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The breaking news right now is that Pat Buchanan, a stalwart pro-lifer, has left the Republican Party, announcing his intention to seek the Reform Party's nomination. Buchanan states he left because of his disenchancement with the GOP leadership, not the least of which is their subtle opposition to declaring a "litmus test" for the appointment of pro-life judges. Some thoughtful commentators opine that Buchanan's defection will undoubtedly force Bush to select a pro-life running mate, an option he has refused to declare so far. Other commentators also recognize that Buchanan will likely make mincement in a debate with any of the frontrunners of either major party, a fate they will probably somehow attempt to dodge. Some others are described as continuing to "whistle as they past the graveyard," claiming Buchanan will have no major effect, also contiuning to bash Buchanan by misquotes from his recent book and speeches.

From Life Advocacy:

IN A BLATANT DISPLAY OF HUBRIS, two US Senators have used their power to memorialize themselves at taxpayer expense. Senate-passed amendments to the Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS) spending bill rename the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention the "Thomas R. Harkin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," and the National Library of Medicine, the "Arlen Specter National Library of Medicine."

The amendments were presented by Messrs. Harkin (ranking Democrat on the HHS subcommittee of Senate Appropriations) and Specter (subcommittee chairman), respectively, after allegedly being authored by Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-HI). They were adopted by unanimous consent, as parts of a large package.

We are not making this up. It is documented in the Oct. 7, 1999, Congressional Record.

THE PAIR WERE REPORTEDLY REBUFFED (for a change) in their unconscionable campaign to hike spending for the controversial, family-abusive Title X (Ten) "family planning" program.

Some $215 million isn't enough for Messrs. Specter and Harkin when it comes to Planned Parenthood's principal federal spigot, apparently. They tried, during the conference phase of the HHS appropriation last week, to add $7 million more. Though the report has not yet been made public, House Pro-Life Caucus director Maggie Wynne tells us she has been assured the Title X budget is up by significantly less than $100,000. Though even a relatively insignificant raise is still too much, the thwarting of the Specter/Harkin team is a major victory.

McCain urges GOP to back off on pro-life platform

(CERTL Ed's Note: Good-bye, John!)

The following is dated news, but is worth occasionally reviewing since McCain is touted as the only one of the GOP candidates capable of giving George Bush a battle. (Latest poll we saw gave Bush 68% and McCain 15%)

WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate and Arizona Sen. John McCain is calling on his party to alter its platform on abortion.

In a telephone interview Friday, McCain called for the party to revert to its 1980 platform on abortion, which opposes abortion but recognizes differing views on the issue among Republicans.

"I'm for going back to the platform as it was in 1980. I believe we are an inclusive pabattle for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000.

Texas Governor Georgue Bush weighed in on McCain's statement. "My attitude is our party is big enough for good people to be able to disagree on the issue. But surely we can agree that there are too many abortions in America," Bush said.

Alan Keyes, a conservative talk radio host who ran for the Republican nomination in 1996 and is considering doing so again in 2000, said McCain was trying to edge the Republican Party away from its pro-life stance. He vowed to fight any change in the platform.

New York Gov. George Pataki, who supports abortion and has been seen as a possible vice presidential nominee, recently called for the party to remove the pro-life plank from its 2000 presidential platform.


Bill Bradley (former NJ Senator) http://www.billbradley.com

Pat Buchanan (political commentator and former White House assistant) http://gopatgo2000.com (Buchanan)

George W. Bush (TX Gov) http://www.georgewbush.com

Steve Forbes (businessman) http://www.forbes2000.com

John Kasich (OH Rep.) http://k2k.org (Kasich)

Alan Keyes (former Ambassador) http://www.keyes2000.org

John McCain (AZ Senator) http://www.mccainforpresident.org

Bob Smith (NH Senator) http://www.smithforpresident.org

Gary Bauer (Former President Family Research Center) http://www.bauer2k.com

We have to hunt down Al Gore's website; it's somewhere, we know, but pardon us for not getting too excited about finding it. All of the above are candidates for the Republican presidential nomination with the exception of former NJ senator Bill Bradley and Gore. Bradley is campaigning against Al Gore for the Democrat nod. We encourage you to investigate the candidates and their stands on abortion and to make them aware of your pro-life views. Both Bradley and Gore have identified themselves as pro-abortion. The others have varying shades and differences on what is "pro-life." Check them out!

Al Gore and Abortion

Vice President Al Gore's voting record in the Senate, his opposition to the ban of partial-birth abortion, opposition to the Human Life Amendment, opposition to the ban on federal funding of abortion on demand (Hyde Amendment), and promise to appoint only nominees to the Supreme Court who support Roe v. Wade ought to convince anyone that Gore is pro-abortion.

If not, let CERTL quote from Gore's speech on January 22, 1997 in Washington, D. C. at a luncheon of National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League (NARAL:

"America's women have the right to choose, and no one will ever steal that right away. The right to choose is fundamental, lodged in our Constitution, affirmed by our Supreme Court. And, on behalf of President Clinton, I vow to you here, and to all listening, that we will never ever let anyone take that right away."

Re: Planned Parenthood

CERTL recently received a letter from Michigan Right to Life which reminds us of the notorious role Planned Parenthood plays in our national abortion sorrow. We quote from the letter:

"The long, dangerous tentacles of Planned Parenthood reach deep into our society. Unfortunately, very few people understand the insidious nature of Planned Parenthood and what it has in mind for our nation.

