Georgia & Local News
Share with us your pro-life news and news which affects pro-life causes - about politicians, candidates, and political parties in Georgia--and especially news from the First Congressional District of Georgia.
New Project
One of CERTL projects in 1999 is buying ad space with a pro-life message in selected area college newspapers and similar periodicals that will reach young people.
Yes, our latest elected Georgia Republican Congressman, Johnny Isakson (sponsored by Newt Gingrich) is voting pro-abortion as forecast. One of his latest votes was against the Smith/Barcia Amendment which disqualified from foreign aid organizations (e.g. Planned Parenthood) which undermine another nation's life-protective laws.
Georgia's 6th District pro-lifers are undoubtedly ashamed they have a Congressman who believes in funding with our tax dollars U. S. organizations that actively work overseas to overturn another nation's pro-life laws. Fortunately, Isakson did not prevail, but he continues as am almost 100% abortion issues supporter.
How to Question Candidates
The former PAC Director of the Georgia Right to Life organization had some interesting observations recently during a political race. In effect, she suggested that it is best to use questions that do not identify yiou immediately as "pro-life" to a candidate. The suggestion is made that the candidate be asked how he stands on "reproductive choice," "Women's rights," and similar phases. It is simply not enough to ask a candidate if he is "pro-life." The term can mean many things!
The former PAC Director, with more than 25 years in pro-life work, ended her observations with the admonition to pro-life supporters to ask the right questions to determine if a politician is "Pro-Life." The questions should be aimed at determining what the candidate will actually do to stop the killing, not what you would like to think he believes. Ask yourself at the end of your discussion with the candidate: "What will this candidate do to stop the killing?"
There are some actions that indelibly mark a person. We believe such a mark was placed on Senator Max Cleland of Georgia for his vote in the U. S. Senate against the federal ban of the partial-birth-abortion "procedure." After President Clinton's veto of the ban, Senator Cleland again cast his vote against overriding the President's veto.
We believe the same mark was placed on the one state senator and the four state representatives from "our area" (The First Congressional District of Georgia) who voted against a similar state bill banning the "procedure." We also include State Representative "Buddy" Deloach of Hinesville in the list, as he was reported present on the House floor but failed to vote; he has since not answered our request for some explanation.
The State ban passed, but was first held up by court action. It was then "gutted" of any real effect by a "compromise" reached without knowledge of the bill's sponsors in a deal by Georgia's Attorney General with the bill's opponents. We list the following elected of our First U. S. Congressional District of Georgia who voted against the ban of this gruesome "procedure" or failed to vote when they reportedly had the opportunity to vote for the ban:
- U. S. Senator Max Cleland, State of Georgia.
- State Senator Diana Harvey Johnson, 2nd District (Savannah).
Currently awaiting November sentencing after conviction of 5 felonies.- Rep. Dorothy Polote, Distict 149 (Savannah).
- State Rep. Tom Bordeaux, District 151 (Ardsley Park and adjacent areas of Savannah).
- Former State Rep. Regina Thomas, District 148 (Savannah).
- State Rep. Fisher Barfoot, District 155 (Vidalia).
- State Rep. Buddy DeLoach, Dist. 175 (Hinesville).
Note: Just because a legislator voted for banning partial birth abortion that does not necessarily make him "pro-life." The recently elected Governor of Georgia Roy Barnes is a case in point. GRTL-PAC advises that Barnes brags of his pro-abortion position; he says he will veto any attempt to change Georgia's abortion laws.Howeever, we strongly believe voting not to ban such a horrific "procedure" does put a legislator in a category with an indelible mark that bears close scrutiny.
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