - on a motorcycle), I've not done it in the
manner that I wished.
So, I'm cinching my belt, and saving my money, and within the
next year or so, WILL quit my job and take a year to travel
around the world.
Goodbye Dennis, we miss you!
Dennis's family wants donations sent to the Wegener's
Granolutosis Support Group in memory of Dennis. Please send your
donations to the following address:
Wegener's Granolutosis SG, Inc.
P.O. Box 1518
Platte City, MT.
USA 64079-1518
Eulogy for Dennis Fredrickson |