The devastation that this one organization has caused is beyond description. Planned Parenthood reeks havoc in the lives of millions of people each year including our youth.

And they do it with your tax dollars!"

......(At this point the letter cites some statistics, such as the information that Planned Parenthood has 142 affiliates; Of their 900 clinics, 130 perform surgical abortions; that Planned Parenthood owns and operates the largest chain of abortion clinics in the U. S.; in 1997, Planned Parenthood Federation of America reported an income of over a half a billion...approximately 30% of which came directly from our tax dollars; the same year (1997), the organization performed 165,174 abortions and made referrals for an additional 47,550 more; not satisfied with surgical abortion, Planned Parenthood has elaborate plans in place to push RU486, the abortion pill, as soon as it is legalized. They are already using some of their facilities for testing......

"......Since 1970 Planned Parenthood has fed at the public trough to the tune of $3.9 billion dollars in federal, state, and local tax dollars...."

"We must begin immediately to defund this dangerous organization..."

Thanks, Michigan State to Life, for reminding us.


Gary L. Bauer, President, American Renewal, asks if readers remember when Pat Buchanan, a stalwart pro-life supporter, was clobbered in 1992 for saying America was in a culture war? Bauer then asks the reader to compare what liberal professor and author Alan Dershowitz is now saying:

"A vote against impeachment is not a vote for Bill Clinton. It is a vote against bigotry. It's a vote against fundamentalism. It's a vote against anti-environmentalism. It's a vote against the right to life movement. It's a vote against the radical right. This is truly the first battle in a great culture war. And if this president is impeached, it will be a great victory for the forces of evil--evil--genuine evil. People like Congressman Barr, Senator Trent Lott, Senator Jesse Helms, who support white supremacist organizations, will claim victory over decency and decent people. And I hope that moderates out there realize even if they don't like Bill Clinton, to vote for impeachment is to vote to give their party over to the mad dogs of radicalism. That's simply how strongly so many of us feel about this."

CERTL Comment: My goodness, Alan, you do get carried away! Did you say you were appealing to "moderates?" There are strong rumors that Pat Buchanan will run again for the Presidency in 2000. (Yep, the rumors turned out to be true. See below) Alan may have apoplexy.

Speaking of Pat Buchanan, we came across this quote from him the other day on "The American Cause" website. We wish some others would be as direct and forceful about Life:
"Just as slavery was the great moral issue of the 1850s, abortion is the great moral issue of our day. Our Republican Congress has a moral and historical obligation to do all it can to roll back the evil empire of abortion that has taken the lives of 30 million unborn babies in 20 years. We can start by totally defunding the abortion industry. Not one dime for Planned Parenthood. Not one dime for fetal-tissue research. Not one dime for human embryo research. Not one dime for the UNFPA." -- Patrick J. Buchanan - The American Cause

"PAT IS BACK!" Good news for prolife supporters. Pat Buchanan, an honest to goodness pro-life supporter, has entered the Presidential race. He joins several other stalwart pro-life supporters, and in view of the manner in which the primaries are scheduled this year some pundits credit him with an excellent chance of winning the GOP nomination.

Sliding Toward Euthanasia
by Wanda Franz, NRLC President

Dr. Wanda Franz, NRLC President, in an article published in the December 10, 1998 edition of National Right to Life News, warns again of the slippery slope of euthanasia. She declares,"...the triumphant monster of 'choice' is not satisfied with the sacrifice of millions of unborn children on its altar." She identifies the next logical step of the monster as "'doing something' about the physically imperfect children who escaped the abortionist, about the disabled who ask for 'futile' health care, about the old and inform who cling to life and use up 'resources.'"

Dr. Franz cites the November 22 CBS program,60 Minutes, for giving "seriously disturbed pathologist" Jack Kevorkian a national platform, which she adds that CBS News Prsident Andrew Heyward declared himself "proud of what we did." She identifies the Kevorkian segment's host, TV Celebrity Mike Wallace, as an advocate of assisted suicide, relating that Wallace dismissed as "mindless" and "baffling" the public criticism of the show in which Kevorkian administered a lethal dose of drugs to a man afflicted with Lou Gehrig's disease in view of the nearly 16,000,000 households tuned to the televisioin show.

It is an article worth reading in its entirety, and is one more warning just how far and fast we are moving down the "slippery slope."

Look at the label before you buy music! Rock For Life, a division of American Life League, issued a press release on December 16, asking music buyers to beware of what they are supporting with their music purchases. They urged consumers not to purchase music from artists who help raise money and support for the abortion industry.

"Most people don't know where their money goes or what these bands support," said Bryan Kemper, founder of Rock For Life. "Many of the bands on our list give donations regularly to different pro-abortion organizations. These bands also use their popularity to raise money by playing concerts or donating songs."

Rock For Life has compiled a list of artists who support the abortion industry. Much of the information for this list was found on pro-choice web sites that openly promote their concerts and CDs.

The list includes artists such as Paula Cole, Jewel, Carrie Newcomer, Keb 'Mo, Ani DiFranco, Madonna, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Melissa Etheridge, Shawn Colvin, Bruce Hornsby, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Pearl Jam, L7, Soul Asylum, Sound Garden, Salt-n-Pepa, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Sarah McLachlan, Indigo Girls, Face to Face, Dance Hall Crashers, Bush and many more. A complete list is available on Rock For Life's web site: Rock For Life

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