Some (but not all!) of my friends have their own web sites; If
you're a friend of mine, and I've missed yours it's because I
either didn't know you had one, or didn't know your URL, so send it to me!.
If I did put you here, and you don't like your picture (yes this
means you Cap!) send me a new one.
Here they are: (in alphabetical order)
Bradley's Virtual Benchspace Chris "Herman" Bradley
is currently a god in the field of genetic engineering. He's a
fraternity brother of mine from CSU Chico, and hasn't changed a
bit since he's moved to Louisiana.
Cody's Page Of Unlimited Fun Aaron is an English expatriot
C++ Programmer who has moved to San Francisco via Copenhagen,
Geneva, Ko Phi-Phi and Coogee Beach. He's a member of the
Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Racing Team, and the Dollar Point Ski
Cabin. He's currently dating my girlfriends roomate. Makes for
some strange scenes in the morning...
DasGupta's Homepage Santanu is another expatriot C++
Programmer, but he's Bengali, and moved to San Francisco by way
of Calcutta and Mt. View. When I met Santanu, he was the quiet
type, but just take a look at our trip to Cancun
to see how he's come out of his shell! He's also a member of the
Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Racing Team. Most recently, I introduced
him to the mysteries of Amsterdamn...
Galbraith's Website Alan is another fraternity brother of
mine from CSU Chico, and an accomplished webmaster. Recently
Gallant's Jerque Du Jour; "The Highway 17 Page Of
Shame" "Mighty" Gallant is another ex-Borland
employee (and ex-Apple too) who's web site was featured on CNN
Worldwide. He really touched a nerve with commuters.
Gurumurthy's "Say Hi to Raghava" Raghavan is
another Indian Expatriot C++ Programmer here at Centura. Along
with Mitch, and Santanu, Raghavan and I recently went on a business
trip to Australia and Paris. Raghavan is currently on his
honeymoon in India.
Brian King's
"The Scrawl" Brian, is another fraternity brother
of mine from CSU Chico, most remembered for "The Year of
Brian King". His web space is devoted to commentary on life
in America. It turns out that he also knew my girlfriend
independantly, and was the reason that we finally met again.
McGrath's "Flash Gumby!" Scott, more affectionately
known as 'Felcher' is a fraternity brother of mine from CSU
Chico. He's currently working in the film industry in Florida. He
might even have been the originator of SF's 'Mountain Lake
Gator'; Scott what ever happened to Uther anyway?
Orris' "Zaurus Raves" Dave used to work with me at
Borland, and now lives somewhere amongst the rainforest in
Washington, where he moved after losing the ungainly baggage of
his ex-wife. I believe he's single, so girls; check him out!...
If you can. His link id frequently down! Get on it Dave!
Saunders' "Jeep Thrills" Dave is the Director of
Web Frontiers at Centura
where I work, and a Dollar Point Ski Cabin Member. Check out his
new Ferrari!
Scheffler's "Home Page" Chris is the owner of the
service provider that this page is hosted on, and one of the
first friends that I made after I graduated college and moved to
Silicon Valley; he worked with me as a BASIC programmer at my
first post-graduate position. He's a member of the
Rosarito-Ensenada Bike Racing Team. Chris also re-introduced me
to my new girlfriend (I had known her 8 years ago but not well)
Silkebakken's "Front Lawn" Charity is the User
interface Engineer and a Product Manager here at Centura. Check out her
award wining site (Excite 3-Star!). Fellow Babylon 5 fan, and
respected advisor.
Smith's "Totally Hot Home Page" Ann-Marie is the
Beta Programme administrator here at Centura, and one wild party
animal! If you're looking for a good time (and willing to treat
her right!) She's single... Hide your brothers, fathers and sons!
Stuart's "Mitch's Home Page" Mitch also works for Centura. Recently went on a
trip to Australia with him.
"Cap" Walker's "The Walker's Family" Cap
and I go back to the good old days at Borland; Quattro Pro 1.0
was just about to be released, The Ashton Tate merger fiasco had
yet to be even a dream. We've kept in touch through the years via
email; as a matter of fact we have only met once in person.
Eulogy for
Dennis Fredrickson |